Chapter 1.

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    You are returning to Hawkins Indiana.  Your sisters Nancy and Holly and your brother Mike don't know that you are coming back. Your parents meet you at the airport. Your mom Karen,was so excited to see you. She ran up to you when she saw you. She wraps you up in a big hug. She then places her hands on your cheeks and said "You have become so beautiful sweetheart. We have missed you so much. So glad you are back." Your mom says with tears in her eyes. You wipe her tears away and said "Mom,I am glad that I am back. I can't wait to see Nance,Holly and Mike. I am super excited to see them. And can I visit them at school after I drop my stuff off at home?"

   Your parents both agreed to have you surprise your siblings at school. You put your suitcase full of your belongings into the trunk of your parents car and headed home. The ride home was a bit challenging,because you haven't stepped foot in Hawkins for 4 years. So its been awhile and you will have to get adjusted to it eventually.  10 minutes into your own thoughts,you guys pulled up to the house. You follow ypur mom to your old bedroom. Which surprisingly is still the same.

   After you organized everything and the stuff in your suitcase put away,you were ready to go and surprise Nancy and Mike at school. You go downstairs and saw your parents in the dining room. "Hey guys,I am ready to go surprise Mike and Nance." Your dad takes his keys out of his pockets and tosses them to you. You thanked them and hugged them. Told them you will be back soon. You grab your purse and got into the car. You drove all the way to Hawkins High,feeling very nervous. You have many questions going on in your head. "How are they going to react when they see me? Will they be happy to see me? Or will they ignore me?" So many thoughts running through your head.

   You pulled up to the school,it must have been lunch time,because there were students scattered everywhere. You managed getting through the stampede of students and found the front office. You needed to get a visitors pass in order to go through the school. Once you got your pass,you asked a student where the cafeteria was. She was sweet enough and walked you there. You thanked her and walked into the cafeteria doors. You stood there searching the room for Mike and Nancy. You spotted Nancy,she was hanging out with a blonde hair girl. Her back was facing you. You went up behind her and placed your hands over her eyes and said "Guess who?" Nancy spins around and her jaw dropped when she saw you. She was in shock to see you. "Y/n,you''re back. Since when?" She wraps her arms around you in a hug. You hug her back. You stared at her and said "Dad,mom and I have been planning on me coming back for over a month now. I just got here just a few hours ago. I told them that I didn't want them to tell you,Mike and Holly. I wanted it to be a surprise." Nancy smiled and said "This is the best surprise ever. We haven't seen you in like,4 years. So are you back for good or just temporarily?" "I am back for good. But since I graduated from the school I did go to,I am able to get a job and help mom and dad out. And on days off I can take you guys to school and pick you up."  You said in a happy voice.

  Nancy was so happy to see you. You were kinda of shocked on how she reacted. "Speaking of Mike,where is that little butthead?" You said jokingly. Nancy pointed to a table which contained multiple boys. That's when you spotted Mike. You walked over to the table with Nancy,Mike looked up and noticed you. He jumps out of his seat and wraps his arms around you. "Oh my god you're back. Are you staying for good this time?" You nodded your head yes and smiled at your brother. You noticed a guy with long,brown curly hair staring at you. You locked eyes for a few seconds,then you quickly turned your head away and started talking with Mike. He pulls up a chair for you to sit. You sat down and the whole group of boys start staring at you.

  Mike noticed that you were getting uncomfortable. Mike stares at them with that look he gives to people when he gets annoyed. One of the boys speak up and ask "So Mike,are you gonna introduce us to this beautiful lady." Mike stares at you and you nod your head. "This is my older sister Y/n. She was at boarding school for 4 years. She just came back today. Which I am very surprised and happy about. And she is back to stay!" You smiled at your brother. And wrapped your arm around his shoulder and said "Don't forget to tell them what interests I like. Unless you want me to tell them?" Mike lets you tell the group. So you did "I play and write music. I also sing,play the drums,guitar. And I also play or use to play DnD. I taught Dustin and Mike how to play. How do you think they are good at it."

  The long hair guy gives you a wink and smiles. You start to blush. You look at Mike and said "Well,uhmm, I am gonna go ahead and go. I have to put the rest of my stuff away. But I will be here to pick you and Nancy up. Love ya nerd. And it was nice meeting the rest of you." You get up and felt eyes staring at you. But you didn't care,and you kept walking. You get to your car and left the school to go back home.


    "Mike! How come you never told us that you had another older sister? We all knew about Nancy,but not Y/n." Gareth had asked. Mike sat there eating his lunch when he gets hit in the head with a pretzel that Eddie decided to throw at him. "Mike,are you gonna tell us about her? We are very interested. And I wanna get to know her more!" Eddie had said to Mike. Mike looked at Eddie and said "Eddie,if you go anywhere near my sister or even try to flirt with her,I will not show up to any of your campaigns. Speaking of campaigns,Lucas has a basketball game tonight. So he won't be able to make it to the campaign tonight." Eddie stares blankly at Mike and says "You better find me a damn sub. Find someone who knows how to play DnD. Oh wait a minute! You can ask Y/n if she would join. I would love to get to know her more."

   Mike rolled his eyes at Eddie and said "I will ask her,but I highly doubt she will join. She might be a little rough around the edges since she hasn't played in a while. But I will ask her,but I can't make any promises that she will say yes. I will be surprised if she does." Eddie keeps staring at Mike while still eating and says "I hope she says yes,because I would love to see her in one of our Hellfire Club shirts. It will make her look hot!" The boys at the table roll their eyes at Eddie's comment. Gareth says "Is that all you think about? You have Chrissy!" Eddie laughs and sternly says "I can get rid of Chrissy in an instant. All I have to do is tell her that we need to break up. That easy. Plus,Y/n is way hotter than Chrissy. And she is my type 100 percent."

  Eddie grins at his own plan. He had to go find Chrissy and break up with her. He wanted Y/n Wheeler. The most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on. He is surely crushing on you dramatically. But one day he is gonna tell you how he feels about you. But right now,he is gonna take it slow and tell you how he feels about you the right way.



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