Chapter 8: Haven And Alphie

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"It's hard to focus on these games when all I can think about is Mom" said Pipp to me and Zipp "I'm sure she's fine you need to stop worrying" I said "Yeah, but I'm not sure! Zipp You're a detective! Can't you start a real investigation or something?" asked Pipp she then gave a whine with a sad look "Oh my god that is adorable" I said Zipp gave a sigh then pull out her phone "New entry – the case of the missing mother" said Zipp "Yeeeees!" sang Pipp she then gasped "We should question that grumpy old Alphabittle at the Tea Room. He knows all the Bridlewood gossip" said Pipp as we made our way to the Crystal tea room we the heard some boisterous laughter Pipp gasped "That laugh! That's Mom's laugh!" she cried "Uh, no, it's not. FlyPad, play Queen Haven laughing" said Zipp the FlyPad played a lighter Laugh "That's Mom's laugh" said Zipp "No, that's the phony laugh she does in public" said Pipp we heard the laughter again "That's Mom's real laugh!" said Pipp we ran into the Team Room and saw Queen Haven talking to Alphabittle "Mom?!" said Pipp Haven gasped as saw turned around and saw us "What are you doing here?" asked Zipp Haven didn't responded "Blink twice if you're being held hostage!" whispered Pipp "Uh, girls oh Xavier too! Th-This is Alphabittle! And, uh, this is his Tea Room! Alphabittle, these are my daughters, the princesses Pipp and Zipp and of course Prince Xavier" said Haven "We know him! But why are you guys hanging out together?" asked Zipp "And why didn't you show up for brunch?!" asked Pipp "If you three are hungry, we got a great brunch here. Right, Haven?" said Alphabittle "Mm-hmm" replied Haven Pipp gave a deep gasp "Hitch was right! You brunched without us!" cried Pipp "Didn't you get my message? Didn't Cloudpuff look so sweet with his little scroll? Sure it was a little cryptic, but you girls do love decoding things" said Haven "Would you three like some tea?" asked Alphabittle "We're having a family discussion! Can you please give us a minute?!" yelled Zipp "You don't have anything strong do you?" I asked Him "Do I ever here try this" he said grabbing a bottle from the top shelf I took a sip "That we work" I said "How much" I then asked "Free of charge" He said "Girls! That was very rude what you said!" said Haven "Like bailing on a brunch date?" countered Zipp "Darlings, I told you that something important came up" said Haven "This is important?!" said Pipp showed her the recording of one of the event and Izzy awarding a trophy "Winner!" she said "This Field Day is a special occasion for the unicorns, and now that the Pegasus and unicorns are... reuniting, well, it's... it's important that we have, um... ambassadors to... w-when they..." said Queen Haven "Started well the sentence" I whispered to Alphabittle "What are you saying?" asked Pipp "I am here in an official capacity! Now, if you don't mind, Alphie and I were discussing official... negotiations?" said Haven we gagged "Uh..." went Pipp "Yeah... We're gonna... go outside now" said Zipp has she lead us out "Thanks for the tea" I said back Pipp gave her own gags "Did she just call him "Alphie"?" she asked Zipp and I

(The Brighthouse)

Misty continued her search for Sparky but found out that nopony was home "So, the dragon's not here, and I still can't get up the elevator. There's got to be something I can take to her. I can't show up empty-hooved again or... Wait!" said Misty we ran over to a chest we had and opened it "Bingo! If I can't bring Opaline their dragon, maybe I can bring her their memories. Maybe there's magic in them" said Misty

Zipp, Pipp and I hid behind A tree Spying on Queen Haven and Alphabittle who were laughing a photo's "Do we really need to do this?" I asked "This is even worse than I feared!" said Pipp ignoring me "Aww. Look at that cute little face" said Alphabittle "Now she's showing him embarrassing pictures of me as a filly!" said Pipp "And here he is as a little pirate. Oh, and here he's a ballerina! Watch this! He eats his whole puppy cupcake in one bite!" said Haven she was actually show him picture of Cloudpuff "Now that's a hungry pup!" said Alphabittle "NO she's showing him pictures of Cloudpuff" I said "Thank hoofness I have Cloudy. With the girls away now, I feel so... alone sometimes" said Queen Haven "Hey. You're not alone" said Alphabittle we gaged and groaned Hitch then came running over to us "Hey! Can you three Sparky-sit for a sec? We've got to get across this balance beam before those birds drop stewed cabbage balls on us!" he said we didn't answer with Hitch took as a yes "Thanks! I think I've finally figured out the rules! Ha-ha! Ow. Ow" has he tripped the Birds scored hitting him with the cabbage balls Izzy then blow her whistle "Winner!" she said giving the bird the trophy "Spoke too soon" he said the event continued a Hitch kept losing the weirds one that I sure was when Hitch tripped on a root Sunny walked over "Uh, winner?" guess Sunny giving the trophy to the Root Izzy nodded "What in the hay is happening out there?" asked Zipp "I'm not sure" I said "Ugh, I don't know. This is literally what every sport looks like to me" said Pipp a microphone feedback then filled the air and we heard Onyx voice everypony looks to the Grand Marshal's Stage "This poem means a lot to me. It's called, "Visiting Dignitary Queen Haven of Zephyr Heights is About to Make Public Remarks on the Grand Marshal's Stage". Pain. Metamorphosis. Long division" started Onyx in her long slow voice Jasper then pushed her off "All right. Sorry, everypony. Uh... Queen Haven on the Mane Stage, um... right now" he said "Thank you! I'm very honoured to be here on this very special day. Here we all are – unicorns, Earth ponies, and Pegasi – united and rebuilding the strong bond that once we didn't, uh... We didn't realize how much we needed each other. How wonderful it can be when we're... all together. Which is to say, I'm very excited to join in the judging of the day's final event, the Forest Critter Grand Prix!" said Queen Haven we were too distracted bi Havens speech we didn't see Sparky run off

(The Brighthouse)

Misty looked at photos of us and started talking out loud "Oh, we're so happy! We all have cutie marks and get to live with our best friends!" Oh!" she said seeing the last picture in the middle was me and Izzy ether side of misty in the foreground was Hitch's face in the background was Sunny in her Alicorn form with Pipp and Zipp flying

Misty looked at photos of us and started talking out loud "Oh, we're so happy! We all have cutie marks and get to live with our best friends!"  Oh!" she said seeing the last picture in the middle was me and Izzy ether side of misty in the foregrou...

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A/N: I know the photo's bad but it was the best I could get also picture and Alicorn beside Misty

Misty's paused she then turned to the Tv to heard Haven say "We didn't realize how much we needed each other. How wonderful it can be when we're... all together"

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