Hunters Mark | Chapter One

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December 8, 2023

I've been here before.

It's always unsightly,  opaque, and silent.

I'd imagined multiple times leaving and never coming back but with how many people were guarding me there was no escape at least not yet

The right time was on its way though...

The red lifeless eyes watched me intensely and made me feel sicker than I'd ever felt before it made my skin crawl and feel unpleasant.

Frigid air drifting in from the opened windows sent coolness down my spine alerting me even more than I was before.

"Roslie,  How are you?" A wicked smile greeted me,  cold hands reached out to skim my cheeks and pull me in.  "You don't look so good."  

My forehead was touched along with my hollow cheekbones.

"How skinny you've become."   My capture's hushed voice blew over me.

I stayed silent and kept my eyes directed at the concrete ground the adrenaline in my veins spiked in the heat of the moment, and the clock on the wall opposite me ticked down to my final moments here.

I wasn't in fear, The man in front of me knew that but I was curious as to why needed me, and why I had been brought to the vampire's coven headquarters.

On their part, this was beyond laughable. How stupid do you have to be to show a hunter, your home?

"Why am I here,"  My voice was dry when I spoke.

A smile cracked across his decent features,  it drew me away because if I learned anything in these past few years it was that nothing good came from his smiles or this man in general.

"We've been informed of a very interesting thing,  Little one,"  A very disturbing emotion swirled in his eyes,  "Everyone out!"

My body froze.

"Would you like to share,"  My brow raised.  

The room was now emptying out and only me and the oddly beautiful man occupied it.

"Would you like to share?"  Kelter asked in a very questionable manner,  he copied my raised eyebrow and traced his finger under my chin, his thumb then outlined my bottom lip delicately.

"I'm confused... are you just mimicking me to be funny or are you asking an actual question."   I yawned at the lack of sleep and stretched my limbs.

I stilled as he took my face harshly in his palm,  and the look that spread across his characteristics notified me everything, I needed to understand.

How did he find out? 

I tried to keep my breathing under control along with my pulse, I let it race moments ago I couldn't slip up again.

My assignment was up... Kelter knew.

There wasn't anyone alive besides me and my brother that knew....

He stepped away from me, letting his fingertips tap my chin before away from me and taking ahold of two diminutive sized daggers from the wall behind him.

They looked like the ones I used to have in my family's training room. I examined the weapons he held closely, there was no mistake about it they belonged to me.  

I saw my mother's initials under the handle of the small silver dagger.  

"Kelter..."  I took a few steps back looking around for cover,  "If you're thinking what I think... Don't."  

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