Chapter 22.🔞

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  Naomi is now 4 months old. She is the cutest baby you have ever seen. She totally looks like Eddie. There is definitely no denying that she is his child. Brown curly hair and big brown eyes. She sure is Eddie's twin. You loved her so very much. She was such a good baby. One day,during her nap time,it was Eddie's day off. You decided to hop in the shower. A well needed shower,that is. Eddie walks into the bathroom. He decides to sneak in the shower with you. He gets in and wraps his arms around your waist. He slides his hands up to grope your breasts. He twirls the nipples with his fingers. He then slides his fingers down your wet skin and runs over your folds. He took his thumb and started rubbing circles on your clit. You tossed your head back onto his chest. You let out a slight moan. You gripped a hold onto the bar that was in the shower for support. Eddie rubs quickly. Your legs are buckling up,your back arched against his body. He whispers in your ear "Babe,we need to take this to the bedroom." You turned around and faced him. You said "Why do we need to take this to the bedroom? Why can't we just have sex in the shower?"

  Eddie smiles at you and says "Because in the shower,I can't handcuff you or blindfold you,now can I?" You shrugged your shoulders and said "I guess not. You're the master,right?" He nods his head at you and said "Damn straight I am the master,baby. Now,lets get out of this shower and take it to the bedroom." You turned the shower off and stepped out. No towel needed,because he's just gonna strip that off of you when you get in the bedroom. So you walk out before him,completely naked. He stands behind checking your body out. Staring at your naked body,is making him feral than before. Once in the bedroom,he pushes your naked body onto the bed. "So master! What are you gonna do with me?" Eddie crawls on top of you and says "Oh,you have no idea what I want to do with you. There are a few things that I want to do,roaming inside my head. So if you please,would you scoot up closer to the top of the bed!" You did as told. "Now place your hands above your head." He says seductively. So you obeyed to that too.

   He reaches into the side table and takes out the handcuffs and the blindfold. Eddie handcuffs you to the bed and places the blindfold over your eyes. You hear his hot breath against your ear "Now,let me dominate this hot body of yours. I want to see you twitch under me. I want to make you sweat like you haven't sweat before. I want to make that sweet pussy of yours pulse under my tongue and mouth. I want to make you scream my name." Eddie's words were so dominating that it sent chills up and down your spine. Your body shivers while his hands graze your bare skin. He gets to between your legs and places small kisses on your inner thighs. He then traces his tongue from your entrance to your clit and then back down to your entrance once more. This time, he dips his tongue in and out. The length of his tongue is long enough to reach your g-spot. And every time he hits that sweet spot,it sends you through the roof.

  You wanted to run your fingers through his hair,but you couldn't. He then brings his tongue back up to your clit. He takes his mouth and wraps it around your sensitive bud and starts to moan. Sending vibrations through your body. When you felt the urge to release,Eddie moves his mouth. You moan at the loss "Eddie,why did you stop? I...I was about to cum." Eddie deviously smiles at you and says "You can cum when I say you can!" "But master,I...I need to release. Please let me release master." You start to wince from the pleasure that he never gave you. You wanted him to finish what he started.

  You felt him get off the bed,you did't know where he was. Next thing you knew,you felt something cold trace along your body. Goosebumps formed on your skin. You start to shiver. You realized that it was an ice cube. He takes another ice cube and traces it down your stomach to your warmth. He rubs the ice cube along your sensitive bud. He knew what he was doing. He leaves the ice cube on your clit. Your body keeps shivering. You made a little moan. You felt the ice cube melt on pussy. Your body starts twitching. You felt Eddie go back to using his mouth. He licks up the moister that the ice cube had left. He wraps his mouth around your clit and starts sucking hard. He moans while tasting how good you taste.

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