Chapter 4

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Owen and Izzy had stopped when he had gotten too weak, and they slept on top of several cars. Izzy had woken up to groaning. Owen had turned. She frowned, but she wasn't surprised. He had been bitten after all. Deciding to make her own way, she continued down the road, to see if there was a car she could Hotwire. She looked around, until she saw an open window, and she reached through. Eureka! It was open. Izzy jumped in, and played around with the wires a bit, before the engine started. There was low fuel, but it would give her a start, and she drove off.


Justin was forced on the last watch shift. He had argued he'd  needed his beauty sleep, but the others had insisted. That was when he heard something upstairs. He thought about going alone, but he decided to wake Eva up. When he explained the situation, she went up first, him just behind her. One of the upstairs was open. Eva put a finger to her lips.

They shoved it open, but Eva found herself walking back. As someone was stood with a gun pointed at her face. He stared between them, pointing it at both Eva and Justin.

'Wait a minute.' The man said. 'I know you guys. Total Drama!'

Justin's eyes went wide. 'You're Brady!'

'Who?' Eva asked.

'Brady. Beth's boyfriend.'

'That's right, where is she?'

Justin was about to tell him the truth, but Eva cut him off. 'We don't know, we were separated from everyone else.'

'You know where they are?' He asked, lowering his weapon.

'We know where they're going.' Eva said. 'And we'll take you to her.'

Going downstairs, Eva, Justin, and Brady woke Noah, Geoff and Sierra up, explaining to them who Brady was, and what he wanted.

'We should probably head off anyway,' Noah said, brushing himself off.

The six of them headed off, out on the road. They managed to avoid most zombies, but one caught Geoff by surprise. Geoff struggled, and asked Brady to use his gun, but Brady explained he needed to save on bullets, and instead he grabbed Geoff and pulled him free, and they continued on.


Having swapped drivers several times, Courtney was back on. It was early morning, and most people were still asleep. She drove like normal, when she started noticing more cars. Until the whole road was full. Courtney backed up to see if she could go around, but it was no use. They were stuck, and they needed to get out.

'What's going on?' Lindsay asked, wiping her eyes, clinging on to Tyler.

'We're stuck.'

'Why don't we go back?'

'We can't go back dimwit,' she said, 'we're trying to get away from the zombies.'

Lindsay pouted, as everyone else began waking up.

'Look guys, we're going to have to get out.' Courtney said, sighing.

Everyone looked at each other uneasily, but they believed Courtney, and they knew there was nowhere to go. Pocketing what they could, the group left the minivan, making their way forward. As they did so, more and more zombies began noticing them. They weren't too worried at first, but soon more and more appeared, and they began running, until they were surrounded.

'What do we do?' DJ asked, panicking.

'On top!' Gwen yelled. 'Jump on top!'

Everyone did so, sliding up the side of the cars, hopping between them. Cody jumped between them, but he slipped and almost fell, until Trent grabbed him saving him.

'You alright?' Gwen asked, from a couple cars over.

Cody brushed himself off and almost fell again, but Trent stopped him.

'I'm good, thank you.'

Chris and Blaineley helped each other, jumping between the vehicles.

'Why don't we push someone?' Blaineley asked.

'Because everyone can see us. You fucking idiot.' Chris said.

The group continued making it, until they got to the end of the car build up. Once they were together again, they carried on along the road, looking for somewhere to stop. They passed a gas station but it was already overwhelmed. That's when they reached a city outskirt.

'Do we go in?' Lindsay asked.

'Maybe the military's here?' Tyler offered.

'What do we do?' LeShawna asked.

'No way guys.' Gwen said, beginning to walk off. 'It's going to be a death trap. We need to go around.'

Courtney rolled her eyes. 'Don't be an idiot. There's food, comfort. We'll be fine.'

Duncan looked between the two women, Gwen was right, but he knew he couldn't leave Courtney, and he followed her. Soon, everyone else began to follow her. Everyone but one person.

'Are you coming, DJ?' Duncan asked.

But the man shook his head. 'No, Gwen's the expert on this stuff. You saw her at the murder mystery challenge.'

Everyone else looked uneasily between each other, and Sadie too stopped. 'He's right, I'll stay too.'

No one else did, and they continued on, leaving the three of them.

DJ, Gwen, and Sadie watched as everyone else left.

'Why don't we go around?' DJ asked. 'Maybe they'll go through.'

'If they survive.' Gwen said.

Sadie gulped. 'Let's go.'

Survivor Group 1: Duncan, Trent, Cody, Tyler, Alejandro, Chris McLean, Heather, LeShawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Courtney, Blaineley

Survivor Group 2: DJ, Gwen, Sadie

Survivor Group 3: Noah, Geoff, Justin, Brady, Eva, Sierra

Survivor Group 4: Izzy

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