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Mingyu came early the day of his training before the next fight, Jungkook stops on his movements, eyes following his friend. Mingyu slumps sitting on the bench side of the gym staring at his friend, he has something to say to him but he didn't know how to start

Jungkook walks to him, he knows he's having a problem with that gesture and looks. He stands in front of him and ask

"What's wrong?"

Mingyu looks up at him, then looks away, he feels he's betraying his friend for making a decision without discussing it with him first. He shakes his head

"I... I have scheduled you for another fight"  he says silently still not looking at him. Jungkook moves to sit beside him, loosening his gloves

"Yeah, you've told me, what about it?"

"You... You need,.. you need to lose it"

Jungkook turn his head. He needs to see his face if he heard him right. He raise an eyebrow

"You mean win it"

"No, Jungkook.. you need to lose in this one"

Jungkook take off his gloves and laughs "what do you mean lose it? I have that title for 2 months now, this fight will be my 15th? I'm undefeated so why you're asking me to lose it?"

"They want you to drop the title, Kook in exchange of large amount of money..."

Jungkook stand and face him, he's confused. He needs to know why his friend agreed to this

"If I lose this title I need to start from the bottom. I have raised my prize this far and you want me to just drop it?!"

"Kook, I have to agreed to their terms.. I would want you to lose that title than to lose you... " He raised his voice now having an argument with him

"what do you mean by that? You will lose me? I'm going to win that and I'll prove that you won't lose me!"

"it's not like that Kook! They were going to kill you...and your Mom if I'd didn't agreed to it.. it's just a title.. you can earn it again!"

Jungkook drops his gloves, just by thinking someone involving his mother into this much more threatening him using her is enough to lose his cool

"Who are they?!"
Mingyu stands up seeing his friend's eyes darkened.. it's enough signs that part of his awakens. He wouldn't like to bring back that dark side. Jungkook fist clench

"Kook, you need to stay calm.. don't lose control over them, they just want your title. That's it"

"But they know something about me, they know my Mom!"

"No, they didn't.. they just use her to convince me agreed to that deal, they just want the title"
Mingyu holds his shoulder somehow convincing him that's the only reason. "They have nothing against you. Just give them that damn title"

"But still! I need their names. Provide me names so I know who I will turn to if something happens to my Mom"

"Of course.. I'll get them for you"

Jungkook calms down a little till his phone rings on top of his bag, his boss is calling. He answer it right away

"Ma'am, good morning, I'll be on my way"

"no, I... I was thinking about your Mom? I have ready a room for her and my friend is here to read her records for diagnosis"

"but ma'am.. i ahm..mom is... "

"I knew you're going to deny it but I insists.. I want to help"

"but maybe they were on the way to..."

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