Hunters Mark | Chapter Six

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December, 11th, 2023.

|Draco's POV.|

I wasn't supposed to be here.

My jaw clenched as I fought the urge to move.  My feet were planted in Rose's driveway,  damn it I should have stayed on route.

because lord knew that if I walked into her residence I'd have an ear full to hear about the last time I was here.  

The situation we got ourselves into without knowing.....  And since then I haven't been able to think about anything but her,  I haven't eaten or slept an ounce.

I took in a breath and walked to the front door,  I was about to knock when I heard loud commotion coming from inside. 

My body tensed immediately,  I reached for the door handle and turned it to open the door but it was locked. 

Fuck! What did Rosalie get herself into? I heard her cry out in pain and suddenly the hesitation I felt disappeared. Within seconds I had my bow off my shoulder and a silver-laced arrow ready to aim for a target.    

My foot kicked the thick wooden door off its hedges it hit the ground. My body moved quicker than the light itself when I saw the view in front of me.

A vampire practically had his teeth sunk into Rose's throat,  and it looked like she couldn't even move to help herself.  

Why isn't she moving?  I jump into action. That damned fucker!  He'll die slowly if I have anything to do with his death.

My blood boiled at the site and I shot three arrows in a row,  they hit their target in a brisk motion.

The man that hovered over Rose a mere second ago was nowhere to be found only his blood was left in his place.

My body moved on its own,  The next thing I knew I had Rosalie in my arms running through the cold snow covered forest to get her to a safer location.  

Rosalie's small frame lay limp in my arms as I made my way through the snowstorm.  Her eyes were closed and she looked too pale for my liking.

What if I was too late and that damned vampire took a bite?  

I tried to listen in on her heartbeat but with all my heavy breathing and the crunch of packed snow being squished underneath the weight of my body.

I couldn't hear a thing and that scared me more than I'd liked to admit.  The town's healer didn't live too far maybe half a mile or so down the route.

I pulled Rose close to my chest and tucked her in my jacket as much as I could to keep her warm while I maneuvered over uprooted trees and branches. 

Coming to a clearing at the edge of the grove, my eyes came across the small yellow cottage.

In seconds, I was on the stoop banging on the frail door covered in protective barrier runes.

"Vex it's an emergency,"  My deep voice boomed the urgency clear as the moon and stars above. 

I cradled the body close to me in hopes I'd warm her small frame. My fist came in contact with the door once more. I knew he was home.

"VEX!"  I growled. 

The door flew open before I could break the damn thing down. I stepped in not giving Vex any time to prepare for my previous situation.

"Who's this?"  Vex skinny body sprang into action.  

"Rosalie Jeager,"

He looked over my shoulder at Rosalie's unconscious body with a stunted expression, And then looked back to me, "She's awfully pale, what happened to her?"

"She was attacked."

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You know the drill lmk those theories asap, and what you thought about the new chapter. 

Goodnight Lovelies ❤︎︎

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