Chapter 1

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The original twenty-two campers had been shocked when they were denied access to the Total Drama Aftermath Show. Their host, Chris McLean, had shut the door on them! Stuck outside with DJ's mother, and a very strange fan they'd learned was named Sierra, they waited to see if it was a prank, but no, they were stuck outside. That was when they began getting noticed.

A couple fans wanted photos with the more beloved cast members. Owen and Gwen both had people come up to them for photos. Duncan had a few girls, and Courtney a few guys. Lindsay had some girls come up thanks to her popular run on Total Drama Action, and of course LeShawna had people fawning all over her. Heather had been touched - which she tried to hide - when a girl had asked for her autograph. One guy had tried to go up to Cody to give him his number, but the crazy fan Sierra had shoved Cody to the back of the group, hiding him.

That was when a strange fan came up to them. He was pale, and looked ill. Heather had told him he looked gross, when he snapped at her, Heather narrowly avoiding being bitten! Confused, everyone turned to see the fan was biting another girl who screamed out in pain. People began running out of fear, as the woman passed out on the ground. Someone tried to call an ambulance, when moments later she woke up, biting someone else.

'Zombies!' Beth screamed.

Rushing against the doors, the cast began screaming for entry.

'Let us in dude!' Duncan yelled. 'Help us!'

Everyone began slamming against the door, when it creaked open. Chef! Confused at the noise, people ran through, shoving the door closed before anyone else could get in.

Courtney did a quick head count, before realising someone was missing.

'Where's my mother?' DJ yelled.

They looked around. She'd disappeared! DJ ran to open the door, but Geoff and Trent stopped him.

'Dude! We can't open that back up!' Geoff said.

But DJ overpowered them, shoving his way through, and shoving the door open. Outside was chaos. The noise and confusion had attracted an apparent herd of zombies, who were clawing and biting at fans. In the middle of the chaos, DJ's mother was stood, frozen and frightened. DJ ran to help her, but Chef grabbed him, stopping him. DJ's mother stood frozen as a zombie bit into her shoulder, and screamed. She fell to the ground, as Chef pulled DJ back inside, closing the door on them.

Everyone took a step to breathe, before Courtney ordered them to go around, and lock every door.

Splitting up they did so.

Cody, Trent, Noah, Tyler, Lindsay and Beth took one route, going around from room to room. As they did so, they made sure every studio door was locked. Lindsay was crying, holding onto Beth and Tyler, as Trent took the lead. Cody and Noah gave each other uneasy looks, and when no one was looking, Noah gripped his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it briefly. Stopping at one room. Blaineley and Josh were sat, doing a vodka shot under their desk. When they noticed them, Blaineley scowled, asking what they were doing in there.

'There's an emergency outside.' Trent tried to explain, but Blaineley and Josh wouldn't listen.

Josh began screaming at them, demanding to speak to a producer. Having enough, he left the room to go smoke, Blaineley following them. The six contestants followed them out of the room,  and to outside, where multiple crew members were roaming. Josh began yelling at them when they turned, their faces distorted. Scared, the contestants begged for them to come back in. One of the closer crew members, came close, attacking Josh, ripping into his neck. Blaineley stood shocked as Josh bled out, a crew member jumping on top of her. As the infected crew member went to kill Blaineley, Trent grabbed the guitar from his back, bashing in the zombie's head. Blaineley screamed as brain fell on her stomach, but Trent grabbed her, and pulled her up, locking the doors behind them.


Geoff and Bridgette hugged and kissed each other to console each other. Courtney snapped at them for being distracted, but she quickly apologised after. Bridgette and Geoff were two of her only friend's left. Once they'd locked the building up, they returned to the lobby, where Chris McLean was waiting with Chef, a man they'd heard called was Alejandro, and a crying DJ. Eventually everyone returned, and it made twenty-seven of them. The twenty-two original casemates, Chris and Chef, Alejandro and Sierra, and Blaineley/ They quickly caught everyone up.

'Everywhere locked up?' Courtney asked.

'Yes. But it's not like we can stay here.' Gwen said.

'Why not?' Sadie asked.

'Yeah, why.' Katie added.

'Because we've got hardly any food, no water resource, and there are hordes of zombies outside. We have nowhere to go.' Gwen explained.

'We'll be fine for now.' LeShawna said. 'Maybe we try and get some sleep for the night?'

Eva nodded. 'I'll keep watch. Homeschool here can keep me company.'

Ezekiel looked surprised but smiled. 'Don't worry babe, I got you.'

Eva laughed. 'It's only because I know if something happens, I can leave you for dead.'

Justin laughed. 'Well, I'm going to find my room, if any of you pretty girls want to come join the hottest guy around you're more than welcome to.'

'Please,' Heather said, 'you're definitely not the hottest any more.'

Alejandro winked. 'You mean me?'

'Ew.' Heather said. 'Of course not, no!' She stormed off angry, and people began finding rooms to sleep in.

Many of the couples chose a private nook of the place to hide out in. Geoff and Bridgette. Owen and Izzy. Cody and Noah did the same, getting a funny look from Harold as they walked off. Some of the others chose larger groups.

Duncan was asleep by himself when Courtney approached and asked if he'd comfort her. He gave her a side eye before nodding, and they sleep together quietly.


At the top floor, Chris watched out the window. It was really the end of the world. And he was here, with the twenty-two people he hated the most. God how he hated all the contestants. The nerds, the rebels, the jocks. They all sucked. And now the World had gone to shit he had a chance to do whatever he liked. Kill whoever he liked. With no producers, parents, or public in his way. Chris McLean was in total control.

Survivors: Alejandro, Beth, Blaineley, Bridgette, Chef Hatchet, Chris, Cody, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, LeShawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Sadie, Sierra, Trent, Tyler

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