Hunters Mark | Chapter Eight

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December, 15th, 2023.
Rosalie's POV

I felt hungry, and side effects of sleep deprivation.  It lingered in the back of my mind coating my brain in Melatonin.

What was this...feeling? This wasn't normal for me.  I never come close to being this drained... even when I was in the basement chambers on The Coven's grounds. 

Hunters almost never lost energy, we were bred to fight and keep fighting.

If we were in combat, my kind quickly gained energy to continue to battle. Yet,  I had felt the exact opposite when Kelter attacked me, it felt like my strength was weakening.

Jolts of pain course through my system. the pain that was coursing through my veins triumphed against everything, I didn't have a chance to fight against it. 

The coldness crept up my skin and attacked my nervous system. 

Icey hot needles pricked everywhere and clenched around my heart,  it was the most unbearable thing I've felt so far in my life.

I was dying on the inside that's what it felt like. 

why was it so cold? Had I been dragged out in the cold...Icey cold chills stung at every ounce of open skin. So much so, that I could no longer feel my fingertips.

Wiggling my fingers and toes, they thankfully moved with me I let out a breath of relief, and even though it was dark I still had hope.

I then tried to attempt to open my eyelids but failed miserably as it felt like they were glued tightly shut.

Irritation began to replenish me as I kept trying to open my eyes, they were like rocks.

"Rosalie?" A feminine voice called to me. Mama?

My senses shot through the roof, Where had that voice come from? And why hadn't I sensed her presence... She,  she couldn't be here?  Mama had been dead for over six years now it was impossible. 

"My little Rose.."  I heard her voice coo, "You have no business here.  At least not yet, Go back before they see you." 

My heart rate picked up,  who was she talking about?  And where didn't I belong?  Mama,  I don't understand.  I couldn't even speak to let her know I didn't understand all I could do was listen.

It grew quiet for a while until I started to hear whispers in the darkness.  An Erie feeling gripped my chest when the faint voices stopped.

"You have to go,  I can't hold them any longer, I love you my starlight, be safe on your journey home."  

After her voice left my mind it felt like I was pushed through rapids of water,  and dragged through time.  All around me things slowed down and reality seemed to show itself clearer than before. 

My eyelids lifted and Dark colors turned bright yellow and white. Objects came to my view after moments of blinking the dryness away and a string of smells were in the air,  cinnamon,  sages, and lavender caught my attention.

Where was I?

"Rosalie?"  A skinny man leaned over me snapping his fingers to grab my concentration.  The strange-looking man grabbed my wrist and checked my plus before quickly writing down something on a slip of paper off to the side of me.

"Welcome back to the land of the living darling."   What?

I gulped down my nonexistent saliva and tried to sit up on my own,  I had difficulty but managed to get up on my feet. 

A hand came out to help me out but I pushed it away,  not needing the assistance.  I could do perfectly fine on my own. 

"Who are you."  I croaked out,  "And where am I?"

"Names Vexdic,"  He brought his hand out to shake mine. "But people call me Vex."  I dodged it.

He pulled his hand backand walked away,  Vex came back a few seconds later and handed me a glass of water.   I looked at the clear glass, suspicion lacing my features.

"It's not poisoned."  Vex smiled. "I promise on my dead cat."   Cause that made me feel better...

My eyebrows shot up at his bold words,  "What?"  I asked in distastefulness. 

"Look if you don't want the water,  don't take it,  but your gonna need it to stay hydrated.  Especially with all the blood you've lost and how long you've been out."   He placed the glass of water on the side table and took a seat in the swivel chair. 

"What do you remember,  Rosalie." 

Vex's words echoed off the walls,  I had to think about it for a moment but I think I was attacked. 

Kelter had been here... my eyes grew wide when I realized what I had done by coming back home.   My stomach tightened and a nasty taste filled my mouth... what had I done?

I'd exposed the vampire hunter's location. 

Kelter knew where I was, but most importantly,  he knew where the vampire hunters resided and where we came to raise our children and live out the rest of our lives in peace. 

I fucked up bad... I should have never come home.  Why did I come home?  Guilt filled my consciousness as I thought about the deaths I'd potentially caused.

"I have to go."  I breathed out, shook my head to get my head on straight, and started to think of a plan. 

"I can't force you to stay but I'd advise you to stay put otherwise we both will get it from the rude gruff man,  we both call a friend."   I looked to Vex who was petting an all-black cat on his lap. 

"You don't understand.." I leaned down to slip my boots on, "And I'm not going to explain." 

I knew it was a far shot but if I left now,  I could probably catch up with Kelter and stop him before he got back to his coven.  I needed to make this right before it got out of hand. 

I just hope I wasn't too late.

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