Chapter 25.

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Yours and Eddie's 3 year anniversary is in 3 days. And Eddie really wants to do something sweet and romantic with you. Apparently he has been planning this for a month. He always keeps telling you it's a surprise. "But babe,you know I hate surprises. Why can't you tell me?" You kept pleading and begging him to tell you. You give him puppy dog eyes and the pouty lip. He hates it when you do that,because it makes him want to tell you. But this time,it doesn't work. "Darling,the puppy dog eyes and the pouty lip,isn't gonna work on me this time. Because everytime you give me those,it makes me give in and tell you. But not this time,sweetheart." He pulls you close to him by your waist. He places kisses on your lips,down to your jaw line and then to your neck.

He starts sucking on the skin on your collarbone,leaving his mark. You start moaning. "Looks like mommy wants to get her lights fucked out of her." He picks you up by your ass and you wrap your legs around his waist. You two were starting to get intense,until you two were interrupted. "Ewww,mommy and daddy." Your daughter Naomi (who just turned 5 years old) said coming into the living room. Eddie places you back onto the floor and looks at Naomi and said "Sweetheart,shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?" Naomi launches herself into Eddie's arms. Eddie picks her up and cuddles her in his arms. She starts playing with his hair and said "Noooo,I am not tired,daddy. I want to hang out with you and mommy." She gives Eddie the same puppy eyes that you give him. "Please daddy! Can I hang out with you and mommy? Maybe we can watch a movie and have pizza."

Eddie smiles at Naomi and said "You know what my sweet girl,whatever you want to do,we will do it. So if you want to watch a movie,we will watch a movie with you and order some pizza." Naomi smiles at Eddie and gives him a kiss on his cheek. Eddie puts her down and she said "Thank you daddy. You are the best!" She runs back into her bedroom. Her beautiful brown curls bouncing against her back. Eddie turns and faces you. You smile at him and wrap your arms around his neck and said "You are an amazing father Eds. She loves you so much." You placed a kiss on his lips and said "Let me call the pizza place. But let me ask her before I call on what type pizza she wants." You call her name and she comes running to you. You get down to her level and said "Okay sweet girl,since you want to hang with mommy and daddy. You can pick what movie you want to watch. And I can order whatever pizza you like. How does that sound?" You place a kiss on her forehead. She looks at you and said "Well I want to watch Land Before Time. And I want pepperoni pizza and pineapple pizza!" She was so excited. She hugs you and she goes and picks out her movie.

You call the pizza place and order the pineapple and pepperoni pizza. Whatever the princess wants,the princess gets. That's what you and Eddie believed in. Naomi is yours and Eddie main priority. You and Eddie want another baby,but you are waiting for the right time. Anyways,you ordered the pizza for delievery and Naomi runs iut of her room with the movie and the stuffed pink teddy bear that Wayne had given her. She loves that bear. It's like her security blanket but in stuffed animal form. She takes that thing everywhere she goes. She has her footie pajamas on. She notices that you and Eddie don't have your pjs on "Mommy,daddy! You guys need your pajamas on too. That way we can feel comfortable while watching the movie."

Eddie gets down in front of her and says "You are right,princess. Mommy and I will go and get our pajamas on too. We will be right back." You follow Eddie to the bedroom and started stripping out of your day clothes. "Damn,my wife is so fucking sexy! Have I told you lately how stunning you are?" He comes up behind you and snakes his arms around your belly. You look at him through the vanity mirror and said "You have told me that many times,babe. Sometimes when I feel ugly,I think about the song you sang for me years ago. I am beautiful and perfect just the way I am. You on the other hand sir,are perfect in every way. You mean so much to me." You turn around and wrap your arms around his waist amd whispered "We have an extra few minutes to spare. How about I please you while you please me?" Eddie smirks at your idea.

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