Hunters Mark | Chapter Seven

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December, 12th, 2023.

Draco's P.OV.

The snarl that escaped past my lips, I couldn't hide or even attempt to hold back if I tried. 

I was beyond enraged. 

How could a vampire be on our grounds unnoticed? The borders were jam-packed with guards all on high vigilance.

And why had the damn thing gone right after Rosalie? Why? What could have been that important was that he went straight for her.  What did she have that the dead needed?..

"Put her on the kitchen table,"   The smaller man ordered abruptly, Vex pushed past me to grab a few potion bottles and a first aid kit he had on the countertop.

"I have to examine her now go wait outside or something."   His hand shooed me and quickly turned away to begin to overlook Rosalie's body. 

My body tensed at his orders I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to move away from the fragile women.  That and the fact, I wasn't used to being the one giving them, instead of, following them.

Should I leave? 

I didn't think I should leave but I also knew Vex wouldn't harm Rose,  Hell,  Vex couldn't even harm a fly if he wanted to but I still felt uneasy leaving her alone. I bit back my response and headed towards the front door without complaint so he could do his job in peace.

I stepped out onto the porch a little irritated if I was being honest, wooden boards creaked underneath my weight as I took another step and sat down on the stone steps. 

But even with knowing Rosalie is safe inside I was on high alert,  anything and I mean anything could happen within a blink of an eye especially when it came to immortals. 

They were quick and light on their feet.

Portraits of Rosalie's pale face ran through my mind I could still see his weakened body lying limp on the ground. 

Instantly, my fist clenched at the thoughts of what might of happened to Rose if I hadn't emerged when I did.

Would she be dead?  She was strong but up against a freshly fed vampire and high-ranked at that... even a whole pack of wolves would have issues putting one down.

Heavy winds picked up and the storm grew wild outside, though it didn't bother me,  it was the fact that I couldn't see much beyond the tree line a few meters away that bothered me. 

That damned vampire could still be lurking around somewhere.  I just wouldn't know until it was too late.  No, you'll sense it! Stay focused.

I tucked my body into my coat trying to get as much warmth as I could as I waited for Vex to finish up his examinations. 

It was then when it got deadly silent that the hairs on the back of my neck sprung up on high alert.

Howls of wolves sliced through the thickness of nightfall I couldn't help but have a feeling it was the vampire passing over the wolf's domain.  

It must have been the vampire.  He had to of been on their land and hopefully they had caught him because if not he knew where us hunters resided now. 

Was he waiting?  Would he come back for little Rose? I had to force myself to not think about it even if it was all too consuming. 

The bloodsucker wouldn't lay a finger on Rose not if I had any say in it, The dead won't touch her again that's a promise I'll take to the grave.

I clunched my arrows and bow in one hand as my eyes searched through the snow-filled winds and over to the tree line,  it was difficult to see through dense snow,  but I managed to scan the area.  

No immediate danger was near,  instantly,  I relaxed.  But made sure to stay focused. 

My body sat back still on alert and about half an hour later Vex opened the door and signaled for me to come back inside.

My eyes scanned over the land one more time before I shut the door behind me.  I went to Rose's side without a second thought, checking to see if she was well enough.

Rosalie's fragile body lay limp against the wooden table and she was so very pale it made me sick to my stomach to see her like this but her chest was rising and falling and that's all I could ask for is for her to be alive and well.

"What's wrong? Why is she this pale?"

My hand caressed her cold skin before I veered around back to the healer who stood a few feet away, putting away his supplies. 

I waited for his response and pulled a chair to Rosalie's side, taking a seat by the table I held her hand in mine.

Familiar jolts shot through my hand and up my arms,  squeezing my heart.

"She lost a ton of blood..." Vex told me cautiously, "You're lucky you got her to me when you did otherwise I wouldn't have been able to help." 

My teeth clenched at his observations. I didn't think the vampire had bitten Rose but I was wrong and enraged.

I could almost feel my blood boiling underneath my skin I thought I had gotten to her before anything else happened and now that I knew I hadn't I felt something new and uncomfortable rise within me.

"She was bitten."

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