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Jacqui stepped out of some random classmate's van she hitched a ride in, throwing back in some random shoe that fell out once she opened the door. She gave the driver a quick wave off before shutting the door, turning away as they drove off to go park.

On her far right, the sound of cameras snapping and reporters filled her ears. "How does it feel to be almost brutally butchered?!"

Jacqui quickly turned to see Sidney and Tatum shoving their way out from the crowd and to the school as Dewey held the reporters back.

Jacqui waited for the reporters to start to clear out before she made her way over to Dewey, a nervous look on her face. "So, just to be clear, you're not arresting me?" Jacqui whispered.

Dewey stared at her for a second before answering. "No, I'm not arresting you."

Jacqui nodded while looking around. "Okay, cool." She sighed, shuffling her feet. "Thanks." She walked off.

Jacqui continued her way across the school field until she spotted Tatum. She ran over to the blonde and looked where Tatum was staring, Sidney talking to Gale Weathers.

"Ooh," Jacqui folded her arms and smiled a bit. "They're just talking again after last night?"

Tatum nodded, shifting on her feet. "Think she's gonna hit her again?"

"Nah," Jacqui shook her head, watching Sidney stop. "Knowing Sid, she's probably gonna apologize."

Tatum grabbed Jacqui's arm and led her into a less crowded area. "So, you still think it's Billy?"

Jacqui shrugged. "I don't fuckin' know, Tate. Probably! It's weird! Like, I'm positive it's not myself or Randy, or Sidney."

Tatum twisted her lips. "But not Stu?" Her tone almost sounded mad.

Jacqui threw her arms up. "Dude, I really don't know! All I know is it's someone close to her." She gestured to Sidney.

Tatum just rolled her eyes. "There's no reason for my boyfriend to try and kill Sid, okay?" Tatum snapped, Jacqui was taken aback. "So just give it a rest. Talk to me when you're done playing Clue, I'm going to go be here for Sid." Tatum stormed off toward Sidney, leaving Jacqui confused and annoyed.

Jacqui was about to open her mouth to try and stop Tatum but just sighed and folded her arms. "Maybe you're the killer," Jacqui murmured once Tatum was out of earshot before huffing. "Damn, now I gotta apologize at lunch."

Jacqui continued to walk until she found her locker inside the halls. Her eyes stopped when she saw something, she kept her arms folded as she leaned against the locker door, skepticism etched on her face at the sight of Stu talking to Billy from far down the hall.

"Gimme some sugar baby," Randy did his best Ash Williams, wrapping his arm around Jacqui and trying to kiss her.

Jacqui tried not to smile but couldn't help it. He put a bunch of chaste kisses all across her face before planting one sweet one across her lips.

"Nice to know the Bruce Campbell joke is still going," she sarcastically replied.

"Well, I think it's very apparent that I am no Ash Williams . . . although the chainsaw arm would come in handy just about now." He widely smiled.

"Jesus, you're such a nerd." Jacqui laughed. "You're lucky you're cute."

»»----- 🔪 -----««

Jacqui, Tatum, and Sidney sat together while eating lunch and conversing. Lucky for Jacqui, Tatum got over things quickly and was cool with her now.

"You know what, l don't really care either way." Jacqui shrugged. "Just as long as his . . . 'friend' isn't crooked. l could imagine hating that." Tatum gave Jacqui a look, as if asking her to be quiet. Jacqui furrowed her brows in confusion. "What?"

"Well, don't scare her," Tatum murmured, looking at Sidney and then back at Jacqui.

"Why, what's wrong?" Jacqui asked.

Tatum hesitated. "Sidney's . . . saving herself."

Jacqui's jaw dropped as she turned to the brunette. "Sid, you're a virgin?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Sidney sighed. "I'm just not interested in doing it until l have the right person at the right time."

"No, no, I understand." Jacqui nodded. "Plus, I heard the scientific term is 'sexually challenged.'" She joked.

"God, you're one to talk, Jac." Tatum rolled her eyes.

Sidney stopped for a moment. "Wait a minute here. Wait. l thought that like, you and Randy were-"

"Woah woah, wait." Jacqui quickly spoke, getting a bit defensive. "Listen, his family loves me. We almost bought a turtle last week, and we are both happy. He's got no cause for complaints. . . . But technically speaking," she licked her lips before answering. "l am a virgin. . . . You know what l mean."

[A/N: I hate this chapter. I HATE IT. I WANT TO BURN IT. I at least LIKE all my other ones but I feel iffy about this one and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO-]

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