Hunters Mark | Chapter Nine

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December, 15th

"Oh, you snitch,"  I yelled through the wooden door I could hear Vex grumbling under his breath as I cussed him to the depths of hell. 

The moment I tried to leave the front door, I was pulled by a force into this absurd room and spelled in for hours.

Vex had done the most unthinkable thing and called upon Draco, who in return had me locked in a spelled room with nothing but a damn bed.

I had been here for hours since then and I was going crazy with nothing but my mind racing about what Kelter would do next and if he had made it back to his coven.

"Sorry hun,"  Vex called from behind the wooden material.  "But it was my head if I let you walk out of here."

I began to pound my fist against the force field, warm blood dripped out of the small wounds forming on the sides of my palm.

A pricking sensation coming from my new injuries started running down my hands as I continued to hit the force in desperation.

"This is ridiculous."  My voice became more intense,  "You don't even understand...And I am sure you're doing this for a good reason but you should know something." 

I felt the heat growing within my skin until a little flame burst in my palms. The blood running down my hands started to boil under the heat coursing through me,  and the impairments began to heal as quickly as they arrived.

It stung like a bitch but I had to do what I had to do to get out of here.

"And what's that sweet cheeks?"  Vex cat-called.

When the flames turned blue I placed them against the invisible wall covering the room, Sparks erupted from the unknown material and crystal-like cracks began to emerge. 

The flames began to spread from the smaller area, it covered the room in seconds.

"I'm not your average hunter,"  I whispered. 

I put more pressure on the placement and pushed my hands through, breaking the spelled walls,  it shattered like glass I flinched away as it disappeared in thin air around my body along with the flames that had spread all around the room. 

With one final burst of energy from my fist the door flew off the hinges and hit the opposite wall beyond Vex's standing figure. 

"What the fuck.."  He swore under his breath. 

My eyes met his eyes in a brief beat,  I shot into action seconds later not wanting him to have an advantage, and moved towards the front door. 

I had to make sure Kelter didn't make it home to his coven,  if he did that was that,  and we'd all be dead.

He knew where we were now.. he knows.

Taking a lighter approach on my feet, I dodged Vex's clammy hands, twirling circles around his attempts to keep me at bay.

"Stop!" He yelled as I reached the door and swung it open revealing an obsidian background not at all what I was expecting.  Where had the snowy forest gone?  The frosted ground?  Everything was dark,  too dark.

I came skidding to a halt with wide eyes, a disbelieving expression overcoming my features.   What the actual fuck is this?

It went on for miles as far as I could tell and it was too dark for me to find my way out of if I had even tried to walk through it.

"What is this." My face scrunched up in confusion.  I looked back to find Vex across the room pouring himself a glass of whiskey and another for what I assumed was for me.

"The blackhole." He reached me and handed me a small decorated glass filled with honey-colored liquid courage.

I smelt the substance and watched as Vex drank his first before taking a swig of mine.

"What's the black hole for?" My curiosity sprung from the back of my throat catching me off guard I hadn't meant to ask that question but since I did I was even more curious about the answer that was to be given.

"It doesn't normally have a purpose." Vex finished off his drink and placed it on the small stand beside him.

Why? This could be a good weapon against those who oppose us. I drank the rest of my whiskey and placed the glass on top of the counter space.

"You know how much evil we could capture in this? Thousand of people would be saved if you used that..that thing or whatever you called it."

I started to pace the floor just thinking of how much we could do,  we could finally put an end to the vampire covens all around the world.  

"No magic of mine will be used to help anyone."   The man dressed in leopard print turned to glare holes into my skull I would be lying if I'd said it didn't take me by surprise. 

Warlocks know firsthand how cruel the covens have been after all they were the first target on the elder's list to take out and they had pretty much succeeded.   There was a handful of witches and warlocks left in this world and that was thanks to Yumir,  one of the oldest of the vampire clan. 

Yumir had hunted and slaughtered thousands of people,  human and supernatural. 

"But this could potentially put an end to everything that's been happening!"  I stopped in my tracks my eyes fell onto the doorway again.  If I was right about the odd obsidian portal it would put an end to the vampires for good. 

"You can say all you want, Rosalie.  Nothing will get me to use my magic against anyone. If I used my gift for evil it would just make me as bad as the rest of the world."

Suddenly, Vex snapped his fingers, a rush of energy came from outside and a knock at the door pulled me from my compulsive thoughts. 

Moments later Draco stepped through the threshold taking up the majority of the space between the doorway and the beginning of the living space.

He handed Vex a bag filled with what looked like herbs and spices and then took a seat at the kitchen table.  Draco didn't once meet my gaze giving me a sickened feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Rosalie, sit we have things we need to discuss."  Draco pointed towards the chair across from him and for a moment I wanted to deny the offer and run.

I knew all too well I had nowhere to go so I pushed my pride aside or what I had left of it, and I took a seat without any complaints.

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What do you think Draco whats to talk about? What are your theories ?. Lmk all of them lovelies ❤︎︎

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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