Chapter Nine: Crazy Morning

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{For people who do not know 'Whilst' is not an error mistake, it is another way to say 'at the same time.'}

The next morning, when Y/n had a horrible bed hair. It was all frizzy. But that did not stop Y/n from doing the usual stuff she did.

The first thing she did was check her phone, still half asleep. She checked her notifications, seeing many text messages, but Y/n was too tired and had stuff to do. So she got up from her bed and stretched her arms and legs.

Before she went to her bathroom and took two minutes to brush her teeth thoroughly. Once she went into the hallway, it was quiet, so most likely, Shibukawa wasn't awake. But isn't he usually awake earlier than her?

So Y/n shrugged and went into the kitchen, and took out a bowl from the cabinet tiredly. Then got her favorite cereal from on top of the fridge.

"I see you are finally awake, hm?" A voice said from behind her in the door frame. So Y/n groaned before turning around to see Shibukawa with a coffee mug.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" Y/n asked as she scratched her head, still confused and tired to comprehend anything except for making her favorite thing, food.

"I mean, it is currently 3:00 pm." Shibukawa chuckled as he then took a sip of his coffee. "You are lucky that it is Saturday, or else I would be yelling at you," Shibukawa commented as he chuckled while Y/n shrugged.

"Did you know Katou is in the hospital?" Shibukawa asked as he took the last sip of his coffee.

"No," Y/n simply replied as she checked her phone and saw thousands of messages from Katsumi and Retsu. Asking her to come down to the ShinShinKai dojo. An hour ago.

"Doppo called me an hour ago to wake you and tell you to go to the ShinShinKai dojo but when I tried to wake you, you kept kicking me and telling me to go away," Shibukawa replied as Y/n nodded.

After Y/n finished eating her breakfast she got dressed in a casual outfit. Grey cargo pants and a grey T-shirt with the character Kirby on it. Since it is still cold outside, she also took a black plaid coat that was fluffy.

Once she was done and was finally fully awake, she headed over to the dojo, not ready for what Katsumi might tell her.

As soon as Y/n got to the dojo, she saw a ceremony, Doppo, Retsu, and Katsumi in the very front. While all their students were sat on the floor, Atsushi sticking out like a sore thumb with his red hair.

Katsumi was in the middle of a speech. Describing all the damages made on Katou.

"Skull fracture, brain contrition, broken nose, lost of teeth from 4-7, also tooth's 1 and 2, critical spine injury, incomplete fracture of the left clavicle, incomplete fracture of the left and right hand, incomplete fracture of the..." Katsumi contiunied on with the list until he could no longer, sighing.

"And that is not even a full list of his injuries." Katsumi added.

But Y/n couldn't help but think, how big is that medical bill? Surely it has to be well of 12,000 from just that list of injuries.

"I think you get the point...the man was smashed to pieces!" Katsumi yelled as he threw his clipboard to the ground.

"Currently, Kiyosumi Katou is laying in a hospital bed, fighting for his very life. So what should we be doing then?" Katsumi added whilst Y/n glanced at the three men in the front of the room.

Katsumi furrowing his eyebrows in anger, on his left, Doppo looked as if he didn't care, holding a serious and intimidating expression. Whilst Retsu stood on the right side of Katsumi frowning deeply. His eyes getting shiny. Making him look like he needs a hug. As he stared at the floor.

"Stand by his hospital bed and pray he gets better? This is not an educational institution or religious organizations. We are not priest! We are not here to pray! WE ARE HERE TO FIGHT!" Katsumi yelled in the quiet room as he held a fist, tightening it with all his anger.

"This photo with be sent to our 600 branches around the city, he can not hide from a million members of ShinShinKai. We will not show our backs to the enemy. He will be found! And Katou-senpai will be avenged!" Katsumi declared, allowing the students to cheer in agreement, while Katsumi held a picture of Dorian's mugshot.

Once it was late at night and everyone had left, Y/n approached Katsumi and Retsu. "We have to make a plan- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Katsumi yelled at Y/n.

"Sleeping." Y/n simply replied as she looked at both of them, her eyes half closed.

"That is no excuse! You act like Katou almost dying is a calm thing!" Katsumi exclaimed as he shook Y/n.

"I didn't even know the guy that well." Y/n replied. "Now you do! And you going to help us capture Dorian." Katsumi said.

"Why me?! I already have enough stuff to deal with already." Y/n replied as she placed a hand on her head as she looked at Katsumi surprised.

"You two act like children when you argue." Retsu added as he sat at a nearby table, staring at the floor.

"Oh, hi Retsu." Y/n waved at him and smiled.

Y/n then went straight back to Katsumi and her's conversation. How can he only worry about one of the convicts. Did he forget about the five others ones? What about when Leroy attacked her?

"In my defense, we should not be worried only about Dorian, there are five other guys coming after us." Y/n added as Katsumi furrowed his eyebrows.

"They don't count." Katsumi replied as Y/n was confused and annoyed before she took a seat at the table with Retsu, frowned at the way Retsu tried hiding his emotions.

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