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Jungkook wipes a blood on his cheek and eyebrow, he got punched real bad making his cheek bleeds with a deep cut in his right corner of eyebrow

It's his 2nd fight of the night and Taehyung can't stand to watch him anymore. She's with her best friend Jimin cheering loudly for him. She can't understand why he has to get beaten this far. She wants to ask how much money he will get after this or Does he just want to die this way? or maybe how desperate he is to earn money?

Jungkook is focused to win his fight with his mind on his Mom. He needs the money for her bill in the hospital and for her monthly chemotherapy. If he couldn't pay for it by tomorrow morning all her medication will stop

He can't just ask for his salary for being a bodyguard. He just started that job 3 days ago. Jungkook takes a deep breath before standing up pushing himself to charge and take control the fight his way

He takes revenge for making him kneel on that lawn earlier, he's not fully standing up when he attacked him with blow. Now he needs to knockout him before he could take a chance to get back on his feet. He has a glimpse of the timer having another 30 seconds but seems like the clock ticks a little too slow for him, he needs to make sure he will stay down to make sure his win

He looks out at the audience seeing his friends standing up from their chairs shouting his name. Taehyung is with them but her head is low eyes looking at her lap probably playing with her fingers just to take away her attention of what is happening in her surroundings

She even asks herself what she is doing in that place, what makes her think she will be comfortable to come with them, no one force her to come, it's her choice

The bell went off and the announcer declares a winner. His name echoes in the whole place as he raise both of his arms

Jimin grabs her in the wrist to get into his room ahead of Jungkook and Yoongi with Mingyu carrying his bag of wins

Jungkook walks in with a towel over his head covering his bloody face and Taehyung can't stop herself from going to him, to check all his wounds and bruises

His friends watch her standing in front of Jungkook raising a hand to take away the towel in his head to have a good look of his face. His hands and face have all cuts that are mostly small but there's long and deep cuts too. Some are still bleeding

She gets a first aid kit and pulls him to sit in the corner and drag a chair to start cleaning his wounds and bandage him up but Jungkook got to asks

"What.. what are you doing?"
Taehyung is a doctor and she couldn't stand to be with someone this beaten and not doing anything. She feels the need to help him heal but his question makes herself stop what she's starting to do

"I ahm.. i was, I'm going to..." She raised her hand already holding a piece of cotton and antiseptic to clean the cut in his cheeks and eyebrows

"But ma'am.. you don't have to do this"

But Taehyung will do it anyway, she's a doctor and they can stop her.. she starts to do what she wants and ignore whatever he's saying.. for her it's a sin not to help him when she's there that have a knowledge to do this

She wets the cotton with antiseptic and starts cleaning his face, the tissue are all over the place with bandage and tapes to keep it all in place. She doesn't even ask for help to any one of them till she is done

Jungkook flinches every time she dump and wet cotton on his wounds even she's being gentle with him and Jungkook doesn't know what to feel. She's gentle as an angel and all he can do is to watch her every move

She's so close to him as he enjoys watching her taking care of him. Jungkook thinks he will get healed faster than before now that he looks like having a personal doctor with him

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