chapter 9: Daddy Dearest

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■■■■TRAVIS POV■■■■
I stare down at Sal, my mother comforting him silently as he cried. Those tears of anxiety and fear for what would happen soon turned into comforted sobs, Sal lavishing in the love of my mother. Once his tears dried my mother began to try to find a place for him to stay, his eyes began to water again, them being quickly wiped by her.

"Shh Shh Sal it's okay, just tell me where your family is, so you'll be in a familiar environment. A mother? A father maybe? Siblings?" "My dad l-lives in a h-house a few blocks o-over, my brother L-Larry lives across town, and my mother i-is dead.."
Sal's POV
Travis's mother, who I now know is Daphne, drove slowly until I pointed out which house was my dad's. Travis was in the back, a sympathetic look in his eyes. I stepped out of the car after saying goodbye, and walked up to the steps, gently knocking on the door. The door was quickly opened and then I noticed a familiar voice talking to me.


I felt the warm embrace of my father, his beard tickling my face as he pulled me in. I couldn't help but cry happy tears. I've always been a 'Daddy's Boy per se', not much of another choice when your moms dead. I texted him that I needed to stay with him, hence his fear. As I stepped inside while my tears were still streaming down my face. I spot Lisa and Larry looking at me in relief, rushing to hug me as well.

"Sally face, where's your mask? What happened? Where's Ash?"

Larry's questions started to overwhelm me and all of could get out was "I'll explain later, but I just gotta stay tonight." He seemed satisfied and I quickly ran into my old room, tossing myself onto my bed. As I glanced around, I realized a fact that made dread pool into my stomach. Gizmo is gone. He's with Ash. My sweet baby is with Ash. The psychopath. She could be trying to kill him right now and I can't stop her. Quickly, I texted Daphne to pick gizmo out of my old apartment, and bring him here. She replied that she could and around 15 minute's later he was in my arms, meowing away.

"Sal, can you come downstairs son, I just wanna make sure you're okay." "Yeah I'll be down in a sec!"

I walked down the stares and was met with my father. His blue hair speckled with grays, his eyes filled with concern. A plate of cookies In hand. Double fudge, my favorite. I snagged one off the plate and shoved it into my torn up mouth, being careful not to spew crumbs out the side of my face. He sat down at the table, I sat with him.

"Sal, does this have anything to do with Ashley?" "Yes sir." "Sal, you're nervous I can tell because you never call me sir. What happened son?" My voice started to break. "Sh-She has b-been....hurting me." "....Sally, you're not weak or pathetic for being abused. You can't control that son."

I started sobbing and fell into his arms, needing the feeling of his care. He kissed the top of my head and held me as I cried. I could hear Larry and Lisa trying to make me feel better by comforting m through their words, but nothing was better than this hugs from my dad. The one person who has always been there without fail. My theatre performances, my graduation, my wedding, even when I dropped out of college he was there to comfort me.

"Sal, how about you go upstairs and take a shower and get comfortable, and then we can watch our movie?"

I quickly broke the hug and ran upstairs, being met with a loving gizmo nuzzling my leg. I checked the closet from my old room, finding all of the clothes Ash hated. The feeling made me shiver. All this time I ignored my own opinion, straying further from my punk, cross dressing, and sometimes scene style just because of some woman who I chose to marry. I could ignore her now. I grabbed a onesie that faded into shorts instead of pants, along with some pikachu boxers, both which Ash called "too childish". I sprawled them onto the bed and walked to the bathroom. As I walked into the bathroom I noticed the bottles along the counter taped with a note.

"I remembered that these were your favorite Sal! The drawers have that baby lotion you liked too! Make sure to clean your scars, I know you forget a lot xoxo Dad"

I smiled at the note and picked up the shampoo and conditioner, along with the body wash. The hair products were tea tree oil and rose infused. I like how soft they make my hair, which has been neglected so much. The body wash was cocoa butter and honey scented, my favorite. I smiled at the thought that my dad has tried this hard for me. I normally take quick showers, but I decided to take a hot bath instead. I turned on the water and waited until the temperature was just right. I stepped in the tub and started to lay my head back ad scrub through my hair, followed by the conditioner, and then washing my body.

As I dried off, I tied the towel around my waist and cleaned off the deep scarring on my face, along with my glass eye. I took it out and popped it in the same container I used to use. I couldn't find the lotion my dad talked about in the note, so I walked downstairs and bumped into someone taller than me. I let my eyes come back into focus, expecting to see my dad, but instead I was met with Travis.

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