Hunters Mark | Chapter Two

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December 9th, 2023

I had been walking for hours when I stumbled upon a small town just on the outskirts of North Dakota.

I had nearly been frozen to death and had frostbite starting at my feet and fingertips,  but thankfully I knew this secret town tucked away in the mountains and once called it home in the past.

But that was ages ago.

My body felt numb but I kept moving down the cobblestone path that led me through the almost ghostly town and down to the back roads just on the other side.  On my way there I watched for anyone and the silent house passed me by with lights flickering through the windows. 

People must still be up,  I had no recollection of what time it was but by the looks of the sky, it was late in the night.

The nerves in my body were going wild with the thought of being home once again had all the other hunters stayed or were they long gone like my own family? 

My emotions got the best of me as tears began to slip past my eyes, I knew this time I'd be the only one left to walk through the door of my family's home and see the beautiful landscape once more that surrounded it.

I was the last... the last Jäger and it was just now dawning on me.

I hadn't been home in years and knew no one would be in the walls of the forgotten stone home... It made me feel even more sad to think I was the only one left out of my whole family.

This was crazy...

A few stray tears slipped down my cheeks as I reached the huge pine trees that littered the edge of the long driveway.

The medium house came into view as I stumbled over the unkept concrete and past overgrown greenery covered in thick snow, Taking a breath I slowly walked to the doorway with my daggers out just in case I needed them.

When I sensed there was no danger,  I put the daggers down.

I took the false rock out of the garden bay and opened it to reveal a key,  I snatched it and quickly unlocked the door to let myself in for some warmth.

Though I was met with a bone-chilling coldness it was at least warmer than the outside.   Locking the door behind me.  I went to the fireplace threw a couple of pieces of wood lit the fire with matches that had been left behind and waited for the warmth to spread over me. 

At the moment I wasn't in any shape to move,   I needed to take care of my frozen skin before it got worse.   I pulled the white sheet from the couch and watched all the dust float up in the air and coat all the space in the living room. 

Coughing,  I shook the sheet to get any extra dust off before wrapping myself in the thin clothes and taking a seat in front of the fire that was in full blaze by now crackling and giving me some light to look around at my surroundings.

Everything was the same,  minus the sheets covering most all the furnishings, It still felt like a haven, and not one thing was out of place.

I stayed seated on the ground for a few more minutes before my stomach started acting out and calling for food.   My eyes fell on the kitchen a few feet away from the living space.
Maybe there was some canned food stashed in the old pantry?  At the thought, I was on my feet making my way pasted couches and into the large open area that was occupied by an old fridge and stove. 

And a small circled table with chairs,  "Let's hope there's food."   I said and patted my almost empty stomach.

I reached the pantry and pushed open the second door just behind the shelves,  where a few cans sat on the smaller shelves.  

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