Chapter Four: The tournament has finally begun

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It was late at night, but not as late as you'd think it is. Truly it was the time of the day when all the lights in the city brought out the beauty of Tokyo. So at this time, barely anyone roamed the streets.

The Underground fighting arena also looked beautiful at night once you arrived there. It was quiet but filled with the sounds of nature. Squirrels rustling in the bush. Birds chirping. And the crickets making that annoying sound every five seconds.

"What's good? Thanks for sending someone all that way to fetch me." Doppo announced as they all made their way to the arena. Upon hearing the voice of his old friends, Tokugawa grinned happily. "Doppo!" He announced.

"I brought some friends along," Doppo replied as he slightly turned to point at the four other people he gathered. Y/n, Shibukawa, Retsu, and Hanayama.

"Yanagi." Shibukawa greeted him as Y/n glared at him, still not happy from what happened in their last encounters. Which was coincidently, their first encounter. So that did not set the right first impression.

While Leroy waved at Y/n, acting like they had not just fought an hour ago. While Retsu and Hanayama stayed silent, just standing there as they approached the escaped convicts.

A few seconds later, after waiting for Baki to walk down those long steps. We all stood face-to-face with the convicts. Not even saying a word. Just stared at the people across from them.

As silence filled the air, Y/n noticed someone who had caught her eye who wasn't Leroy. A red-haired man. With a full black outfit. He looked quite different from the other convicts. He had a much softer look. Unlike Yanagi and Sikorsky who held either a dirty look or an emotionless mess. Which made him differ from the other convicts. Who seemed to have noticed her stare. Glancing over at her and examining her.

Spec creeped her out. But there was no surprise there. He was very tall, at least 7 feet tall. And his smile was disturbing. And not to mention he was bald. It didn't even look good. But even if he had hair, it wouldn't help.

"As you know, recently, there occurred a martial arts tournament including 38 different fighters. It was held right here in this arena. I've heard it described as the largest, most competitive, most defended, and most exciting tournament to be held in the modern era. And who was the winner of this epic tournament? None other than this young man right here, Baki Hanma." Tokugawa said, finally breaking the awkward silence.

But that only made the convicts look at Baki intensely, some with confusion, some with anger, some with disappointment, and some with disgust.

"Well then, all that being said, I have grave doubts the five of you place such value in tournaments of any kind. Even one as significant as that one. You, Sikorsky. Didn't you say a match was just a match? Just a mere rehearsal." Tokugawa rambled.

This made Y/n annoyed. But she didn't dare to speak up, knowing the consequences of such an action. But she brushed this off and looked at the convicts, noticing the change in Sikorsky's face. It went from disgust to surprise.

In the middle of Tokugawa's ramble. Baki had finally spoken up and said something. "Let's just do it already. I don't know what you're talking about. All these real-life tournaments and whatever. Hell, all I want to know is when do we start fighting?" Baki complained, still as selfish as he was from the tournament.

"How about right here right now?" Doppo suggested they all seemed so hungry to fight.

"No, it should happen in your daily life where you least expect it. Like a kitchen, with a boiling pot of water perhaps?" Shibukawa said, referencing what happened a few days ago.

"Name the time." Retsu simply muttered as he nodded, not having a care of when it could happen.

"I'm ready whenever. Even now." Hanayama said, still with his usual emotionless face. "If it's gonna happen in our daily lives, then there shouldn't be any rules," Y/n suggested.

Resulting in the red-headed man glancing back over at her. Along with the annoying dude, Leroy.

"All we have to do is take out one of you or the opposite way around. It's that simple. It could be whenever, wherever, you shouldn't have any complaints or excuses." Y/n explained, with everyone nodding in agreement.

"Then, should we say this meeting is finished?" Before anyone could answer Tokugawa's question, it was interrupted by Baki yawning.

"Okay then. I'm going home. I've got school in the morning. Night." Baki said before he began to walk out of the arena. Y/n turned on her heel and walked beside Baki, leaving the arena as Doppo chuckled at Baki for his loud yawn.

"You sure have grown a lot since the last time I've seen you," Y/n said to break the silence as they both walked out of the underground arena.

"I grew my hair out, it's a lot longer than last time. And my voice got deeper." Baki replied.

"Do you still talk to that Kozue girl?" Y/n asked. The memory of Kozue was interesting. She was nice, pretty, and one of Baki's close friends. Y/n bonded with her a bit in the tournament when Baki brought her.

"I finally asked her on a date. For tomorrow," Baki said, making Y/n chuckle.  "That's a shocker! Wow, I'd never think you'd like Kozue!" Y/n sarcastically said as she waved her arms in the air while Baki furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's not like you knew," Baki scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "It was obvious. You were very overprotective." Y/n chuckled before Baki and her went separate ways. So she was left to put her headset into her ears and listen to her music. Y/n looked around, wondering if anything was going to happen.

While walking, you soon saw a familiar face, Sikorsky. But he was far away and hadn't seen her. He was just simply walking. So Y/n paid no mind and just looked from afar. Before he got jumped by a man with bandages all over his face and two men.

Then got thrown into a van which made Y/n confused. Wasn't he supposed to be powerful and strong? Y'know since he escaped a jail in Russia and survived the cold snow storms.

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