Chapter 5

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Heading through town, the group slowly began realising that Gwen had been right. The place was flooded with zombies. They hadn't actually seen any other survivors. They'd had to avoid going through the centre of town, sneaking through back alleys.

They were tired, and grossed out with themselves. The city was in ruins.

'Everyone still here?' Courtney called out.

Everyone said 'yes' when they continued.

They turned around a corner, when they saw a zombie on the floor, eating someone. Lindsay gagged, disgusted, gaining the zombie's attention. The zombie let out a groan, which alerted the other zombies, and the group was forced to run away.

Running, zombies began cornering them in on all sides. They screamed as they were chased, desperate for somewhere to go. That's when they saw it, their haven. There was a shop, and the front door was open, a man waiting inside. He yelled at them to come, and when they did, they realised he looked strangely familiar. When Alejandro ran inside, his eyes went wide. It was him. The man closed the door behind them, keeping them inside.

'You.' Alejandro said, narrowing his eyes.

The man just smiled.

'You know him?' Tyler asked.

'He's my brother,' Alejandro said, 'my brother, Jose.'

Jose explained when everything had gone to shit he hid out in the shop. There had been seven of them, but the others had either died or left. Looking around, Courtney said they seemed fairly protected. Zombies were pushing up against the glass to get in, but they had a few days at least. And they had food, water, supplies. They could at least stay for the night. It definitely wasn't a permanent solution though.

Looking around, Courtney went to the backroom seeing there was another exit which was good.

Someone stood behind her, and she jumped. It was Duncan, and he burst out laughing.

'You dick!' She said, punching him in the arm.

He continued laughing. 'Just checking out the exits?' He asked. 'Me too.'

Courtney gave him a soft smile. 'At least someone's trying to prepare.'

'Well, we need to,' he said, 'you're the one whose going to get us all killed in this city.'

Courtney playfully hit him.

In the room over, Cody slunk down, opening a packet of sweets. He watched as LeShawna and Tyler put a blind down. Tyler hugged both her and Lindsay as they moved to the back, and tried distracting her.

'You okay man?' Someone asked.

Cody looked up to see it was Trent, who slid down next to him.

'How you holding up?' He asked.

'I'm okay. How are you, you know, with Gwen leaving?'

'She's probably safer than the rest of us.' Trent half-laughed.

'Yeah.' Cody said, and he leaned in, his head falling onto Trent's shoulder.

Trent let him keep it there, as they watched Duncan and Courtney leaving the back, smiling at each other.

'I guess it really is the end of the world.' Trent said.


DJ, Gwen, and Sadie had made some headway around the city. They'd encountered minimal zombies, which they were insanely grateful for. Gwen knew she and DJ could fight, but Sadie was weak. She'd stopped crying at least, and Gwen knew as long as they didn't bring up Katie's name, they'd be fine.


Brady wasn't sure whether to trust his new group or not. He didn't know this Sierra girl, and from what he'd seen from the few episodes of total drama he'd watched, Eva, Noah, and Justin weren't exactly the kindest people. Geoff seemed cool however, so that put him at ease. They'd had a good chat actually, after Brady had saved him.

As they made their way down the road, night drew in, and they needed to stop. But they hadn't seen a building in ages. Brady thought they were out of luck, until they found a truck. There was a car parked nearby which he jumped onto, then clambering to the top of the truck. It wasn't easy, but once he had, he managed to help everyone else up too, and soon all six of them were up and safe.

'We staying here for the night?' Sierra asked.

'Makes sense,' Noah said. 'We're out of the way. It might be a little cold is all.'

They could deal with the cold though. It was better than the alternative.

Survivor Group 1: Duncan, Trent, Cody, Tyler, Alejandro, Jose, Chris McLean, Heather, LeShawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Courtney, Blaineley

Survivor Group 2: DJ, Gwen, Sadie

Survivor Group 3: Noah, Geoff, Justin, Brady, Eva, Sierra

Survivor Group 4: Izzy

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