Chapter Seven: Egotistical

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{Sorry in advance for the Katou Kiyosumi simps. I will be saying some rude things towards him. Since he is quite the drunk in the manga.}

The sound of Dorian groaning in pain filled the room as he rolled around in the floor trying to get rid of the fire. But since he was drenched in gasoline, it didn't help much.

Even though everyone was quite shocked, some made a simple 'hm' sound, or stood there, staring at the burnt man.

While Katsumi and Doppo stared at each other intensely.

"Hey, old man. Was I wrong?" Katsumi spoke up at Doppo only furrowed his eyebrows and stared.

"Well, agree to disagree, I guess." Katsumi shrugged.

Does this now mean Katsumi is apart of the tournament versus the convicts? Wouldn't that be quite unfair? But who cares honestly.

Y/n and the other's job was to give these criminals the taste of defeat.

Soon the fire that once lit up the room became steam, spewing from Dorian as Dorian groaned in pain.

"You got part of it right." Doppo finally spoke up as he stared at his smiling son.

Doppo continued his speech, stating that Katsumi didn't gain any honor from using a weapon on Dorian. Like how 'karate' means open hand, since the only weapon they should be using if their bare fist.

As they spoke back and forth, Y/n became curious. Were they just going to leave this guy here and talk instead of talking him to the police?

Maybe he was already dead and they didn't have to worry? Dorian still hadn't moved in a total of five minutes. So maybe Katsumi did make the right move. But the burn marks aren't very crucial, well not crucial enough to kill a man. Especially someone like Dorian.

So Y/n did the most reasonable thing and spoke up. "Are we going to just leave him here? He seems dead." Y/n broke their conversation as she walked up to the man that looked more like a bear. Before lightly kicking him to find a reaction.

Nothing. Not even a slight twitch. "Maybe I killed him." Katsumi smiled as he stood next to Y/n with his hands on his hips proudly.

"That's not something to be proud of, yes he is a convict, but that's admitting man-slaughter." Y/n replied as she raised an eyebrow.

Then suddenly Retsu's eyes widened and he immediately backed up. Because in that exact moment, Dorian had swiftly made an attempt to kick Retsu.

This was all unexpected, especially from Dorian, figuring that he was supposed to be dead a few seconds ago.

Once Dorian got back on his feet his eyes began to water, before he began spewing smoke from his mouth, filling up the whole room.

"Woah, guess I need to lay off the cigars!" Dorian cackled as if he wasn't just burnt to a crisp just a few seconds ago.

Wielding a wide grin like if he were a child. Then, Dorian took a hold of the shirt that was no longer a shirt and ripped it off easily. Before flexing like if he was at the gym.

"Alright! Who wants to be next? Retsu? Doppo? Y/n?" Dorian asked as he stared at the three. Y/n shaking her head, while Retsu glanced at Doppo.

"Allow me, I've got a pretty serious bone to pick with this guy." Doppo spoke as he touched his bandaged hand that was caused all because of Dorian.

"You're going to have to wait, my master wants to get in on the action if you don't mind." Katsumi interrupted as Y/n rolled her eyes.

Since out can Katou Kiyosumi. How could someone like him influence Katsumi? Y/n got to meet him at the Maximum tournament...he had to be the cockiest man she had ever met.

Or maybe she can describe him as egotistical. Oh, and let's not forget, he smelled like beer. Remember, first impressions count.

"Hi there!" Katou smirked as he entered the dojo.  "Sorry to but in." Katou spoke.

"You should be sorry for wearing that outfit." Y/n replied as Katou only gave her a glare.

"Hm, what happened to your hand?" Katou asked as he peeked at Doppo that stood behind Dorian. Raising his eyebrow in curiosity.

"This? A flesh wound." Doppo laughed. Before Katou gave a sudden kick to the stomach towards Dorian. Made Dorian gasp as he held his stomach.

"You did that to him, didn't you?" Katou asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. Before giving Dorian a punch to the face.

"Have you realized what you have done, Mr. Dorian or whatever you call yourself?" Katou held his fist up high.

After that, Katou continued talking about how Dorian shouldn't have done that, landing a few kicks and punches in.

Then came a kick by Dorian that Katou easily dodged by jumped. "Well...if you're not going to listen, you would be needing those ears!" Katou yelled, as Dorian's own ear swiftly slid off, blood running down his cheek. Leaving everyone in the dojo shocked.

"Katou...? How did you-?" Doppo asked shocked before getting interrupted by Katou.

"Oh this? It's just some regular fishing line," Katou confidently revealed as he swung it around his thumb. Explaining how he used it.

"So, Katsumi, is this guy really your teacher?" Doppo asked surprised.

Before Katsumi went on to explain why he praised Katou. While Doppo quietly listened. But randomly, Doppo gave a kick to Dorian. Which was unfair given that Dorian was laying on the floor weak.

Y/n immediately glanced at Gouki, which stared back at her, furrowing his eyebrows. Which made Y/n gesture to Doppo before she did a sign with her hand that he was crazy. Which was then returned with a simple chuckle and nod from Gouki.

But in a sudden moment, Katou and Katsumi were drawn together, while Y/n was barely able to get out the way. Katou and Katsumi were smushed together with the same wire used to cut off Doppo's hand.

Which was cutting into their skin and clothes. While Dorian gritted his teeth and dug the main source of the wire from his shoe. Revealing a medal tin that looked like the lighter from earlier.

Before Katsumi and Katou got sliced in pieces, Doppo managed to save them by cutting the wire with his hand which was quite surprising.

While Doppo explained some stuff to Katou and Katsumi, Y/n scooted her way beside Gouki and Retsu. Before whispering to Gouki.

"Why do we have to stay here? I don't see the point." Y/n said annoyed as she crossed her arms. Making Gouki chuckled lightly.

"I want to see how this fight gets resolved, you might learn a thing or two." Gouki replied as he smiled and listened.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that I'm dumb?" Y/n raised her eyebrow.

"No child, even though you know a lot of things, doesn't mean there's more to learn." Gouki replied as Doppo finally finished talking to the two boys. Which was interrupted by the gaging of Dorian.

Making Y/n cringe. Before almost gaging herself as a whole grenade slid out his mouth. Untouched. Sliding onto his hand.

This made everyone shocked and panic as Dorian removed the clip, creating a bright light surround everyone.

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