Chapter 15.

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   You and Eddie decided to wait a month instead of two weeks to take a pregnancy test. Once the month was up,you were feeling quite nauseous,fatigue and very tired. Plus your boobs were starting to hurt. You realized that this is how you felt when you became pregnant to first time. Eddie was laying on his bed and you waved a pregnancy test in the air saying "Lets see if I am pregnant!" Eddie jumps off his bed and follows you to the bathroom. You pee on the stick and then placed it upside down on the counter. You both waited 5 minutes. Within those 5 minutes,you were starting to get antsy and anxious. You were sweating bullets. The timer went off. You looked at Eddie and held his hand. You flipped over the test and to your surprise,the test says PREGNANT! You stared at Eddie with tears in your eyes. You couldn't believe you were pregnant. Eddie kisses you and wraps his arms around you.

   Wayne hear the commotion and walked towards the bathroom. He saw you two standing there holding each other tight. And with tears in your eyes. Wayne says "What in tarnation is going on here?" Without saying a word,Eddie hands Wayne the test. Wayne looks at it and says "Holy shit. You guys did it! I am very happy for the both of you. I am finally gonna be a granddaddy." He was so happy,he joined in the hug. You guys all pull away from the hug. Wiping your eyes. Wayne gives you back the test and says "You two are going to amazing parents. So proud of the both of you. Can't wait to meet the little one." Wayne hugs you guys again and said before he left the bathroom "I am headed off to work now. I will see ya'll in the morning"

   You said your goodbyes to Wayne. You keep staring at the test. You couldn't stop wracking your brain over this. You are pregnant. Actually pregnant. And you hope this pregnancy goes smoothly. You sit down on the couch and Eddie sits down next to you. "We have to tell my parents Eddie. They have to know." You had told him. "You are right sweetheart. Lets go tell them now." Eddie says agreeingly. You gathered your purse and put the pregnancy test inside of it. You and Eddie drove 15 minutes to your parents. You get there and everyone watching tv. "Hey sis,hey Eddie. Why are you here so late?" Asked Mike. You smiled at the 5 of them and said "Eddie and I have something to tell you guys or show you guys!" You reached into your purse and took out the test. You handed it to your mom. You saw a tear form in her eye. She gave the test to your dad. Your dad smiled. They both got up and hugged the both of you. Your mom pulls away from the hug and said "I am gonna be a grandma! This is amazing and such a blessing." Your mom hugs you again. Your dad looks at you and said "I am very proud of the both you. Can't wait to be called grandpa." He looks at Eddie places his hand on his shoulder and said "And you son,take care of my daughter and grandchild." Eddie looks at your dad and says "Sir,you have my word. I will be there for the both of them. I will never,ever,ever hurt them. I will protect them with my well being." Your dad gives Eddie a hug and then hugs you and said "If he asks you to marry him,please say yes. Because he is an amazing guy with a kind heart. He truly does love you. And just remember,I will always be the first guy you loved. Because I was the one who brought you into this world with the help of your mother." You laughed. He looks back at Eddie and says "If you ever decide to marry my daughter,just remember who the first guy in her life was. And she will always be my little dove." Eddie smiles at your dad.

    Mike,Nancy and Holly come up to you and Eddie. Mike looks at Eddie and says "Congratulations man. Can't believe my best friend is gonna be a dad. And one more thing,treat my sister like the queen she truly is. Because she deserve the royal treatment. And love her,like you mean it. Oh and,welcome to the family!" He pats on Eddie on the shoulder. He looks at you and says "If he screws up just one time,let me know and i will handle it!" You giggle at his comment. Nancy comes up to you and says "I can't believe my sister is going to be a mommy. I am so proud of you sis. You're gonna be an amazing mom. That little one in there,is gonna be happy to meet you. And Eddie,promise me you will take extra care of my sister and my neice or nephew. If you can't make a Wheeler happy,than you're out. Since you make my sister happy,you're in. So welcome to the family,Eddie!" She gives Eddie a hug and pulls you into the hug as well.

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