Mid Authors Remark

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all well wherever you are in Hyrule. That being said I've realized that I will be taking some time off from this story, at least in the sense that my updates will be less frequent.

I want to say this as sweet as I can. But, this story has taken a lot of time from me and trying to write 20 or so pages of what I think is of an entertaining quality every couple weeks, has taken a toll on my personal life outside of my day job. Maybe writing comes easy for you, but to me it's not easy. I'm mildly dyslexic and I constantly have to do re-writes because I tend to write things backwards.

That being said, this fic is hardly getting any interaction as it once did and for me to spend hours and hours a week to get it done seems like a waste of resources if nobody cares to even remark how they feel about it.(Except for one person, you know who you are, you're awesome)

But, maybe the story isn't as good as I think it is. Maybe it needs changes, Idk. Hell, tell me how much you don't like what I'm writing, at least then I know the audience has a pulse and cares if I finish or not. Because why should I burn up free time doing this when I can focus on other hobbies of mine like music, and getting my youtube channel off the ground that I put on the back burner. Lastly, new readers only check out stories they see that have interaction. No interaction = no more new readers. I don't think it's asking too much to just say a word or two once in a while. Or if you think that is asking too much, let me know in the comments! Lol that will help me since it is interaction.

That being said, I will still complete the fic regardless because I want it completed and I want the story told because I think it's worth telling. It will just be when I have time. Let me know if you agree with where I stand or you think that I should hang up the towel. But, it will just be at a pace I can do while juggling everything else. Thanks for listening and until next time, stay well wherever you are.


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