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Jungkook whispers staring at the bouquet he just ordered for his boss. Taehyung is still in her room, it's still early to go out, to go in the hospital and face her work and here he is holding the roses thinking how he will give it to her

He should have reasons why he bought it and why he wants her to have it but he doesn't know, he can't come up with an alibi why he even bought it

Jungkook drops it on his bed and goes to the bathroom. He needs a shower and to continue to think about the flowers but not long after he comes out with a towel around his waist, a small towel to dry his hair. He doesn't even heard someone's calling his name

Taehyung just entered his room. She's been calling him but no one is answering the door. She stand at the edge of the bed, eyes on the bouquet. She look up seeing the door of the bathroom opening. Jungkook comes out shaking his head a little, unknown to who is already inside his room

Taehyung is staring. She's looking on how good his body is. He has bruises and cuts, probably from the fight last night till her eyes lands on his abs. His abs looks hard and she wants to feel it under her palms

Taehyung is a doctor, she used to see abs especially with her patient got injuries from gym but didn't feel what is she feeling right now. It's Jungkook's abs and somehow she is curious how it feels

Jungkook looks up seeing his boss staring at him, he smirks and walks up to her, he wants to tease her. Taehyung shifts her eyes now looking everywhere till her eyes lands on the flowers again. She like roses and to shifts the tension inside the room, she asked

"You'll visit your Mom?"

Jungkook looks at the flowers as he stand close to her

"Yeah, i will but.. this flowers are not for her"

"Oh well, I just came to ask you if you wanted to take a rest, I shouldn't have entered without permission.. I just.."

Taehyung hesitates, turning away, she feels her cheeks warming up, his body is so near and she probably heals him in the open. She needs to get out and feels dumb for thinking who is he going to give it to, he must've like someone and it's out of her business to know whoever she is but Jungkook holds her wrists gently, stopping her to go

"Ma'am, if you have to be somewhere, I need to be with you.."

"Of course.. you're my bodyguard"
She says silently but doesn't pull back her arm, she's facing his body again but now she didn't hesitate to push him a little with her fingers

It lands to his abs then she stops, she looks up at him. Jungkook looks so handsome with wet hair. She's staring for a moment. Jungkook holds her hand and presses it on his abs. Her hand is cold, he feels it, Taehyung is doing it unintentionally, she's healing his bruises and cuts again. She pushes him hard but she's the one stumble back. Jungkook didn't bulge

"I... I'm sorry.."

Jungkook knows he shouldn't hold her like that. She is his boss and nothing more

"I.. I don't have any schedule, i just thought maybe you need to rest but.."
She look back at the roses

"She must've been waiting for you.., I should, I mean.. I'll go now so you could prepare"

"What? Who would wait for me?"

"But you can go, you have a date, with flowers, of course" she laughs awkwardly

She steps back going to the door but Jungkook walks further, he doesn't want it if she's giving space between them

He asked then looks at what she's looking. Of course there's a flowers and he just came out from a shower. Signs are giving her that he might have a date. He smiles and gets the flowers

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