Hunters Mark | Chapter Three

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December 10th,  2023

I woke the next morning with the urge to clean and that's exactly what I accomplished.  

I scrubbed every inch of the house,  before going outside and shoveling a pathway from both the back and front entrance down to the driveway. 

I made sure to have on extra layers of clothing to keep me warm today,  and a simple pair of snow boots that belonged to my mother at one point in time.  

I had found some of her things put away in my parent's wardrobe that I thought would fit me. 

Turns out, I was right.

It gave me a sense of pride. To Wear what once belonged to my mother, was odd because before I didn't think I needed anything material-wise to feel this way, but when I put on her old clothes it instantly changed what I felt.

I only wished now I had a piece of something from everyone I loved that way I could carry them with me.

A gush of wind blew past me as I put down the last little bit of salt I found when I finished and put away the shovel I decided to use the bit of cash I had stashed away, from a while ago to buy groceries for the place since I'd be staying for some time.

That and I knew I wouldn't have the energy, to do it later on so, I decided now was as good as any time to go grocery shopping.

I caught my breath and made the journey towards town.   After the short walk through the woods, I made it to the grocery store in the middle of the Village.

I grabbed a cart and started my way back to the dairy section for milk, butter, and eggs.

Collecting a couple of items on my list,  I headed for bread and grabbed a couple more things to eat on my way to the front of the store. 

I wanted this to be a short trip, the longer I stayed in town the more time it gave others to recognize me.

No one needed to know I was back in town. It was bad enough that Draco knew. That information could potentially cost his, and his family's lives.

I looked down at the cart filled with necessary items, I grabbed some coffee as well before cashing out and leaving I saw my old sparing teacher, Miss Clement sitting by the front door with a white cat on top of her lap.

"Miss Clement?" The now older woman's head turned to look my way, She began to smile when she saw my face.

"Hello sweetheart, oh you've grown up beautifully, where have you been child? I haven't seen you in ages,"  Her old voice croaked.  

I gave her a half-smile not too sure what to say, it wasn't like I could tell her the truth. Well, I mean I could but... I would end terribly.

"Well you know, I've been off living a charmed life." I lied silently hoping she didn't have her slick sense like before.

"Must've been fun, you deserve it,"  she cheered still petting the white fluff ball on her scrawny lap, A larger fur coat sat atop her shoulders almost covering the small woman completely.

I waved her off not at all trying to be rude. I just didn't feel like lying to anyone else,

hands filled with grocery bags and a heavy coat on my shoulders. 

I stomped my way through the thickly packed snow, slipping on slush every once and a while along the cobblestone pathway.

I hated the winter seasons.

Today was a blur if I was being honest, I, hadn't been able to have days like this in a while where It was all so quiet,  yet,  very peaceful.  

The nature around me came to life,  it made me happy,  giving me a sense of clarity, to know that this place was untouched by the evil that lay on this earth.

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