Chapter 16.

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  You scheduled an appointment to check up on the baby. You and Eddie went to the appointment.  You saw Doctor Sanchez again. You and Eddie love her. She did a scan on your belly, and sure enough,you were 5 weeks pregnant. Doctor Sanchez looks at both of you and says, "This time,there is only one baby in there. And it's a healthy baby. So, as far as a miscarriage goes,I don't think you will be having one. Have you been going through stress in the past 5 weeks since you conceived?" You looked at Doctor Sanchez and said,"No stress here. Eddie and I worked everything out a week before we conceived. So everything between us is going smoothly." You held onto Eddie's hand. Doctor Sanchez said, "That's awesome to hear. If you don't stress yourself out throughout this whole pregnancy, everything will be fantastic, and you will be able to deliver a beautiful happy baby in 8 months. So congratulations to both of you." Eddie looks at the doctor and asks,"When are we able to find out the gender?" Doctor Sanchez said." She has to be at least 19 to 20 weeks along. We usually say 14 weeks,but if you want an accurate result,then it's 19 to 20 weeks." You and Eddie thanked Doctor Sanchez and schedule your next appointment for 4 weeks. For you hit your 2 month mark. You and Eddie are both happy that the baby is doing amazing and that they is no sign of a miscarriage. Which is good news to the both of you. A placed a kiss on Eddie's lips and said "We are actually going to be parents. I can not wait to meet our little bundle of joy. I love you so much Eds." You kissed him once more.
  You were getting hungry,so you asked Eddie to stop and get you something "What are you and our little rockstar craving for?" He places his hand on your belly while gripping hold of the steering wheel with his left hand. "I was thinking Chinese Food. I am craving for their Sweet and Sour Chicken and their chicken fried rice. I also want some ice cream as well." Eddie smiles at you and says "Anything for you princess. Whatever makes you happy,I will get. What kind of ice cream do you want? We can get some on the way home." You smiled at Eddie and said "Babe,I was just joking on the ice cream." Eddie pulls into the parking of Chinese Restaurant and said "I am getting you some ice cream. Whatever my beautiful,pregnant girlfriend wants,I am gonna get it for her. Now what flavor do you want?"

   You shook your head and said "Well,I do like cookie dough. But our little rockstar wants Rocky Road. It is so hard to choose." You give Eddie a pouty lip. You start crying. Eddie places his hand on your back and says "Sweetheart. It's okay! We can get both. I will get anything for you. You and our rockstar deserve the whole world." You wipe your tears away and looked at Eddie. "I am happy that you are so caring. Are you gonna be like this throughout my whole pregnancy? Because if you do,it's gonna be so damn cute!" Eddie kisses your lips and said "Of course I am gonna be this caring and protective of you throughout this whole pregnancy. I would go above and beyond for you,my love. Now lets go inside and order our food. And then stop at the store and grab you some ice cream. How does that sound,princess!" You kiss his cheek and said "Sounds like a plan babe."

   Eddie gets out of the van and walks over to your side. He opens your door, lends you his hand and says "M'Lady!" He bows down,with his hand still extended. You shook your head,smiled and then took his hand in yours. You get out and whisper in his ear "You are something else lover boy. I want you to know that there is something else that I want for dessert." You seductively winked at Eddie. He knows exactly what you mean. You go inside the restaurant and ordered your sweet and sour chicken and your chicken fried rice. They asked if you wanted a drink with that and you said you wanted a cola. Eddie pays for the food and waited a little bit for them to prepare it. Once the food was prepared,you grabbed it and left to go to the store. Eddie goes into the store. 10 minutes later,he comes back out. He didn't just get you the ice creams that you wanted,he got you some flowers as well. He was such a damn gentleman. He gets in the van and hands you the flowers. They were carnations, your favorite flower. He says while handing you the flowers "Beautiful flowers for my beautiful princess." You lean towards and placed a long,sweet kiss on his lips. "Baby,you didn't have to buy me these. I didn't ask you to. Thank you so much!" A single tear fell from your eye. Eddie takes your hand in yours and said "I know you didn't ask for them. I got them,because you are the most important woman in my life right now. And plus,you are carrying my child." He kisses you once more,then said "Lets get back home before the ice cream melts." He starts up the van and heads back to the trailer.

  Once you arrived at the trailer,you got and grabbed the food and Eddie grabs the ice cream and flowers. You go inside and put the ice cream away and placed the flowers in a vase. You placed the vase in the middle of the table. You stand there and admired the flowers. Eddie comes up behind and wraps his arms around your waist. He rubs your belly in the process. He places kisses along your neck. You tilt your head to the side to expose your neck more. You start to moan when he started sucking on your exposed neck. You turned around and said "Do you wanna take this to the bedroom,lover boy?" You place your hand on his chest and trailed it down to the button of his jeans. You can feel his erection pressing against your core. He totally wants you.

   He looks at you and said"Why don't I just bend you over the counter,instead of going into the bedroom?" He takes his hand and slides it inside of your pants. He pulls your panties to the side and starts playing with your clit. You toss your head back and said "What...what if your...your uncle comes home? Oh fuck!" Eddie's hand goes a mile a minute.  You gripped tighter to the counter. You lean your head forward and placed it on his shoulder. You were a moaning mess. Eddie whispers in your ear,while his hand is still inside your pants "Baby girl,he's at work. He won't be home until tomorrow morning. So we can fo it anywhere in this trailer and we won't get caught." He takes his hand out of your pants and puts his fingers in his mouth,he moans at the taste of you.

   He pulls your pants and panties down and places you on top of the counter. He spreads your legs and gets down on his knees. He brings his tongue to your clit and starts twirling it around. You tossed your head back. You ran your fingers through his hair. He looks up grinning like a devil. He was enjoying you. Watching your facial expressions while he is devouring,made him turn feral. He shoves two fingers inside of your pussy. He pumps them in and out. Hitting your g-spot. You moan loud and scream his name "OH,EDDIE!!!! I...I AM ABOUT TO...OH GOD,YESSSSSSS!!!!" You juices squirted out of you,coating Eddie's face. He stands up and places a long,hard kiss your lips. You moan when you tasted yourself. He takes you off the counter and aggressively bends you over it. You can hear him unbuckling his belt and pull pants down. He grabs your hips and lines himself with your entrance.

   He thrusts into you so hard that your pussying started throbbing. He pounds you harder and harder. He takes your hair and puts it in a makeshift ponytail and brings you back towards him. He tilts your head back to face him. He starts placing kisses on your lips. Then he moves from your lips to your neck. You start to moan even louder. Eddie moves his lips up to your ear and starts nibbling on your ear lobe. He then whispers "Damn baby girl,you are so fucking tight. You take my cock so well. I love the sounds that you make because it turns me on even more. Are you enjoying yourself,sweetheart?" You moan and said "Oh yes...yes master I am...I am enjoying myself. Oh god. I'm...I'm gonna cum again." You moan louder. Eddie runs his hand around your waist and finds his way to your clit. He starts rubbing your sensitive bud. He goes faster and pounds you harder.

   You hit your orgasm and Eddie hits his at the same time. You both were a moaning mess. Sweat dripping both of your bodies. Eddie pulls out of you and says "Lets take a shower to clean ourselves up and then warm up our dinner,now that it's cold." You giggle and follow Eddie to the bathroom. You both clean each other up and put on some clean clothes. You warm up the food and sat down and watched a movie. You started getting sick. So you ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Eddie comes up behind you and holds your hair back while you throw up. He rubs your back and says "Oh baby girl,I am so sorry you have to do this. Are you okay now?" You flush the toilet and wiped your mouth off. You looked at Eddie and said "I am sorry!" You give him a sad look. Eddie wraps you in a hug and says "Baby girl,there is nothing to be sorry about. You are pregnant,you will be throwing up at some point. There's nothing wrong with that." You smile at Eddie and said "But you will probably hate me if I get fat." You sat down on the toilet and start crying. Eddie squatted in front you and takes your hands in his amd said "Sweetheart,I will still love you no matter what flaws you have during this pregnancy. Of course your gonna gain some weight,but you will still be as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on you. So don't judge or criticize yourself. I love you just the way you are."

   You wrap your arms around Eddie and he lifts you up off the toilet. You wrap your legs around his waist and he carries you to the bedroom. He gently lays you damn and says "Get some sleep darling. I will come to bed shortly. I have do something." He covers you up,kisses your lips and then kisses your belly. You loved him so much. He walks out of the bedroom and you roll over onto your side and went to sleep. You were in your happy place and Eddie is your home.


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