Hunters Mark | Chapter Five

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December 10th, 2023

After Draco left yesterday, I threw myself into reading. I needed to know what exactly I was feeling and what was happening to both of us.

So I've been in my father's old study reading whatever book I could get my hands on Since my parents were both such bookworms, They had a huge selection of every book known to the Supernatural/Human community.

I started on the basics of the hunters and our population. It had gone down in recent years due to us being hunted, the irony is that we were being hunted by those we hunt, the supernaturals.

And unfortunately for me, the book was way outdated from current times. It gave me the information I already had... Like the states we mainly occupied.

Which were the warmer areas but as of late, we migrated to the colder states.

Thus he came back home to, North Dakota.

I closed the thick book placed it back onto the ledge before me and skimmed over the others until my fingers crossed over two leather spines with the words, 'Hunters History, and Mating ceremonies.' In red ink laid out against the dark browns.

I pulled it from the bookshelf and immediately opened it to read. My eyes drank in each word the book provided.

I mentally put the information in a file and kept reading for more.

According to the text, we hunters were supernatural, from the blood of a witch we were created. So we weren't Immortal but we did have some advantage from the magic in our blood.

I knew, What I didn't know was that like witches hunters had the same half-fated marks cast down by angels, destined to be put together by our other halves.

It's said that the majority of my people don't live long enough to even meet their soulmates.

Which is why not a lot of us know we had soulmates.

We mated to whoever are parents matched us with, but since the last war,  not many hunters have the opportunity to reproduce.

In return, numbers went down leaving us with fewer and fewer choices. I turned the page eager to read more.

Apparently, unlike witches, we hunters, could not find our mates without touching them.

The sparks let us know whoever our soulmate is, and from there the bond builds.

It starts growing with one touch.

It's said that mates can't be without each other otherwise we won't sleep nor eat much like when a wolf meets their mate.

They can't function properly, without their other half and if I'm being honest it makes complete sense.

To complete the process or stop the spread of the mating,  we as hunters, must have an elder to do so.

They commence the ceremony and bless us from our ancestors who came before us, However, the book wasn't finished being written.

So every other question I had... I would need to find out for myself, and that terrified me.

Because I wasn't exactly sure if Draco was my soulmate and if he were how would that even work? We were born to be combatants, not love machines. We knew very little of it besides family love, and even then that slimmed are chances because that wasn't the love we got from our mates.

My brain hurt from all the thinking I had been doing and it didn't help that I had so many more questions to ask... That I would need answers to.

I started to feel sickened. My stomach felt as if it were going to come up and out of my throat along with everything I ate yesterday. Putting the leather book down on the desk I got up to stretch my limbs and free myself of the suffocating room.

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