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Jungkook whispers beside her hospital bed. He was holding her hand for some time now as he waits her to wake up

Taehyung opens her eyes and feels the other hand on her

She blinks and search for his man

"I'm here.. I'm here baby"
He stand and cups her face. Taehyung smile at him

"How are you feeling? What do you want to eat? I get you some water"
Jungkook rushes to move around and get things for her but Taehyung tightens her hold

"I'm fine.. I can heal myself, remember? Just.. I want you close"
She tries to sit but Jungkook still helps her

"I'm sorry for leaving you.. I shouldn't have"

"but you have too. I'm sure something came up more important, you wouldn't left if it's not, right?"

"yes" he nods "but still.. you only have me to protect you but.."

"how's your Mom?"
Jungkook widen his eyes. He can't remember he told her about it

"I heard you.. I heard you talking to someone in your phone outside this room before Dad came"

"ah, that.. yes, but she's alright now. My friends are with her"

"that's good"
She look down on her lap with her hands on it

"Dad said he will add more bodyguards for me"  Taehyung isn't happy about the idea

" Don't worry about it. He always does that"

"But it's different this time.. i think it's nothing like his men in uniform"

"we will handle it, don't get stress about it"

She nods softly

"I want to go home now"
She slides her legs on the side of the bed to stand but his father suddenly walks in

"ready to go home?" He asked, his arms crossed against his chest

She gasps

" You're going home to one of my house"  he said taking a step closer to her. He runs his hand on her hair

"But Dad.. I have my own place"

"That place is not secure anymore for you.. i need to keep you safe!"
He looks at her bodyguard. Jungkook's head hangs low. Mr. Kim still blames him for what happened to his daughter

"But Dad.. it's not his fault"
Mr. Kim glares at her

"It's not his fault? So why are you being rushed here in the middle of the night? if it's not his then Who's fault is that? My men?!"

"I sincerely apologize sir"
Jungkook bows his head

"no! Stop that!"
Taehyung raise her voice

"yes, it's your men, if they are capable enough, those men that wants to kidnapped me couldn't get inside my gate and reached me on my room"

"so you're telling me it's my men fault"

"yes, of course.. my bodyguard is with me inside my house, it's theirs! If they only do their job efficiently, Jungkook didn't have to save me from them!"

Mr. Kim stops his movements with his fingers under his chin, Taehyung is quite have a point

"so, you're telling me. I need more men like him around your house" he point his finger to Jungkook

Taehyung nods hesitantly but afraid of what her dad might come up with a solution

"alright.. I'll get my men, surrounding your place, inside and outside the perimeter.. now tell me, do you want that?"

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