Hunters Mark| Chapter Four

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December, 10th, 2023.

Draco's muscles stayed tense,  He stopped in his tracks as I took another step forward closing the space between us.

"Do you sense that?" I spoke not sure about what I was talking about other then the feeling of shocks whenever I touched his skin.

I watched Draco's features shift to confusion and I reached out further and touched his chest again.

A faint spark blossomed under my fingertips but this time around,  it was more assertive.

"There! Do you feel that!?" The shocks parked again almost numbing my fingertips.

My eyes found his own once again and in that moment it was like time stood still it was like I felt his whole nervous system go authoritarian underneath my touch.

A painful sharp pain poked at my uterus as we stayed in close contact with one anothers body.

I knew he felt it when he flinched at the sudden jolt of pin needles pricing at our skin below.

My mind was too focused on the newfound feeling to notice or care about anything else around me. What was this?

I had all these questions bubbling up in my head making me more curious, I moved my other hand to come in contact with his forearm giving us additional jolts of pleasure.

Nonetheless, they weren't uncomfortable. They were something unique and addicting.

My heart picked up when Draco finally gave in and touched the small of my back lightly. It made my spine grow stiff but as if on instinct I relaxed at his touch. I felt every stir of his fingertips, and with every touch my breath grew short and Rapid.

I wanted more...

My coffee-brown eyes stayed on the large frame in front of me. Draco's gaze moved over my face slowly drinking in every detail he could and down to the oversized clothing wrapped around my small curvy frame.

One of his hands stayed at the small of my back and his other hand worked its way up my arm making sure to tread lightly. The Goosebumps that scattered across my skin drove me to crave more and I leaned in more.

What is happening? I felt like I was having a heart attack right now, I couldn't stop myself or pull away from his body, It was like we were a magnetic field for one another. I wanted to take a step back and breathe, yet, I felt like I'd die if I did.

Would all the air leave my lungs if I stepped back? Could I die?

It sounded ridiculous yet this felt like something entirely different from the other times I've been around men... Maybe it was because up until now I had no interest in anything other than my missions and training.

Nothing could compare to this feeling, It was unused and thrilling. It made my body run wild and my mind freezes on contact.

I gulped and stumbled over my footing, simply to fall back on my ass all while wrapped up in surprise, My hand flew to my chest to feel my fast heart beating against my ribcage. My cheeks were flushed warm to the touch with embarrassment at whatever just happened and I was dying to get air in my lungs.

"What..." I gulped again, "Was that."

I lifted my eyes off the tiled floor to find Draco leaning over the counter panting just as hard as I had been. He looked vulnerable. His body was tense but something was different with his aura and it showed all around us.

"I," Draco began, "I've never felt that before or experienced anything quite like it."

I could hear his breathing grow harsh and his face showed astonishment. Did he enjoy it? Did I? Draco turned my way and took a step forward, My cheeks grew ever warmer as I stilled and watched him with a cautionary stare.

"What's wrong with us?" I questioned him.

My eyes were still on the forest green ones trying to make an effort to read his expression, for the first time in a while, I had no clue what the hell was happening and from the expression on Draco's face, he didn't quite understand it either... Silently Draco left the room without another word and seconds later I heard the front door open and close with a slow agonizing click.

Some part of me wanted to shout, 'Stay' but it wasn't worth the confusion I would have faced if I had said anything, so I let him leave, even when it made me feel nauseated. I stayed on the floor still in stupefaction, cause I knew that no matter how much I tried to make sense of what I felt when I touched Draco I knew I couldn't and it angered me.

Because What the fuck was that...

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Let me know how the chapter was and what you think will happen next,  I love to hear from y'all.

Goodnight Lovelies ❤︎︎

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