New Kid

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Sokka POV

I was spacing out as usual, looking out the window at some birds on the tree outside. Mrs. Bawi was lecturing on about Avatar Yangchen, when we (the entire room) heard a quiet knock pn the door.

"Jasper, would you open that for me?" Mrs. Bawi said.

We all turned around to face the door as Jasper, one of the popular girls, stood up to open the door.

Some kids were whispering already.

She pulled the handle to let whoever was there in.

(Let's pretend school shooters don't exist in Avatar, there's enough of that in US already)

Out there stood a boy I've never seen before. Probably Fire Nation. He had jet black hair and a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his face, though I could tell there was something around his left eye. A birth mark maybe?

Jasper rolled her eyes and went back to her seat.

The new kid walked in.

He was really tall.

His unhealthily white hands were grasping the straps on his black bag like his life depended on it. His nails were painted with black nail polish.

"Oh you must be the new student, right?" Mrs. Bawi asked as the "new student" took a step into the class.

His pale face was blank, though it was obvious he was nervous.

"Oh, um, yes." He stuttered. His voice was raspy, but in a good way. He looked a little embarrassed about his stuttering.

The others in the class were already whispering stuff. The girls were huddling in small groups behind Mrs. Bawi's back. She ignored them.

"Well then, why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" she asked, smiling.

"Oh, um, my name is Zuko Hong Li, I'm 16, and, that's pretty much it."

Wow, pretty shy.

He turned his head a little, so the light from the window fell onto his face, the birth mark on his eye looks more like a burn now that I think about it. No, it IS a burn. A scar.

"Well then Zuko, now that we know a little more about you, we'll continue on with the lesson." Mrs. Bawi said as she waved her hand over to where Ennoya and I were sitting. "You can sit over there next to Sokka and Ennoya."

Zuko and I locked eyes.

If I had to describe his eyes in one word, it would be, molten gold, though that's two words.

But they really do look like someone just poured some melted gold into a tiny human eye mold and it still hasn't cooled in 16 years.

And no matter how painful it would be, I wanted to jump into those pools of molten gold and drown.

He's so hot.

Even better than Yue, and later Suki.

Am I... bi?

Before I found out, Zuko broke the eye contact.

"Um, yes, thank you."

And he plopped into the seat behind me.

I set my eyes back to the history book and my notebook, ready to take notes so Katara won't have to stay up helping me all night.

"Hey dude, where'd you get that?" Chon mocked him. Ugh. Chon. That guy seriously sucks.

Zuko ignored him. Chon smirked.

He was about to say something else, but I told him to leave Zuko alone.

God Chon sucks. He sucks even more than those Tootsie Rolls lollypops.

I could feel Zuko's gold eyes drilling the back of my head.

I wanted to stare into his eyes again.

Third person POV

And all these events happened over the span of a few minutes.

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