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Two men standing up in the middle of the room, both are breathing heavily, tired from throwing punches. They look like they just got out of the shower with sweat mixed with blood on their bruised faces and knuckles

Taehyung has her eyes staring on the floor, hands covering her eyes. She doesn't know how long they have been training and if they can still call it training? The scene is more likely what she saw when Jungkook had a match in that underground fight, beating each other till one of them gives up

Well for Jungkook, he doesn't want to give up. He needs to stay as her bodyguard though the first three men that came up with him gave up already now lying in the ground covered with their own blood and Jungkook doesn't know if he had killed them

She whispers to his father fully entertained of watching them over on one way mirror

"Yeah? What is it darling?"
He glances at her and signals his men to stop the fight seeing his daughter state. Jungkook proves that he's good at close combat but he still want to know how good he is when it comes to weapons

"he's good! Just like his records says"
He holds her hand taking it away from her face. Taehyung sighs seeing his men open the other room, giving them towels

Taehyung stay in her chair now eyes on Jungkook. The man stays standing up though he wants to sit even on the floor. He can't feel his knees anymore, he's too tired but his boss is still there looking at him from head to foot

"Okay, you perform well... I need to go, there'll be next time" he stands up and leans to his daughter kissing her on the forehead

"I have to go, take care of yourself sweetheart, call me if you need anything"
Taehyung nods at him and waits till all of his men leaves the room. She stands up when Jungkook falls down on the floor, he's too tired to even seat on a chair and stay laying there

Taehyung holds his head and lays it on her lap, she couldn't help it but to run her fingers on his head combing his hair. Jungkook falls asleep as she asks someone to help her put him on the bed, change his clothes and cleans him with wet towel. After her maids are done with him, she asks them to leave them

She sit on the side of the bed staring at his bruised face.. She's been thinking how he can fight for tomorrow's night in this condition, he needs to eat and keeps hydrated but if he stays in bed to rest he will surely lose his titles. She knows his fight will bring him money that his mother needs

Taehyung has been staring at his innocent looking face, no one would thinks that the kind of face he has is a fighter in that kind of ring. Underground fight is dirty. They can do everything just to win but, they can take drugs and no one will complain

She runs her cold fingers on his bruises, she's thinking of his mother. Her beautiful Mom needs him. The nurses told her she's been asking for him

Jungkook feels much relief from the pain in his head after a while. He feels a hand still on the side of his face. He reaches for it, leaning to her touch unconsciously. Taehyung flinches. She didn't expect that Jungkook would caught her. She pulls her hand out of him but Jungkook grabs it feeling the cold is slipping on his hold

He tries to open his eyes to see who is touching him but Taehyung grabs a pillow to cover his eyes, she pulls her hand hard and stands up to get out of the room fast closing the door behind. Jungkook who is still tired throws the pillow on the side and attemps to lift his body from the bed but couldn't.

He watches a faint figure that is moving fast to get out, leaving

He says incoherently and Taehyung didn't hear him. A loud shut of door is being heard

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