Chapter Eight : Ice cream!

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(F/f means favorite flavor. In this chapter, I finally get to the romance. This is Retsu's romance chapter. "My man, my man, he love me."😜)

Thankfully, right after the grenade explosion by Dorian, Y/n was able to escape. As well as everyone else. But nobody was able to find Dorian near the explosion sight. However, people were suspicious since nobody had seen Katou either. He must have left early.

Shibukawa had already started walking back home but Y/n stayed at the explosion site until the police arrived to investigate. But Y/n was not alone, Retsu had chosen to stay as well.

Walking alongside Y/n as she walked. Retsu stayed silent until he finally said something. "It is nice to see you again, Y/n. How have you been? Is there anything you want to talk about?" Retsu politely asked as Y/n looked over at him, raising one of her eyebrows before simply shrugging.

"I suppose nothing interesting has happened, maybe Leroy. He is extremely creepy." Y/n explained as Retsu gave an understanding nod.

"Have you come to contact with him yet? I have only met one, Dorian. But that is quite obvious. Do you know about the article about how Dorian lit me on fire? I think I still have a few scars left from that." Retsu chuckled lightly looking over at Y/n for a reaction. In which she laughed with him. Giving a friendly smile like always.

"I didn't know they made an article. Katsumi told me himself a day later once he was able to talk since Dorian almost damaged his voice box. Every single time I would talk to him, it would always be about getting revenge on Dorian. I guess he planned today for that to happen." Y/n chuckled as she shrugged.

"What about you? Did you feel the need to get revenge on Dorian as well?" Y/n asked with a joking smirk as she lightly nudged Retsu.

"No, I'm more disciplined than Katsumi. I have no need to get revenge, it is in his blood. How could you blame him? He is an escaped death row convict after all. Most likely, he was thirsty for some action." Retsu explained as he looked ahead.

This intrigued Y/n, how was Retsu always sympathetic and so calm when talking about a man almost committing manslaughter?

"So you're saying you don't mind him almost trying to kill you?" Y/n raised an eyebrow as she slightly moved her head forward,  looking at Retsu confused.

"Not if you phrase it like that. Of course, I mind if a man tries to kill me. I'm just saying that Dorian probably hasn't done a crime in a long time, and since he loves to get in fights and such, he probably wanted to commit another crime after a long time." Retsu explained, attempting to reason with Y/n.

"You act like those people who say 'I can change them!' when they see a man who needs help from a therapist." Y/n teased as Retsu playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Is that what you think of me?" Retsu replied as Y/n simply shook her head.

As Retsu and Y/n walked down the busy street of Tokyo, looking at the bright lights, big buildings, and shops as they lit up the street alone.

"Would you like to get some ice cream together?" Retsu suggested as he noticed a small ice cream shop nearby.

"You know what? I do want some ice cream. Can you get me F/f?" Y/n politely asked as she gave a smile.

"Of course, Y/n," Retsu replied, returning the smile. "Wait here," Retsu spoke as he walked away to the small ice cream cart. While Y/n stood there, watching Retsu, patiently waiting for him to return.

Once he did return, Retsu immediately handed Y/n the ice cream she wanted. Already licking his own. "Is this the one you wanted?" Retsu asked, making sure he didn't order the wrong flavor.

"Exactly." Y/n smiled as she happily took the ice cream from his hand and began to lick it as they continued to walk down the street alongside Retsu.

They both walked together under the moonlight, eating the ice cream they chose. A voice interrupting the conversation between Retsu and Y/n.

"What ice cream are we eating, love birds?" Y/n knew that voice all too well, it was Leroy. Immediately Y/n reacted by turning around and attempted a roundhouse kick to his jaw.

Just to be blocked by Leroy's hand. Retsu then turned around confused before realizing it was Leroy, making Retsu furrow his eyebrows.

"Nice to see you too." Leroy sarcastically added, annoyed by the kick to the face by Y/n.

"What do you want?" Y/n sternly spoke as she lowered her leg. Still cautious of Leroy. While Retsu went in front of Y/n to defend her.

"That is no way to speak to me, aren't you going to introduce me to your little boyfriend? Or have we already met, Kaioh Retsu?" Leroy teased as he stared Retsu down. 

"I was planning on allowing a rematch between you and me, Y/n. But I believe I have interrupted your little 'date' of yours." Leroy raised his eyebrow before walking off into an alleyway.

"I do not like that man," Retsu stated as he turned back to Y/n. "Tell me about it." Y/n sighed.

"It was nice spending time with you, Y/n," Retsu spoke before hugging her goodbye. Walking away. With Y/n doing the same.

(This was more of a bonding chapter but it shows character development. But there were some clues that proves Retsu was showing interest.)

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