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"There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie!" Randy kept using his hands to emphasize his words, in typical and perfect Randy fashion. "For instance, number one, you can never have sex."

The others started booing and shouting no, some even went as far as to throw popcorn as he swatted it away. "Big no no!" He yelled. "Sex equals death okay?! Number two, you can never drink or do drugs."

"You only live once!" Jacqui widely smiled. Everyone else shouted again and clinked their beers together before chugging.

"No, the sin factor. It's a sin. It's an extension of rule number one." Randy finished by hitting his bottle against Jacqui's.

"And number three," Randy started, pointing his finger at them all like this was the most important one. "Never ever, under any circumstances say 'I'll be right back,' because you won't be back."

Stu got up, awkwardly stumbling around. "I'm getting another beer. Ya want one?"

Randy nodded. "Yeah, sure." He waved his hand dismissively like he was going to continue, but Stu stopped him.

"I'll be right back!" Stu yelled and dramatically backed into the kitchen. Everyone around the two screamed 'ohh' while cheering him on.

Randy just shook his head and pointed. "You see, you push the laws and you end up dead. Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife." He toasted toward Stu and then came back over and sat beside Jacqui again.

»»————- 🔪 ————-««

Just a minute or two before the 'obligatory tit shot,' Jacqui stood up and walked around to get behind the couch, leaving her finished beer bottle as she leaned over to talk to Randy, low enough the others wouldn't hear. "Hey, I'm gonna go snoop around upstairs," Jacqui said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, Sidney and Billy are up there." Randy reminded.

"Yeah, I know. I wouldn't be going up there if nobody else was there, that's basically asking to be murdered." Jacqui remarked. "That has to be somewhere in your list of rules."

Jacqui stopped at the top of the stairs, to her right she could hear grunting and moaning so she silently but over-exaggeratedly gagged. She turned to her left and walked into a room, which she quickly recognized as Stu's room.

"Somewhere more in the common sense range, but yeah." He clarified.

Jacqui smirked and nodded. "Okay, I'll be right— WOAH!" She stopped herself, mouth wide open in shock. "That would've been bad."

»»————- 🔪 ————-««

Taking a deep breath, Jacqui put her hand on the railing and started up the steps.

Stu's house was huge and ambiguous, but she was down to be in danger just to snoop around her friend's house. She usually wouldn't but . . . it was Stu.

»»————- 🔪 ————-««

Randy, who was now drunk off his ass, basically crawled over to answer the phone. "Hello?"

He was annoyed at first that something, probably insignificant, was interrupting his movie again. His whole demeanor changed however, when the person on the other end told him the news.

Randy stood up slowly, still holding onto the phone. "Holy shit." He said in disbelief. He turned around quickly and held the phone in his hands. "They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field."

The guys around him just laughed. "What're we waiting for? Let's go see before they pry him down!"

They jumped over their seats and started running for the door, yelling excitedly all the while.

"Where you guys going?" Randy called after them, but they didn't care. "We were just getting to the good part."

»»————- 🔪 ————-««

Still in Stu's room, Jacqui put back down the VHS copy of Suspiria that she was holding and turned around at the sound of what seemed like a light scream from outside. She stared out the window, realizing it showed the side of the house's fence and not the garage where the noise could've come from, she groaned in annoyance.

Jacqui opened the window to see there was no screen in the way before she leaned her head forward, nothing beneath but grass. Knowing that in the hypothetical killer situation she was putting herself in had no real escape, she just closed the window.

Jacqui was about to turn away but thought she saw something blue so she continued to stare. Her brows furrowed at something white that came into her vision before she felt a looming presence behind her. Without thinking, like reflex, she turned around and saw the killer standing there, now realizing she didn't see something through the window, but it was a reflection.

"What the shit?!"

Ghostface brought the knife down to try and get Jacqui's head but she stepped back, making the knife graze from above the corner of her eyebrow down to the middle of her cheek and causing some blood to drip into her left eye. In the process of her backing away, the window cracked behind her enough that one hit would make it completely shatter.

Jacqui let out a slight scream of pain from her face wound before kicking at Ghostface's leg, making him buckle down. She scrambled and tried to run for it but he grabbed back at her leg while still on the ground, making her fall and come down to his level.

Ghostface tugged to bring Jacqui closer, rolling her over onto her back. With his left hand gripping her throat, his right held the knife and raised it to bring down on her face. Lucky enough, she punched his hand to the side, making him stab into the wooden floor just a few inches away from her eye.

Ghostface quickly pulled the knife out of the floor as Jacqui started to crawl away while backward and keeping her back off the ground, only able to see through her right eye due to her other being partially blinded by the blood. Before she could get far enough, he brought the knife down to the closest place to him, the right side of her stomach.

Jacqui felt the strongest pain she ever had in her life and screamed as Ghostface ripped the knife back out. She quickly kicked him away and struggled to get back up, blood all over her right hand that now covered her wound.

After using the nightstand to get back up, Jacqui noticed Ghostface beginning to run over to her again with the knife ready. She dodged by rolling over the bed and onto the ground, quickly getting back up again by using the mattress as a booster. As she did so, Ghostface barely missed the stab he made toward her hand.

Jacqui limped for the door but Ghostface was much faster and kicked the door shut the second she opened it. "Fuck you, man!" Ghostface tried to slice at her face again but she blocked it with her left arm before punching the knife out of his hand with her right.

With the knife now across the room, Ghostface's focus went on the window as he grabbed onto the back of Jacqui's head by digging his fingers into her hair and slamming her face through the window, shattering the glass completely.

Now completely blacked out with her upper half hanging through the window, Ghostface just grabbed Jacqui's calves and flipped the rest of her body out the window.

Jacqui landed on the grassy ground flat on her chest and stomach, bleeding out from the multiple knife cuts along her face from his knife, her stomach's stab wound, the slash across her arm, and now the small shards of glass that pierced her face. Ghostface peered down at her for a moment, not seeing her move, he turned around and walked away.

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