Chapter 32

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    You are now 5 months pregnant. You and Eddie dropped Naomi at your parents' house. After dropping her off,you headed to your appointment. You get to find out the gender and you couldn't wait. Naomi wants a baby brother. So you and Eddie are crossing your fingers and praying it's a boy. You pulled up to the building and walked in. You yourself in and sat down. There were other mothers there who were either pregnant or already had their babies. One mother looked at you and said, "If you don't mind me asking,is this yours and your husband's first child?" You looked back at her,smiled, and said,"No. This is our second pregnancy. We have a 6 year old daughter." The lady looks back at you and says,"This is my second too. I have a 4 year old son, and this one here is a girl. One more thing,you and your husband are a good-looking couple. And congratulations!"

   You and Eddie thanked her. Your name was called. You both got up and followed the nurse to the back. You knew what you had to do. You laid on the bed and waited for the technician. She walks in and sits down near the machine that does the ultrasound. "So, do you both want to know the gender today?" You looked at Eddie and said "Yes we do!" The technician said,"What guesses do you two have?" Eddie says "Well we have asked our 6 year old daughter what she thinks it is, and she thinks it's a boy. She really wants a baby brother." The tech smiled at Eddie."That's very sweet. Is she excited to become a big sister?" She smiles at Eddie once again. You can tell what's going on. The tech was flirting with your husband. You answered this time. "Yes,she is very excited to be a big sister. Now, can we please get this ultrasound done and over with." You were starting to get pissed. Eddie looks at you and whispers in your ear, "What is your problem, sweetheart?" You look at him and whispered back."I will tell you when we are finished."

    The flirty tech does the ultrasound,while doing so, she keeps smiling at Eddie. She even winked at him. This was getting way too out of hand. She tells you and Eddie that you guys are having a boy. Naomi is gonna be so happy. You wiped the jelly off your stomach. The tech was about to hand Eddie the ultrasounds,but you snatched them out of her hand and said, "I will take those,thank you. I saw what you have been doing. And I don't appreciate it. I will be reporting you." The tech looks at you and said,"What are you talking about? I wasn't doing anything Mrs.Munson."

   You give her an evil smile and said "You were flirting with my fucking husband. Don't sit there and deny it. You knew damn well you were doing it." She looks at you and says,"Well,can you help me. He's attractive! It's a shame that he's with you." That really pissed you off. You handed Eddie the ultrasounds and got in her face. "You are a physco bitch. He is my damn husband. How dare you come out and say that to me. I don't appreciate that whatsoever. So when I report your ass,I will make sure they fire your ass as well. You fucking bitch!" You grabbed Eddie's hand and stormed out of the room. You walked over to the receptionist desk to make your appointment and a report. "Yes, I also want to make a report on your technician that did my ultrasound!" The receptionist looked at you and said,"Why do you want to report her sweetheart?" Tears rolled down your face and said,"She was flirting with my husband. She even said that she feels sorry for him being married to me. I hate being disrespected. I will stop coming here if you don't fire her." The receptionist got up and grabbed the your doctor and explained everything to her.

   You saw the tech walk out of the room. You were just in. Your doctor walked over towards her and started talking to her. You and Eddie saw the tech hand the doctor what looked like her name tag. She walked over towards you and with the tech. She made the tech apologize to both of you. Which ypu didn't accept. Pure hatred on your face. You stared her down and said, "I am not accepting this apology. Because she is fucking with the wrong damn couple. She had no rights doing what she did. There's no need to be flirting with my husband. I won't come back here if she is still here." You say while holding Eddie's hand. The doctor looked at you and said, "You have nothing to worry about Mrs.Munson,I just fired her. She no longer works here. So you are safe to come back here on your next appointment." The tech gives you the death stare. All you could do was wave and laugh at her as she walked out the door.

Eddie Munson & Y/N Wheeler Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now