chapter 6: Endless Apologies

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                          TW: ABUSE AND SLURS
                             Sals pov
As I pushed the play button I was met with breathy whimpers and moans. I quickly tossed of the headphones and looked at Travis with a shocked expression. Realizing what I interrupted, I moved my gaze to the ground. "I-I am so sorry y-you heard that-", Travis said, barely getting the words out. My mind quickly tried to patch up the situation and generated a response. "It's okay, but im gonna need whatever hes having because that shit sounds heavenly." Travis busted into laughter, embarrassment leaving his body. I felt much better watching him feel better.

"I'm sorry for interrupting-", I apologized staring at him. "It's okay you didn't know", I watch th embarrassment creep back onto his face. "I'm gonna head back home, and I promise I won't come in without knocking again." "A-Alright.." As Travis stood there quietly cursing I walked quickly back to my apartment, being met with a whiny gizmo. "Hey buddy~", I said with a sing-song tone and rubbed his belly. I took off my mask and tied my hair into a quick braid. I took out my glass eye and started to clean it when I heard the door open,  uneasiness set into my stomach.

"Sally, I have something for you.", I heard Ash say. I felt relieved that she was in a good mood. I walked back into thr living room and gave her a cheek kiss. Her expression quickly becoming flustered. I always liked watching her become this way, smiling like a dork and with blush crept onto her cheeks. She looked into my eye deeply and wrapped her hands around my waist. "You're so beautiful, Sal." I smiled through my scarred lips and mouth, leaning into her. "So are you, my love~", I said with a flirty tone. Today would be a good day, because Ash was making it a good day. But the thought that she could ruin it at any moment stuck with me.

                              Travis POV
■■■■■■■■TIMESKIP 4 HRS LATER■■■■■■■■
I sat up on my bed eating a bowl of soup I made for myself, watching a movie. Hearing some stomping approaching my door. Anxiety set in, I held my breath. It passed straight by my apartment. I hear a door slam and some arguing persisted. My curiosity got the best of me and I pressed my ear against the wall.

"I-I'm sorry honey I didn't t-think it was relevant-"
"I-I wasn't I j-just wanted to lighten the mood...I'm so s-sorry"
                             Sal's Pov
I held Ash's hand and tried to reassure her with soft spoken words and apologies-to no avail. "Sal I am going to give you one chance and one chance only to tell me the rest." Her voice cold, yet stern. "N-Nothing else happened! I swear! I'm sorry f-for not telling you earlier!", as the the words spilled out of my mouth I felt more and more pathetic. Nothing was going to calm her down. With a swift push I was on the ground as she yanked my hair to look at her. "Christ, you're such a pathetic bitch. I bet you wanted something else to happen didn't you? Because I'm just not good enough? Is that it?" She slapped me across the face, before dragging me out the apartment. She left me right there in the hallway of the complex and slammed the door. Why is she doing this? I couldn't help but cry. I cried and cried. I just wanted my loving, caring wife. Who is this devil in her body? And what did I do to deserve this? I was so caught up in my crying last, I didn't even notice Travis sitting on the left of me.

He didn't say anything, just sitting next to me and patting my back. He squeezed my hand gently. I looked over at him and watched his face switch into a very shocked expression, I didn't understand it at all. He's comforting me, why the hell is he shocked about some tears-oh shit. I raise my hand to my face, realizing my mask is gone. I quickly cover my face in fear he would leave me. But he just softly moved my hands and stared, taking it all in. My missing eye, the tight scarred skin around it, the chunk of my cheek missing that was revealing my clenched teeth, and the half of my nose that was practically gone. He softened his expression and smiled at me.

"Why do you look so scared?" "Because My face is disgusting. Everyone is always so frightened of me because of it" "Your beauty never scared me..." My tough thin lips contorted into a smile as I hugged him. I didn't wanna explain what just happened,  all I know is that I needed a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and just stayed there, enjoying the embrace. I never wanted to leave, and neither did he.

    This is around how long most of my chapters are gonna be for reference! ^^

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