Chapter 5.

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   You and Eddie have been dating for a month now. Both of you are always handsy when around one another. He would place his hand in your back pocket and you would place yours in his. You loved playing with his hair. He would get mad whenever you trieid to braid it. "Hold still Eddie! You look so good with your hair braided. Stop moving. Quit it!" Eddie is wiggling around,making you yank his hair. "Jesus Christ Y/n,do you seriously have to pull my hair like that. You are gonna make me go bald by the time you are done." You start to giggle.

   You stopped braiding his hair and placed yourself on top of his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck. You pull him close to you. He places his hands on your ass and starts groping it. You placed your lips on top of his. You pushed him down,not breaking the kiss. You were in love with this man. Out of nowhere,Eddie flips you over. Now he is on top of you. His hair falls freely around your face. He was so damn perfect. You took your hand and traced his beauitful jawline. He places his hand behind your head and lifts it up . He places kisses along your jaw,up to your ear. He then lowers his lips to your neck. He starts sucking away on the flesh near your collarbone.  You tilt your head back,giving him more to access. You start to moan. After he was done sucking on your neck,you looked and noticed he left a hickey.

   You stare at him and said "Really,Eddie! What if my parents notice?" He smirks at you and says "So what! You're my girl,I can do whatever I want and when I want. And if I want to leave a hickey on your neck,I'm gonna leave one. Put some foundation on it to cover it when you are around them." You place a kiss on his lips and said "Its not that easy Eddie. They got pissed when Steve left a hickey on Nancy's neck. She was grounded for a week. I don't want to be grounded. And I won't be able to see you." You gave him a sad look. He gets off of you and lays down next to you. He did something,that you were kinda shocked about. He looks at you while he is gliding his hand down your stomach. He plays with the button on your pants. He grins at you,to see how you will react. You nod your head for approval. He unbuttons your pants and slides his hand down them. He places his hand on your warmth. Your body has been aching for his touch. And that moment is now. He moves your panties to the side and slides his fingers through your slit. You moaned at the feeling. You arched your body and spread your legs a bit wider for him.

   He rubs his hand faster and faster on your clit. You start moaning his name. "Oh Eddie,this...this feels so good. Oh god,yes. Don't stop! Keep...keep going. I am...I am almost there!" You gripped the sheets. You felt the pure ecstasy flow out of you. The feeling that you have been wanting to feel this whole time,has finally happened. You experienced your first orgasm and it was perfect. You smile at Eddie,who was smiling back at you "Its your turn,lover boy!"  You said seductively while you unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. You put your hand down his pants and boxers. You wrapped your hand around his dick. Making him grunt. You thrusted your hand up and down his length. He was loving every moment.

   You go faster and faster. Eddie tosses his head back. You look at him and he looks back at you. Your hand going a mile a minute. Feeling his dick get thicker and fuller you knew he might be on the verge of his orgasm as well. You kept staring deep into his eyes. You pumped him faster and faster. "Oh shit,baby girl. Goddamn this...this feels...feels...oh shit yes! I'm a...I'm about to cum. Jesus Christ!" Eddie hit his release. You watched it while it dripped all over your hand. You and Eddie smirk at one another. Now you both know what it feels like to have orgasms. You got off your bed and went to the bathtoom to wash your hands and so did Eddie.

  He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and says "Damn,that was fucking awesome." You smiled at him through the mirror and said "It sure was. I enjoyed it very much. You truly know what you are doing with those hands." You turn around and place a kiss on his lips. He looks at you and runs his hand up from your ass,up to the small of your back. He pushes you closer to him. And says something that sent chills throughout your entire body "Maybe next time we can take this to a whole new level. I wouldn't mind knowing what you are actually hiding underneath your clothes." You blushed and he gives you a sexy smirk. You knew he was talking about having sex with you. Someday you will let him dominate you,but right now,you both will take it slow. Since you both have only been dating for a month.

  You lean forward and whispered in his ear and said "I will like to know what you look like under your clothes baby boy. Maybe when we hit our 2 months anniversary,we can take this relationship up a notch. Because I would love to watch you get naked." Your words sent chills down Eddie's spine. You kissed his lips one last time and walked out to the bedroom. You laid down on your  bed. Eddie lays down next to you and says "Why do we have to wait? I want to feel you now!" You grinned at him and said "Not now big boy. We will soon. Like I said,when we hit our 2 months,than I will recommend having sex. But since we have only been together for a month,I feel like its too soon to have sex now." Eddie huffs and puffs. Basically copping a fit like a 5 year old child. But finally he agrees with you. "Fine we can wait. But that's not gonna stop me from touching that sweet pussy of yours with my hand. And once we do have sex for the first time,I will make it special. I want to take it slow."

   Eddie was a sweetheart. You stare into his big brown eyes and said "You truly are something special. And I am happy that you agree with me. Most guys aren't like that. But you are different in a good way." You kissed him and laid your head down on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat,made you more relaxed. Eddie keeps rubbing the small of your back. He whispers "I truly do love you." He didn't realize that you heard him. So you replied back "I love you too." After you hoth said your "I love you's",you smiled and drifted off to sleep. You were very happy with him. And you pray that someday,you can be more than just his girlfriend. You hope that one day he will ask you to marry him and when that time does come,you wouldn't hesitate to say yes.

Eddie Munson & Y/N Wheeler Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now