Chapter Fifteen: Too much to handle

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After a while, Y/n was getting tired. Her shoulder beginning to hurt. But was determined to keep going to prove Oliver that it won't be as easy as he thinks it is. So, on their seventh try, they were both interrupted. "Oliver, you want a challenge? I'll give you a challenge. I don't want you getting angry and hurting her!" Shibukawa joked.

This made everyone gasp, while Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. Rubbing her shoulder. "But-"
"I said I don't want him hurting you. Now get changed out of that. No more fighting for you." Shibukawa sternly spoke, making Y/n groan before making her way to the room she originally changed in to. The room full of different uniforms and such.

She walked over to the mirror, splashing her face with water before removing the shirt of her uniform. Before looking at the figure she spotted in the mirror wearing full black.

"I can see you." Y/n stated, turning to look at the stranger, who sighed before walking out of his hiding spot. It was definitely Hector Doyle. Covered in some injuries. Especially since Y/n recognized his red hair.

"I was about to-Do you really want the nickname, 'Peeping Tom??' That's a really shitty hiding spot as well." Y/n commented, putting on the shirt she had come here with.

"I'm no 'Peeping Tom.' I was only hiding. I came here to fight Oliver and I ended up barely escaping with my life." Hector explained, groaning as he leaned against the wall. Crossing his arms.

"Really? Then he lied. He told us that a 'woman officer' attacked him." Y/n explained, taking off the black belt on her uniform.

"Now he's coming for my ass now that he knows that I can be undercover in disguise." Hector explained, rubbing his head.

"Go ahead."

"How come you haven't attacked me?" Y/n asked, changing into the pants she wore when coming here.

"You are currently changing and I'm trying my best not to stare." Hector explained, "I was going to, but then you pointed me out. And plus, I already got my ass beat today."

"But I won't hesitate any other day." Hector answered coldly.

"Great, now I have you and Leroy on my ass." Y/n commented, rubbing her shoulder before grabbing her phone.

"Leroy huh?" Hector asked, raising an eyebrow. Y/n only replied with a hum, glancing at him a few times.

Soon Y/n finished changing into her regular clothes. "Well, I'd recommend leaving now, back up the vent you came from, good bye, Hector." Y/n said, opening the door and walked out of the changing room. Shoving her hands into her pockets. Reentering the small dojo.

Tilting her head when she saw Oliver's hand broken. "I'm going home, Mr. Shibukawa." Y/n broke the silence, making Shibukawa turn to look at her. Placing his hands on his hips.

"Get home safe. I'll be there a little later. Goodnight." Shibukawa replied, waving Y/n a goodbye.


The next day, Y/n was up early. Doing everything she usually did, like getting ready for the day and her favorite thing, eating. Especially since she decided to make herself some pancakes rather than just cereal.

Once her energy was drained, she jumped on to her bed. Checking her socials. Bored out of her mind, especially since she hadn't gotten a text from anybody. So, out of habit, she tapped on Katsumi's icon and called him. Listening to it dial before he answered.

"Hey Y/n!" Katsumi happily said into the phone. Obviously moving around from how much shuffling was going on in the back ground.

"Are you busy right now?" Y/n asked, sighing as she expected a yes.

"Not really, I'm just training. Actually-I am going to see Koushou this afternoon. Maybe you could come over to the dojo and we can talk until I have to see Koushou?" Katsumi suggested. "We could catch up and talk about what has happened. Since I'm out of the hospital and everything."

"Yeah, that would be nice, I'll be over at the dojo in a little." Y/n smiled, saying goodbye and hanging up. Sitting up in her bed and put on her shoes. Ready to head out before stopping by at Shibukawa's room. Sighing when she saw him still asleep. So she kept walking and left the house.

Once she made it to the Shin Shin Kai headquarters, she checked in and went to the dojo Katsumi was in. Finding him training like usual.

"Y/n! How have you been-" Katsumi began, coming up to her to hug her. Confused when she pushed him away.

"You're sweating a lot and I don't want my clothes ruined, they're brand new." Y/n explained, placing her bag on the floor before sitting down groaning. As Katsumi chuckled and went back to training.

"Weirdest thing happened while we were apart," Y/n began, making Katsumi raise an eyebrow. "Yeah? What happened exactly?" Katsumi asked.

"I was getting to that," She glared at him, "After I left with Retsu and after we part ways, guess who I ran into."

"Who?" Katsumi glanced over at Y/n, raising an eyebrow.
"Leroy." She answered.

"Who's that?" Katsumi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Making Y/n groan as she knew it would take a long time to explain things like this to Katsumi.

"It's been a long time since we spoke, hasn't it?" Y/n chuckled. Usually when she met someone new that Katsumi didn't know about, a hour later, Katsumi would already know everything about this person. But she guessed that with everything going on, it would be best to explain. Especially since it has been too much for her to handle.

So she did just that, taking her time to catch Katsumi up with what has happened. In return, Katsumi told her about how Katou has been doing in the hospital, along with Atsushi.

Y/n was relieved to hear that they were both okay, knowing about both their injuries.


When Koushou finally arrived at the Shin Shin Kai headquarters, Y/n picked up her bag and swung it over her shoulder. Stretching her limbs from how long she was sitting on the floor.

"I'll see you whenever, Katsumi. Tell Koushou I said hi." Y/n yawned, earning a nod from Katsumi as he patted his sweat away with a small towel.

Y/n walked out of the dojo she was just in and made her way to the stairs. On her way, she passed by a dojo. Hearing it open behind her. Before hearing a familiar voice. "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

It was Retsu. Making her turn around to face him. "I was hanging out with Katsumi, I'm heading out." She explained. In which Retsu nodded and exited the dojo before closing the dojo's door.

"I was also. Are you headed anywhere specific?" Retsu asked. Gesturing for her to walk with him. Y/n accepted that gesture and walked beside Retsu in the hallway.

"I'm not sure, I might just head home." Y/n shrugged. As she took a moment to think about doing something actually fun other than bed rotting all day.

"I was actually planning to treat myself to a fancy dinner, would you like to join me?" Retsu asked politely. Y/n tilted her head. Was he being serious? She was not dressed for the occasion. And she knew that because the clue word was 'fancy.' There was nothing fancy about her outfit right now.

"Dressed like this?" Y/n raised her eyebrows at him. Her outfit was casual, nowhere near something that was qualified as fancy.

"It's not dress fancy, but a casual fancy. And plus, you look perfectly fine." Retsu explained, as they both began to walk down the stairs.

"Hm...fine." Y/n agreed, smiling at Retsu. Making him return the gesture as they exited the Shin Shin Kai headquarters.

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