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He drives through the gate and breaks it. Making so much noise for the enemies to turn on him. Sounds of gunshots echoes all over inside the tall concrete surrounding the house

Jungkook feels his heart beat races in his ears. He grips on his gun and shoots anyone on sight. They are wearing military uniforms but definitely not like her father's men

He makes sure he won't waste any bullets. One bullet hole between their eyes or in their chest. He makes sure they will drop dead making way inside the house. He kicks some things out of the way. It's all messy while some of the guards are inside. Enemies too, some are having a one on one combat because they run out of bullets and he's too

He feels the magazine in his pocket and reloads his gun. He helps them till some one shouts telling him to go and save her

He flies upstairs and kicks the door but it's locked. He leans his ears thinking she's still alone in her room safe till he hears someone whispering.  Calling her name like he's asking a child to come out

He slams his palm and shouts calling her name to make her know he's already there. To save her but he can't open the piece of wood that separates them

Maybe she's in the closet or bathroom. Jungkook prays he's still not late but her screams echoes inside

She decides to hide under her bed. She knows it's stupid thing to do but hopes that if anyone doesn't see her in the closet or bathroom they will leave right away and search somewhere but the guy that has direct orders to get her is not that stupid

He walks slowly like he's playing hide and seek. He wanted to grab her in surprise but Taehyung is nowhere inside. Taehyung thought he already left after hearing the door closes again but he intentionally did that and grabbed a chair to make it secure. He starts to search again, behind curtains under the table, even her closet are all messed

Taehyung covers her lips with her palms, her breathing calculated, she doesn't know how long she's been there and it feels like eternity afraid to make a noise. She wants Jungkook. She wants him to be there already till someone grabs her feet dragging her out of her hiding spot

"Aaahhhhhhh! Let me go!"

He grabs her shoulder and pushes her hard on the wall. The side of her head bumped on the lamp beside her bed. She groans in pain but the man didn't leave her. He grabs her shoulder and ripped it

"You're so beautiful not to have a taste eh?!"

Taehyung feels disgusted holding on her clothes not to expose her shoulder on him but she feels dizzy. She drops on the floor but the man grabs her feet and pulls her out of the corner

"Oh, you want to be on the floor?"
He smirks and holds her in the waist forcing it to pull out her jeans but Taehyung kicks her hard. She feels she will lose consciousness but a voice speaks

"Get off her!"
Then a gunshot echoes. She feels drops of blood on her. Jungkook clenches his fist and doesn't feel contented.. he grabs him in the shoulder shoots him again and again till his gun run out of bullets


He leaves the gun and goes to her.. he scoops her up from the floor and puts her on the couch. Taehyung tries hard to open her eyes but pushes him from her. She's not sure if it's really Jungkook. Her eyesight blurred

She calls. He holds her hand and puts it on his cheeks

"I'm here now. I'm here.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for leaving you"

Taehyung blinks. Her fingers trace his face..

"You came back.."

He wipes visible cuts on his forehead she got from the lamp

One of the guards stands on the door

"Call an ambulance! She needs to be rushed to the hospital"
He shouts and kisses her head

"you're alright.. you're going to be fine.... Love"  he whispers but the only thing she understands is what he calls her



While inside the ambulance. His phone rings. Yoongi is calling him

"We got your mom.. auntie is fine.. she said she made excuses to get inside the bathroom and lock herself till we came but he got away. I'm sorry Kook"

Mingyu joins the call talking behind Yoongi

"Tell him I'm alright. He doesn't need to worry"

Mrs. Jeon speaks knowing they're in loud speaker

"Mom, I'll be there.. I just need to make sure she's fine"
Jungkook promised

"Where are you?!"
Mingyu asks leaning more to the side

"I'm on the way to the emergency room.. Taehyung got attacked"

"How is she?"

Mrs. Jeon gasps worried written on her face

"She's got hit on the head and pass out"

"I hope it's not serious"

"Okay, we got Auntie. Don't worry about us here. Take care of your boss"

"he cuts the call and hold her hand again. She has a face mask for oxygen. The responder said she's fine aside from bruises and cuts

He lets go of her hand when the doctor comes and gets the stretcher going  inside the room. He sits on the side bench. He needs to report it to his boss, to her father but his phone rings again

His eyes narrowed not want to accept the call. What he wants is to do a man hunt. He will chase after him like an animal that he is. He pushes the green button accepting the call

"You cheat! I told you to be there but instead you get your friends to get your mother!"
Eunwoo grips on his phone

"You're the cheater one! I have never thought you will order your men to touch her! You have changed!"

"what are you saying.. you know how I work! Don't accused me!"

Eunwoo will make the work done but never exceed from what he has been told

"Your men touched her! Shamed on you!"
He insists

"and it's not my fault if my Mom acts fast. You must've forgotten that my Mom is not stupid as you think she is"

"you! I'll get back to you! I'll make sure you can get away from me. You won't be lucky next time"

"we will see about that!"

He drops the call seeing the General  walking towards him. He rose from the seat facing the older man

"What just happened?"
His voice drips in anger but remains calm. His fist clenched in his side

"The doctor that checks her up called me!"

"I was about to call you sir but..."

"That is not what I'm asking Jeon!"
He grits his teeth. The doctor came out from where Taehyung is

"Sir.. she's fine. Just a slight head trauma and some bruises but overall, she's fine"
Mr. Kim never turns to look at the doctor. His eyes fix on him. Jungkook gulps hard

"I'm sorry for not taking good care of her, sir"

"this won't happen again Jeon!"

"yes sir"  he bows his head looking at the man's fist still that is stil close. He turns to the way of the room to look at his daughter

He drops on the seat feeling weak. He suddenly feels the aches in his body. He's tired. His father is scary as hell. The scene earlier in her room flashes in his eyes again. He closes his eyes and curses under his breath

If he gets late for even a minute. He can't imagine what might have happened to her. Taehyung almost got abused and he doesn't know what he can do...

"You'll pay for it Eunwoo! I won't let you get away from this! You even dare to hurt my mother!"

A single tear rolls down his cheeks from too much anger



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