Chapter 31

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    Naomi woke up crying in the middle of the night. You jumped out of bed to see what the matter is. You get to her room, and she is sitting up in her bed. You get to her side and sit down on her bed. You felt her forehead, and she was burning up. Eddie came in and saw what was going on. He gets the thermometer to check her fever. He sat on the floor and had Naomi open her mouth so he could check her temp. It read 104.01. You picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. Eddie put on the bath and filled the tub with ice. Once the water was  really cold,you put her in the tub. She starts crying again. "Mommy,this is cold. I'm freezing Mommy. I don't like it." You ran your hand through her hair and said,"Baby girl,I know you don't like it,but it should help bring your fever down.You are really sick,darling. So, just a few more minutes in the water, and you can get out." Naomi agrees.

    Eddie is pacing back and forth in the hallway. Then he comes in and feels her forehead,still slightly warm but not as bad as before. You had her sit in the tub for an extra few minutes. Her poor little body was shivering,but you wanted the fever to break. Once the time was up,you grabbed the towel and wrapped her up in it. You sat her down on the counter and checked her temp again. It went down a lot. It was at 100.03,you got her changed into some cleaner night clothes,because the other other were drenched from her sweating due to the high fever.  "Mommy,can I sleep with you and daddy please. I don't want to sleep alone in my room." She asked you while you combing her hair. You smiled at her and said, "Daddy and I would love to have you sleep with us. We want to make sure you get better." Once her hair was combed,she took hold of your hand and followed you in the bedroom.

  She jumps on the bed,next to Eddie. Eddie gives her cuddles. She looked up at Eddie with her big brown eyes and said, "Daddy,mommy said that I can sleep with you two. She wants to make sure I feel better." Eddie kisses her forehead and says,"Mommy is right,we both want you to feel better. We don't like seeing you this way. So why don't you get under the covers and lay between mommy and I." She cuddles under the blanket with you two. She cuddles up to your chest and lays her head down gently. "I love you, Mommy and Daddy. You guys are the best." You kiss her forehead and said,"We love you too, princess. Now close those pretty brown eyes of yours and get some sleep." "Okay,mommy!" She says back to you. She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.

   You look over at Eddie,who was staring at you already. "Why are you staring at me like that?" You asked him. He smiles and says, "You are a good mother,sweetheart. The way you took care of her made me realize how lucky I am to have the both of you in my life. I love the three of you so much." You totally forgot that you were pregnant. But when he brought it up,it made you realize that you will soon be a mother of two. Eddie scooches closer to the two of you and wraps you both in his embrace. Naomi moves around,now she has her head laying on Eddie's chest. He smiles down at her and places a kiss on her forehead. "I hope she will feel better by morning." You said to him. "I hope so too. Because I feel bad that our princess is feeling like this. The only medicine she needs right now is our love and care. And with the help of God,she will be as good as new when she wakes up." You smile and lay your head back down on your pillow. And drifted off to sleep.

   The following morning,it was 11 am. You woke up to an empty bed. You stretched and got out of bed. You wrapped yourself up in a robe and walked out towards the living room. You noticed that Eddie and Naomi were sitting on the couch watching cartoons. She notices you and jumps off the couch and runs up to you and wraps her arms around your waist. "Mommy, I feel so much better now. Daddy took my temperature, and he said that I was back to normal. Are you happy that I am better,Mommy?" You run your hand through your brown curls and said "I am very happy that you are okay. So I guess what Daddy and I did for you last night worked." She smiles at you and nods her head. She runs back to sit next to Eddie.

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