Chapter 13. Even if the stars are blind

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I'm giving yall some more happy family shit because the next chapter is gonna be some angsty shit because what makes a story good? That's right. Angst. Anyways no real trigger warnings just nice fluffy stuff.

                             Travis Pov
The way he spoke made me feel much better and the image of my father disappeared. He kissed my forehead and walked back out of the room. I started to wash my hair carefully and cleaned off my body again. When I was done I dried off and walked back into Sal's room, practically just wobbling my way there. I cursed him under my breath as I gripped the wall. I can't believe we did this, I mean we haven't known each other for a long time. I expected him to at least be hesitant. As I reached the door, I gripped the knob as to not fall over. I was able to open it and safely get inside and was met with Sal. He was sitting on the bed, with nothing but his boxers on still. I blushed and Sat back onto the bed awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. He crawled across the bed and kissed the top of my head, wrappings arms around me lovingly.

"You did so good Travis, especially for your first time. I hope I wasn't too rough." I leaned into his touch in pure bliss. "I liked it. Wasn't that painful. You did good too." I flashed him a smile, and was sent back a smile too. One with teeth showing throwing his cheek, and one squinted eye. A beautiful ice blue eye, with a dilated pupil. "S-So what are we?" His brow furrowed and he seemed nervous. Shit. "I-I mean this can just be friends with benefits! If you want." "Travis...I want to be more.  But I don't wanna seem like I'm moving fast. Maybe we can go out a little and then we'll see how it goes, hopefully leading to an actual relationship." I leaned into his chest, making us closer. "I'd like that." His face went red and he made a 'Z' sound with his mouth. He seemed even more nervous. I stood up, with him holding me in place so I wouldn't slip, and I grabbed my clean clothes off of the table. His dad must've gotten them done. I slipped on the shirt, boxers, and jeans, ignoring the fishnets. They seemed too hard to put on with practically useless legs. I flopped back onto the bed, nuzzling Sal. He ran his fingers through my hair , humming softly.

                            Sal's POV
I made sure to stay quiet and give all my attention to Trav. Aftercare is the most important part of sex, especially sex that leads to having jelly legs. I wouldn't tell this to anyone even if the FBI tried to get it outta me, but I love watching my partner deal with the effects of me railing them. The few times me and Ash had sex that I wanted too as well, I tended to leave her bed bound. It seemed so cute to me. After my dad walked in earlier he decides to take Lisa and Larry out to lunch, understanding that I needed privacy. He said to be decent by around 3 because there's a special guest coming over.  Someone who wanted to know more about me. He was some pastor so I figure it's about my relationship with God. He probably wants some story about how I saw Jesus when I was recovering my gunshot wound. Or he wants to know how it happened. I remember that day clearly, but until he asks me I'm not gonna say nothin. I've been off my meds for awhile so its best I ignore that shit. I checked my phone, it said it was 2:45. I got up from my bed, to Travis' protests. I threw on a band tee and some sweats.  I started combing through my blue hair, tossing it into a messy bun and clipping on the mask that Daphne had brought back from her apartment.  My mind wandered to Ash. I wonder what happened to her. She's probably up plotting to kill me. But I don't care anymore. My anxiety and fear from her is gone. She's a worthless piece of shit who deserves to die alone. I still have to admit that I wish we were still together.  I miss the good days.  But the good days didn't hold a thread to the bad ones. I heard the doorbell ring and I grabbed Travis.

"Hold my hand and I'll make it seem like nothing is wrong with your legs" "A-Alright" I gripped his hand as we walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "Sal he will be here in about 5 minutes. And please be nice, I know you're not the happiest person around church people. But please, for me" "Of course dad" Lisa was brushing through Larry's hair. He was capable of doing it himself, but I knew that he prefers his mom. They've always been really close. It's nice seeing them get along. I squeezed Travs hand harshly. A tall, tan man stepped into the room, Bible in hand.

                             Travis POV
I looked on disbelief at the man before me. He looked down at me in disgust. Panic set in my chest and I gritted my teeth. How was he here?? Why was he here?? My Brain was  racing with questions and I couldn't form a response at all except for.


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