Chapter 23 😥

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*Author's Note*

   Just a head's up,this story is gonna be a sad one. I won't tell you all what happens. You will have to read the story to find out. It's gonna be a major time jump. Eddie and you are married and would have been pregnant with your 2nd child. But something happens. I don't want to say anything. I know Eddie wouldn't actually do something like this,but it's just a story. But don't worry, it gets cute and very sweet towards the end. I hope ya'll enjoy it.

   *Time Jump*

     "Are you fucking kidding me,Eddie? We are married,we have a 4 year old and one on the way. What were you thinking? Uhh! Talk to me goddamn it! Was she good,Eddie? Is she better than me. You are something fucking else,don't you know that." Eddie stares at you all pissed off "You want the damn truth Y/n? I will tell you the fucking truth,okay. She was better than you. Ever since you got pregnant with our second child,the sex hasn't been the same like it use to. She is young,two years younger than us. She has a hotter body than you." His words cut through you like a damn knife. "Are fucking serious? My body is the way it is because I had fucking children. I can't believe you would do something like this,after you fucking promised me that you would never,ever break my damn heart. You are a fucking ass..." Your sentence was cut short. You felt a sting across your face. Eddie had hit you. You ran to the room crying. You slammed and locked the door.

  You hear Eddie walking towards the door. He keeps banging on it. "Open the fucking door Y/n!" You were scared and terrified. "I am not opening this door for you." You shouted at him. "If you don't open the door right the fuck now,I will break it down." He is getting pissed. This is the side of Eddie you have never seen before. You didn't open the door. So he kicked the door in and grabbed you by your wrist,tossing you up against the wall. Then you fell to the floor. You were only 2 months along in your pregnancy. You slouched over onto your hands and knees. Eddie takes his foot and kicks your stomach. A flash back to what Chrissy did to you when you were pregnant with Naomi. You yelled and cried "Eddie,stop! are hurting me. Please stop! Eddie quit it!" Eddie looks down at you and sees tears in your eyes. He snaps out of whatever he was in. He gets down to your level. He places his hand on your shoulder,you quickly reacted.

   You moved away from him. You felt major pain,in your lower abdomen.  You grab onto the bed post and stood up. Blood dripping down your legs. Eddie looks at you with tears in his eyes. You walked to Naomi's room and packed her bags along with yours. Eddie follows you and asks "Where are you going? I am sorry!" You looked at him,with tears still in your eyes. "I am leaving. I can't...I can't be in this marriage anymore. I will be sending you divorce papers through the mail. Make sure you sign them!" All Naomi's stuff was in her bags. You took your wedding ring off and placed it on the kitchen counter. You grabbed the stuff and walked out to the car. You placed Naomi in her carseat. Eddie is hot on your heels "Y/n please don't go. Please stay. I...I don't know what crawled up me. I am sorry babe. Please stay!"

  After Naomi was placed in the carseat. You turned around. You felt more pain in your lower abdomen. You noticed you were still bleeding. You stood there,in pain,facing Eddie. "I am not staying here with you. Did you see what you just did to me? You abused me Eddie. And now it feels like I am going through a miscarriage because of you. So goodbye Eddie. Hope everything goes well for you and that skank you decided to cheat on me with. Besides divorce papers,you will also be receiving custody papers as well. I can't have Naomi be around you when you act like this. I am heading to my parents house. So don't bother trying to call me. Because I will not answer. I need to go now. I can't stand this throbbing pain in my stomach no more."

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