Chapter 6

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Back inside the shop, people had been struggling to sleep. The low groans of the zombies had kept them awake. Heather had actually gone to sleep fairly quickly, Jose crawling up next to her, annoying his brother who watched from the other side of the room. Cody fell asleep resting his head on Trent's shoulder. Tyler had his arms around both Lindsay and LeShawna. Bridgette slept alone near Courtney and Duncan.

Hidden between two aisles, Chris and Blaineley pretended to sleep. They'd gathered together a couple weapons like hammers from the back, and Chris even found what would have been the clerk's gun. Once they were sure everyone was asleep, Blaineley tiptoed into the back to check outside the back entrance. Once she was certain it was clear, Chris kept to the front, to unlock the door. As quietly as he could, he unlocked it, and opened the door, zombies flooding in.

Everyone woke up in a haze, as Chris sprinted away, pretending to be part of the group.

'Run!' Courtney screamed. 'To the back!'

People did so, both Alejandro and Jose grabbing Heather.

The closest trio of LeShawna, Tyler, and Lindsay were almost grabbed. A zombie ran to attack LeShawna but she darted out of the way, following Cody outside. Lindsay was then grabbed instead, as a zombie yanked at her hair. Yelling out, she screamed as Tyler wrestled the zombie, some of her hair being yanked off. She didn't have time to waste though, as she ran away, she saw Tyler was being swarmed.

'Tyler!' Lindsay yelled, as she ran out of the room and through the back.

As Lindsay ran through, Duncan and Courtney shut the door behind her.

'What happened?' Cody asked.

'The zombies must have broken in.' Blaineley said.

'But how?' He asked.

'It was her.' Heather said, pointing at Blaineley. 'I saw her, she was already outside, like she knew what was going to happen.'

Blaineley's jaw dropped. 'What?' She asked, 'me? I didn't-'

'Oh my God.' Bridgette said. 'It wasn't Chef who killed Ezekiel was it. It was you!'

'What?' She asked, terrified. 'Of course not!'

Everyone began turning in on her.

'Give it up.' Duncan said.

'Murderer!' Jose yelled.

She looked around desperate, as they backed her against a wall. The others looked back at her angry. She looked at Lindsay who looked away sad.

'Is she the reason Tyler is dead?'

They moved in on her.

'Guys!' Cody said.

They ignored him, as they stared down Blaineley, trapping her against a wall. She looked to Chris and tried to say something, but the words didn't come.

'Guys!' Cody yelled, louder.

Annoyed they looked over, to see Cody was pointing at a larger group of zombies, who were headed their way.

'Let's get out of here.' LeShawna said.

'What about her?' Courtney asked.

'I know what to do.' Chris said, as he grabbed Blaineley.

He shot her in the leg, and she fell down screaming. Everyone jumped, asking what the hell he just did, why did he shoot her.

'She's a danger.' He said. 'We can't let her come with us.'

'It's too late now.' Courtney argued, let's go.

The remaining eleven survivors left, not looking back as the zombie pack approached them. Only Chris dared do so, as he watched the zombies feast on Blaineley, who cried out on the floor.

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