Chapter Sixteen: Dinner

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The restaurant Retsu took Y/n to was a simple restaurant. It was specifically called Guangzhou Wine Bar. The interior was of course fancy, but Red Lobster type of fancy. It was just the wall color they chose that was making it look like a gourmet restaurant.

Y/n was happy to finally have a fancy meal, especially since her diet consisted of mostly junk food and soda, and occasionally some water and fruit. But it made her even more happy that Retsu was the one to offer it to her.

"Here are you menus. Would you like to start with any drinks?" The waiter asked, placing the menus on the table. The prices were a little expensive, but that was only when it came to gourmet things like a steak or caviar. But she didn't care about those things and flipped to the page with all the drinks.

Of course there were alcohol drinks advertised on the top of the page. Y/n wasn't the alcoholic type. She only drinks it on special occasions. So she went to the soda options but none of which stuck out to her.

"I'll just have some green tea." Retsu spoke up, changing Y/n's attention to him. As the waiter nodded and looked over at her. Expecting her to have decided as well.

"I'll have the same thing."
"Okay, I'll be right back to take your order."

Y/n nodded, and went back to looking at the menu. Now looking at the food. Y/n loved all types of food, but it was like she couldn't exactly decide what she wanted.

"Do you know what your getting?" Y/n asked, looking up from her menu to Retsu, hoping to get an idea of what she might like.

"Hm...I'm not sure...I was thinking some dumplings and the fried sushi. What about you?" He asked, glancing over at Y/n.

"I don't know...I was thinking up just getting the chicken tenders." Y/n shrugged, the chicken tenders did look nice. And she got the option of choosing what dressing she would like. Maybe she should just get that.

"Chicken tenders? You have not changed." Retsu chuckled to himself.

"I get to choose the dressing too, they have a bunch of options." Y/n commented.

"Well, I'm paying, so if that's what you would like, I don't mind." Retsu, nodded, closing his menu as he waited for the waiter to return with their tea and to take their order.

Next thing leads to another and they both finally ordered their meals and had already eaten them. Y/n are like if she hadn't eaten in a months. And the tea wasn't her favorite but it was calming.

Soon Y/n was finished and was wiping her mouth with a napkin. As he took the last sip of his tea. Putting it down on the table and took a deep breath. Before opening his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. "Hm? What's the matter?" Y/n asked in confusion, hoping to have not had any food on her face.

But thankfully she realized he was looking at something behind her. And as the nosy person she is, she turned around to find a waiter walking with a whole roasted pig! Goddamn, whoever ordered that must be pig, seriously? Whose ratting all that, unless a family ordered that. That's pretty reasonable.

Y/n then noticed a huge man, their muscles were huge! They barely fit in the chair. And was eating like a pig, no wonder they ordered that. "He ordered a whole roasted pig for himself." Retsu commented, "He's huge. He must be around 6'5, no..., 6'9 at more." Retsu squinted his eyes, obviously intrigued.

A few seconds later the man stood up and walked away from his table, patting a napkin to his face. Both of Y/n and Retsu's jaws drop as an empty plate came into view. That man ate the whole roasted pig by himself. Goddamn!

The man then turned around to look over at the both, having a straight face. Whilst Y/n turned around to act like she wasn't staring. While Retsu pretended to take a sip of his tea. "Can I help you with something?" Retsu asked.

"You looked familiar. Both of you actually." He stated, "I just remembered where I've seen the both of you before. It was at the tournament in the Tokyo dome stadium. Your that Kung Fu fighter. Kaioh Retsu." He began. While Y/n was still trying to figure out who this guy was. He was familiar. The hair was definitely familiar. "And you, you were almost able to take me down during the tournament, Y/n L/n."

Retsu was visibly surprised. But was Y/n was confused, her eyebrows furrowed. "You-You're Jack Hanma." Retsu finally revealed.

This was surprised. Her first guess was that blond Russian dude, not Sikorsky, but she wasn't even sure if he was Russian. But due to this realization, her mouth shaped into a 'o.' How could she not realize that sooner. "Oh! That makes so much sense now!" Y/n glanced over at Retsu.

"Woah, you got taller the last time we saw you." Y/n commented, noticing his height difference. He is definitely still taking those pills.

Jack looked at her. Looking her up and down and examined her. "Mhm." Was all he replied with. Which she replied with a snarl. How could he only reply with a simple 'Mhm.' Unbelievable. It was rude.

Jack then glanced between the two of them before simply making his way out of the restaurant. Which Retsu stood up to watch him leave, still visibly surprised.

So once Jack was out of the door, Y/n looked over at Retsu, who seemed to already looking at her. "I'm surprised he still has that buzz cut." Y/n commented. Her hands on her hips.


After Retsu paid for the meal, he invited Y/n to the mall. Talking about a book he wanted to get. So that's where they currently were. He got two books. One book that he chose and one that Y/n suggested.

Now that it was getting late, they were ready to leave and headed to the elevator, stepping inside with the other people and patiently waited for it to go to the ground floor. But with all the people coming in and out, that meant they had to stop at some floors on the way down.

A ding sound came when the elevator made it to the third floor. When the doors open, the people who chose that floor left, which was most of the elevator for some reason. But then a familiar figure entered the elevator. Hector.

Y/n remembered her, especially with what happened yesterday. It was silence between the three as Y/n glanced over at Retsu if he recognized Hector, in which he did.

It was silence between them three. So when the elevator hit the second floor, everyone else left, feeling like they could cut the tension between them with a knife.

"What a coincidence, all of us shopping." Hector began, glancing between Y/n and Retsu. "I bet you remember I said we would fight next time we meet, right? But this is not the best place to fight, don't you think?" He added.

"This fine." Retsu answered, his guard up. Causing Hector to smirk and laugh to himself. Before calming himself and turned to Y/n.

"Also, I forgot to apologize for y'know...yesterday." Hector began, in which she crossed her arms and Retsu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"No comment." Y/n answered, she wasn't exactly sure if she was ready to forgive him. She quickly shifted her attention when the elevator door opened. Making all three of them exit. With Retsu keeping himself and Y/n separate from Hector.

"We can't exactly fight right here, how about a drink?" Hector offered. Retsu was unsure but Y/n quickly responded.

"I don't drink, so I'll pass." Y/n commented, turning to look at Retsu. "I'll see you soon?" She smiled at him, squeezing his arm before shoving her hands into her pockets and walked out the mall.

She did not want to be apart of that. And plus, she hasn't even checked her phone in awhile, Mr. Shibukawa is definitely mad at her for leaving without telling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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