Chapter 7

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DJ, Gwen, and Sadie continued on, moving around the city. They'd struggled making too much progress, as they had to continue going further and further around, to avoid being attacked.

As they progressed onward, each realised they shouldn't have left the group. Gwen missed Trent, Duncan, all her friends. And DJ and Sadie knew they weren't strong enough to take care of themselves.

Moving around, they had to make a detour to avoid another herd of zombies.

'Which way do we go?' DJ asked.

'We have to go back.' Gwen said, as they turned to go closer to the city. 'We might have to go in.'

Sadie whimpered, nervous, but she followed, as they turned, away from the herd.


Courtney's group ran and they ran. They tried to find somewhere safe to stay, but nowhere is good. She cursed herself for taking them into the city. What a stupid idea!

Running away, she turned to see Duncan by her side. Sure they'd argued a lot, but she was grateful he was there, by her side.

At the back, Lindsay struggled running, but LeShawna stayed by her side. Lindsay had loved Tyler, and LeShawna had grown so close to him over the past summer. They did their best not to mourn however. How could they?

Making their way into a main road. Zombies flooded in on all sides. One snarled at Chris, and he chopped her down. They were soon surrounded.

'What do we do?' Heather yelled.

'Down.' Alejandro said.

'What?' Heather asked.

'Look down!' He yelled.

They looked to see a sewer pipe.

'We've got no choice.' Courtney said, as Duncan pried it loose. 'Let's go!'

Duncan jumped down first, and soon everyone followed. Heather slipped, and Jose grabbed her, stopping her from falling.

Alejandro glared over as she thanked him.

Lindsay was more clumsy however, and she slipped, her clothes covered in dirt.

'Come on girl,' LeShawna said helping her up.

The group took a moment to take a breath.

'It reeks!' Heather said.

'What do you expect?' Trent asked. 'It's a sewer!'

They stayed quiet when they heard something. A low-pitched scream from down one end of the sewer. They looked up, to see zombies were tunnelling down.

'We need to go!' Courtney yelled.

Chris stayed at the back, as Courtney and Duncan ran to the front.

They ran as fast as they could down the sewer, until they came across another grate. There was a small ladder, and Courtney and Duncan looked at each other as they went up. Duncan went first, and after realising he was safe, everyone else began following.

At the back of the group, Lindsay and LeShawna were just behind Bridgette and Chris.

'Go on girls!' Bridgette said.

Lindsay went up first, LeShawna just behind her. As the zombies loomed closer, Bridgette went up first, but she struggled up the ladder. Yelling for her to hurry up, Chris only stressed out. Realising she wasn't going to hurry, Chris grabbed Bridgette by the back, shoving her onto the ground. Chris hurried up, as Bridgette screamed, and tried to get up. She began climbing up the ladder, and looking down, Chris blocked it off.

Bridgette looked up in horror as he trapped her, and she fell back onto the ground, zombies around her. Devouring her alive, she screamed as her throat was ripped out.

She fell still, her final thought being of Geoff.

Above the ground, Trent asked where Bridgette was, and why Chris closed the grate.

'She was dead.' Chris tried to explain, 'And they were piling up, I had to close the grate.'

LeShawna and Lindsay exchanged an uneasy glance, but the group continued onward.

'Does anyone know where we are?' Alejandro asked.

'Look at that sign, Al.' Jose said, pointing at a sign.

Everyone looked up, to see a sign saying "Welcome to the City".


Driving down, Izzy stopped the car when she saw the minivan.

'Are they?' Sierra asked.

'Look inside.' Eva said. 'No one's there.'

Realising what must have happened, the five of them got out of the car, to go down. They saw the herd of zombies, and they decided to hop over the cars, jumping along. They mostly were fine, helping each other along. Everyone except Brady, who hadn't spoken a word since finding out that Beth had died.

 Once they got to the end, they were all fine, and Izzy got another car working, and they drove down again.

'We'll find them.' Noah, said as he got in. 'And we'll find a safe place, and survive this mess.'

They continued driving, heading toward their friends.

Survivor Group 1:
Duncan, Trent, Cody, Alejandro, Jose, Chris McLean, Heather, LeShawna, Lindsay, Courtney

Survivor Group 2: DJ, Gwen, Sadie

Survivor Group 3: Noah, Brady, Eva, Sierra, Izzy

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