Chapter 8

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As Courtney's large group made it out of the city, they travelled down the road, but as they came across a collision, more and more zombies appeared, and so they were forced to turn along and off the road. Making their way through a field they continued their trek to find somewhere safe. They ended up in woodland area, where they ended up  in a small crowd.

After picking up attention from more zombies, they ended up running, rushing through the woodland. Running up a hill, it became steep, and people were helping each other up.

When Trent tripped, Cody reached out to help him, but he wasn't strong enough, and they both fell down to the bottom.

Everyone else continued up, leaving Cody and Trent to struggle up the hill.

'Come on,' Trent said, 'we'll go around and find them.'

Back at the top, no one had noticed that Cody and Trent were missing. Continuing onward, they realised they needed to stop, when they saw something.

A cabin! Surrounded by a makeshift fence. Deciding to head there, they jumped over the fence and looked around to see if there was anyone there. Luckily they realised it was empty, and closing the door behind them, they settled in.

'Where's Cody and Trent?' LeShawna asked.

They looked around.

'They'll find us.' Heather said.

They looked uneasy though.

'We'll look for them in a bit.' Courtney decided. 'We'll give them a chance to find us.'


Lost, Cody and Trent went through the woodland area themselves. Realising they had no idea where anyone was, Trent stopped them.

'We're lost.' He said. 'We have no idea where anyone is!'

'We'll be okay,' Cody said, trying to comfort him, but to little effect.

'Noah's dead dude! So is Harold, and Justin, and probably Gwen. Hell, everyone else could be dead!'

'We could be the last ones left.' Cody whispered, the truth dawning on him. He collapsed to the ground. They were utterly screwed.

Trent fell down next to him, and they hugged.

Cody found comfort in his arms, and he looked up at Trent, before they kissed. Trent pulled away, angry at him for doing that. Before he grabbed his face and went back in, the two men kissing.

Hearing a noise, Trent shoved Cody off of him, before they pulled away, and saw someone approaching...


Making their way to the city, Izzy's group looked uneasily at each other.

'They wouldn't have...' Noah said.

'They definitely did.' Eva sighed. 'They're idiots!'

'We'll put it to a vote.' Noah said. 'I don't think Cody's dumb enough to go through the city.'

'They definitely are,' Eva said.

'I agree with Noah.' Sierra said, surprising everyone.

'They're inside.' Izzy said, before letting out a strange grin.

They turned to Brady.

'We going in?' Noah asked.

Brady shrugged. 'I don't care.' He began walking through though.

Noah glared at his back. 'Guess we're going.'


Gwen, DJ, and Sadie tried waiting outside the city, but they realised there was no one there. Deciding onward, they couldn't make it down the road, so they headed through the woods. Sadie was getting tired, so they ended up walking, until more zombies followed them, so they had to run again.

All exhausted, they made their way through the woods, until they saw two people.

At the front of the group, Gwen gasped at what she saw, but the other didn't see.

Trent and Cody were on the floor kissing.

Making a noise, Gwen saw them separate from each other.

'Trent, Cody?' She asked. 'You guys are okay? Where's everyone else?'

'We got lost from them.' Trent explained. 'They shouldn't be too far though.'

Sadie squealed, and DJ helped them up. The five of them pleased to be together.

Survivor Group 1: Duncan, Alejandro, Jose, Chris McLean, Heather, LeShawna, Lindsay, Courtney

Survivor Group 2: DJ, Cody, Trent, Gwen, Sadie

Survivor Group 3: Noah, Brady, Eva, Sierra, Izzy

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