Chapter Eleven : Trance-like state

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"Care to go another round with me?" Dorian asked, almost annoyed, or maybe angry? It was confusing for Y/n to understand if he was feeling an emotion since all she was getting at was some attitude.

"As much as I would love to fight you, the rules of Kung Fu forbid a student and Sensai fight." Retsu calmly replied his fist still in his palm. In which Katusmi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"So what?" Katsumi replied annoyed. So Retsu replied by offering to explain with context. But Katsumi didn't care. All he wanted was to fight someone.

Whilst this all happened, Y/n was off to the side, near Atutshi. Checking how injured he was. And man, it was bad. A broken nose, letting blood rush out of it like it was water. And from the fall earlier, he probably broke a few bones and might be a coma. Who knows.

While Y/n glanced around his body, Katsumi groaned and clenched his fist as he glanced between Retsu, who doesn't want to fight, and Y/n who is busy taking care of Atutshi. "Fine, you two have always been outsiders. Step aside. I'll be fighting him myself." Katsumi spoke determined as Retsu didn't protest and chose to do what Katsumi told him to do and stepped aside.

While Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at him for his sudden rudeness towards the two of them. Before  quickly standing up and standing next to Retsu in the sidelines.

"Oh no you don't." Doppo interrupted as he suddenly spoke. Wasn't he supposed to just watch? This confused Y/n everything was going off plan. Geez. We aren't in the arena. Personally, this would be considered a street fight in Y/n's eyes. By Katsumi bringing her here, she had thought they were going to jump Dorian. Guess not.

So in instinct, Y/n glanced at Retsu to know if they were thinking the same thing and Retsu shrugged before going back to watching this unfold.

"I'm your master, aren't I? If anyone's taking care of this guy, then it's me." Doppo stated, Katsumi was clearly fuming. Y/n felt the same way, just wanting this to get over with.

"Forget it dad, I'm here representing the Shin Shin Kai-" Katsumi began as he turned around to look at Doppo.

"I founded the Shin Shin Kai, boy!" Doppo yelled at Katsumi. Clearly intimidating Katsumi as he had taken a small step back.

"You said you were retiring..." Katsumi protested.

"Besides that...this guy did take something very important from me..." Doppo added as he held up his bandaged hand. Pointing it at Dorian who still stood there, even though it would have been a great idea to dash away. "Got it?" Doppo added.

"Good, so just leave it to me." Doppo glared at Katsumi before placing a hand on his shoulder and moved Katsumi to the right. Where Y/n and Retsu stood. Turning to look at them in shock.

"That what you get for calling me and Retsu outsiders." Y/n commented as Katsumi walked over in despair as she decided to stick up the middle finger at him to further tease him. "Flip you too." Katsumi replied in a high pitched voice and flipped her off back. Making Retsu let out a huff at their childishness.

Back to the fight. Y/n looked back at the fight, almost at the wrong time as Doppo stated, "I prefer to fight uncovered, don't let it throw ya'."

Shocking Y/n as she watched it unfold. Not knowing how to react and shot glances to both Katsumi and Retsu. Both of them unfazed by this. How could they maintain this calm look when a grown man was stripping in front of them all the way down to his tighty-whitys?

Especially when he took his shoes off. She couldn't help comment, put those dogs away! But only her mind. She wouldn't want to appear weirder than she already is.

Soon Doppo was fully unclothed. Shocking Katsumi as Doppo landed back on his feet from jumping out of his pants, for some reason. Surprising Katsumi for some reason. "That fighting style..." Katsumi whispered.

Making Doppo answer with a long explanation of his past that even Y/n got impatient of. When suddenly she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. So she took it out of her pocket and moved away from the other four to answer the phone.

It was Shibukawa who was calling. In which Y/n hesitated before answering the call and put the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" Y/n spoke.

"Hello, Y/n. When do you plan to come home? It's getting late." Shibukawa asked on the other line, in a tired and worried voice.

"I'm not sure, but the fight just got heated, so it might be a while. I also have my keys so don't worry about keeping the doors unlocked for me." Y/n replied before yawning.

"Okay, well, I'm going to head to sleep. Goodnight. And don't walk by yourself, ask Retsu or Katsumi to walk you home, it's late." Shibukawa added before hanging up the phone, making Y/n sigh and stuff the phone back into her pocket and walked back to the current fight.

The fight seemed to continue. Now Doppo's other hand was uncovered, revealing that his hand was completely healed. Whilst Dorian seemed to have  removed most of his clothes as well. Turning back around to look back to look at Doppo. "What did I tell you? You will never defeat me!" Dorian yelled but was quickly interrupted by a sudden uppercut to the jaw.

Stunning Dorian for a second a did a flip, before getting punched in his face before being punched in the face before getting fully flipped over.

When suddenly Doppo turned his back on Dorian. Making Y/n and Katsumi furrow their eyebrows in worry as Doppo began to fight the air. "He-hey pops...what are you doing? Come on old man, get you head in the the hells wrong with you...? You looking the wrong way!" Katsumi commented in worry.

"He can't hear you. Scream in his ear and he still can't hear you, Mr. Orochi is ver busy right now. His mind is fighting a battle. And a battle that he's winning. Because it's going just as he imagined." Dorian ginned. Knowing it would be an easy fight now as the other three began to worry.

"Retsu, Y/n, is this something a part of either of your techniques? Anything? Kung fu? Karate? Aiki?" Katsumi asked in a panic.

"No clue." Y/n crossed her arms and shook her head. "What you're seeing isn't Kung fu. He has probably been hypnotized." Retsu assumed as Y/n nodded in agreement.

The real question is how he did it. It wasn't like he manipulated Doppo into hallucinating. He wouldn't have the time.

"He's giving it all he's got, isn't he?" Dorian grinned menacingly as Doppo did put all his force and energy into his air punches.

That was his plan. He planned to let Doppo drain his energy so that he's too weak to fight Dorian. Such a coward move. He can't even fight like a real person unless he weakens them.

"Let us bid him farewell. With his illusions intact. Dreaming for eternity. Now go to a never-ending dream world." Dorian stated as he went to punch Doppo, but Doppo surprisingly blocked it easily.

Doppo knew that he was in a trance! This whole time. He probably knew that there's never a fight too easy.

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