Chapter 9

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Back in the city, Noah felt his group swarmed. They'd been taking backstreets, desperate to find any sign of life, but it was like everyone had packed their stuff up to leave. They ran past shops which had been broken into, and they realised there was no one around.

Deciding to turn back around, they did a small U-Turn, until they realised their entrance was blocked by a horde.

'Where do we go?' Brady asked, as they ran.

No one replied though, they were clueless. Zombies were everywhere. They ran around, until they were surrounded. The five of them stood, with their backs to each other. Noah stood between Eva and Brady, everyone backing inward. Sierra and Izzy too formed their circle. Zombies moved in, snapping at them, until they heard a loud noise. The zombies looked up distracted, and the five of them saw a person, someone they vaguely recognised.

It was LeShaniqua! LeShawna's cousin. She had a shotgun, and she was firing, during the attention away.

Using that as a means to escape, the five of them fell backward, until they saw an entry that had previously been shrouded by zombies.

'In there!' Brady yelled.

The others listened to him, and they all ran inside, realising they were in a giant shopping complex. Staying alert, they realised there were still some zombies around, so they kept quiet as they moved through.

Looking around for either survivors or zombies, they made their way through, until they heard another loud noise. They whipped around to find LeShaniqua was running from a couple zombies. She was soon on them, and the six of them were running away.

They ran forward, until they came to the centre of the shopping district, where more and more zombies were around. In the centre of the room there was an escalator, which they quickly ran for.

LeShaniqua used her weight to rush on a head, pushing to the front. She shot a zombie out the way, as she made it up the escalator. Noah and Brady made it up shortly after, with the three girls running in behind. Sierra put up the barrier behind them, giving them a couple seconds to calm down.

'Are we trapped in here?' Noah asked.

'No.' LeShaniqua said. 'There should be another exit further ahead.'

'I didn't mean in the building! I meant in the city!'

She scratched her head, 'I'm sure we'll be fine, we're not too far from the ends of the city, it'll be a couple roads and then we'll be fine.'

The six survivors looked between each other, but they knew they had no choice, and so they carried on their path. They walked until they heard the barrier snap, and they were forced to run again. Getting to the end of the building, they ran to the end. Finding an exit, they were shocked to see it too was swarmed.

'Where do we go now?' Noah asked.

The zombies from earlier were getting closer, so knowing they had no choice, LeShaniqua opened the door, and zombies poured in around them. Running through they broke through the crowd, desperate to make it out.

Pushing her way into the open road, Eva made it first, shortly followed by Sierra. Noah and Izzy ran in behind them, LeShaniqua just behind.

'Where's Brady?' Noah asked.

They heard screams. The five of them turned around, finding Brady being torn to shreds.

They stopped for a brief second, unsure what to do, until LeShaniqua booked it, and they all began running away.


Lost and searching for the others, Gwen had stopped her group, deciding to set camp up near a river that ran down the hill. With the height advantage, she decided they could rest up there, whilst staying vigilante and deciding on their new plan.

She hadn't spoken to anyone about what she'd seen Trent and Cody doing, deciding it best to keep it to herself. DJ who'd apparently noticed something was wrong however, asked her, but she still said nothing.

Gwen had always liked DJ. Everyone had, even Heather.

She looked down, to see the other four were all sitting.

'I think we should stay here tonight.' Trent said.

'We can't just sleep on the floor.' Gwen said.

Trent pointed upward, and Gwen understood, they could sleep in the trees.

'I guess if we're doing so, we take turns watching. Trent and Cody you can take first shift,'

The two men looked between each other awkwardly, but Gwen said nothing.

'DJ and Sadie can take another. I'll go after that.'

Gwen jumped onto the tree with ease, finding a thick log to lie down on. DJ too got up easily, but Sadie was less strong, but DJ helped her up, grabbing her by the arm. The three of them headed to sleep as Trent and Cody settled below them.

Cody sat down on the ground, but Trent stayed standing up, leaning against a tree.

'What do we do if we see any zombies?' Cody asked.

'We tell the others, and we get away from here.' Trent said.

Thirty minutes went by, and Cody was sure the others were asleep.

'Do you want to talk about it?' He asked.

Trent sighed. 'No.'


Trent got down to Cody's level, staring at him. 'Look, Cody. I'm not- you know, it's just the end of the world.'

Cody looked up at him, and Trent huffed again, before grabbing his face and kissing him. They parted for another second, before Trent moved in again, and they snogged. Just as they were beginning to make out, they heard a noise. In the distance, they could see a zombie girl.

Trent ordered Cody to remain still, that she might not see them, but the zombie moved closer and closer, and so they called out to the others, telling them they needed to leave. Getting down, the others listened, and the five of them moved on.

Survivor Group 1: Duncan, Alejandro, Jose, Chris McLean, Heather, LeShawna, Lindsay, Courtney

Survivor Group 2: DJ, Cody, Trent, Gwen, Sadie

Survivor Group 3: Noah, Eva, Sierra, Izzy, LeShaniqua

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