Chapter 2

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Chef had woken everyone up early in the morning, to keep them vigilante. With limited food, he gave them only a handful each. Almost everyone understood, but Eva kicked off about not having enough calories, and Owen complained about being hungry.

Cody and Noah had woken up to Sierra on the other side of Cody, creeping them out slightly. Sierra had said she was surprised to find the friends that close together, and that in future Cody should only fall asleep next to her. That weirded them both out.

Bored, people went off to double check everything was secure, including Ezekiel, who no one spoke to. Ezekiel didn't understand. He was trying to be better, and tried to get along with the others, but they mostly ignored him.

Sad, he went off by himself, no one noticing he had disappeared, well, almost no one.

To distract themselves, some of the campers decided to talk more about their lives, or theorise on what was going on. Harold had said it was a government conspiracy, to which Noah had told him "fat chance". Geoff suggested it was contained, and they'd get rescued, but Noah shot that idea down as well. When they opened up, people found themselves growing closer to people they hadn't really talked to before. Katie had explained that she and Sadie first grew close in middle school, where Sadie was bullied for her weight, and Katie was the only girl to stick up for her. Justin let loose that he secretly thought he was the ugliest in his family, and his older brothers were much more handsome - which explained the obsession with his looks. They even got Blaineley involved, and she said that if they told anyone else she'd kill them, but her real name was Mildred. She got a few laughs from Heather, who she death glared. They then turned to Noah.

'No way, I'm not playing this game. Just because we're all about to die, doesn't mean-'

'Oh come on Noah!' Bridgette said.

Noah sighed. 'Fine. I'm gay.'

Lindsay gasped but that was it.

'Well, obviously.' Gwen said.

'What do you mean obviously?' He asked, slightly annoyed.

'You don't exactly hide it dude.'

'You're gay, and you were making moves on MY Cody?' Sierra asked.

Cody sighed. 'Sierra, Noah and I are dating. We have been for awhile now, After the show we started spending more time together, and so on.'

'Happy for you dude.' Trent nodded.

As everyone bonded. One person was left out. Ezekiel. All alone, Ezekiel walked into a room, someone behind him.

'Go away. What are you doing man?' Ezekiel asked. 'No one wants me around!'

'That's not true!' Chris said, stepping closer.

Confused, Ezekiel took a step back, but Chris took a step closer again. Ezekiel began to back away again when Chris moved in, and quickly Chris had grabbed Ezekiel. Ezekiel bashed against his arm, and struggled, but Chris was too strong, and he shoved two fingers into Ezekiel's eyes, the guy screaming out in pain. Chris then squeezed his neck, snapping it, and Ezekiel was dead. Chris quickly shut the door off, hiding Ezekiel's body. One down. Twenty-three to go.


Later on, Chef had told them they didn't have enough food for lunch, Owen complaining. Deciding they had autonomy, Eva gathered a small group of Owen, Izzy, and Noah to find where Chef had stashed their food.

Sneaking off as a small group, the four of them went around, room by room. They ran into Chef who had just left a room, his eyes wide.

'What's going on?' Eva asked.

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