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It's late in the evening when Jimin decides to leave his best friend. Taehyung is now laying in bed with eyelids closing, she feels sleepy but didn't want him to go

"I need to go now, it's already late"
Jimin stands and leans to her, to kiss her on the forehead. Taehyung hums not permitting him to go but she doesn't even want to move a muscle

"Just stay here for a while"
She whines trying to reach him but Jimin is already in the door

"Yoongi says he's going to pick me knowing his boyfriend is just in the other room with Jungkook

She pulls a blanket and embraces it but then they hear some strange noises outside her room

"What is that?"
Jimin wants to peak on the door but the noise becomes louder and seems near

"Does a burglar can..."
Taehyung wakes up rises from the bed and looks at him

"No, it's impossible.. i know i have a few guards outside"

"Jimin makes sure their door is locked before going beside her

A few noises can still be heard with crashing windows. Taehyung dialled Jungkook's number. She wants to know what is happening outside her door when it suddenly got silent

Tae opens it looking outside when a not familiar face peaks on it. She shouts, startled from it but someone pulls the man by the head and head locks him till she hears a crack from his neck

She saw Jungkook releasing the man from his hold and letting it drop on the floor. The whole house is a mess with few bodies all over, Yoongi comes to view after he slashes the intruders neck

Jungkook pushed the man out of the way using his feet, kicking it to the side so Taehyung wouldn't see the dead body but it's too late for that

Jungkook's white shirt has blood though she doesn't know if it's his

"What happened here?"
Jimin pushes Taehyung to the side going to his boyfriend that is behind Jungkook

"Someone breaks in and.."

"How are you? Are you hurt?!"
Jimin asked feeling afraid but Taehyung takes a slow step afraid to come out of her room though Jungkook is standing there looking okay

"Jungkook?"  She asked afraid, eyes looking around the house

"It's all fine ma'am. Everything is clear"

Jungkook can see that she's afraid, that she doesn't want to go out of her room.. those men intentions might want to get her but unfortunately for them, she has her bodyguard

"Are you sure? You have blood on your shirt?" Her eyes look on his chest

"Yes ma'am.. I'm alright"  he looked down on his clothes

"this is not mine" he denies, tries to wipe it, he acts like it doesn't hurt but the stain got more messier. He looked around the mess they did and chuckled awkwardly

"It's just another day ma'am"

Taehyung stares thinking if she's going to him, to check him out but she's afraid.. it's not the first time someone attempts to kidnap her but this is definitely the first time she sees dead bodies laying around inside her house

"Yeah.. just another day, I guess"
She says quietly and closes the door. She lays on her bed waiting for her eyes to close voluntarily. She so thankful that Jungkook is just on the other room

Jungkook and Yoongi clean up the bodies, calling his boss to report it. Once he reached his phone, Mr. Kim deploys his men and makes sure no trace will left behind inside her house. They cleaned it like a professional

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