Chapter 59

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From what I heard,love isn't something you plan. It just clicks once and you are screwed.

Author pov

GO AWAY! Y/n shouted.....

Everyone just stood there looking at her condition....

Y/n please keep the knife down. Jin spoke softly trying to calm her down.....

NO! Go away, please. She said and fell on her knees......

I am... I am useless... I can't do anything.... I am the reason.....Please k-kill me....Please. She sobbed......

Suga was the first one to step forward. He tried not to make any noise. Every looked at him as he got close to y/n and was about to take away the knife but he made a noise......

Y/n suddenly looked up when she heard a noise and saw Suga was about to take her knife away.....

Suga held her wrist firmly trying not to hurt her. Y/n started to wiggle trying to get out of his grip.....

Ugh! He held his shoulder with his other hand not leaving y/n......

Y/n stopped wiggling when she realised she hurted Suga......

The knife in her hand fell down. Suga quickly kicked the knife away.....

BTS quickly rushed near Y/n and Suga. Yumi was held by Iu as she looked at Iu she just shook her head signalling her not to go. Yumi sighed and nodded......

I-I h-hurted you S-Suga. You are b-bleeding. She said with her hands shaking.....

Y/n Calm down. He will be fine. Please Calm down. Jhope said trying to calm her down......

Suga cupped her face and made her look at him. She looked at him with teary eyes. He smiled sadly......

Suddenly Y/n felt her world stop as she felt Suga kissing her. It was a gentle and passionate kiss. It was filled with pure love. Y/n didn't kiss back but didn't push him as well. She needed to calm down and It was calming her down......

The other members smiled.....

Iu just looked at them blankly while yumi balled up her fist......

Y/n placed her hand on his shoulder and  weakly pushed him away......

Suga broke the kiss and smiled.....

I am sorry but you needed to be calmed down. He apologised.....

Jhope picked her up and made her lay on the bed.....

You need rest. We are going for now but we will come back soon. Till then take rest hmm. Jin spoke gently......

They were about to go but jimin suddenly stopped when he felt someone holding his hand. He looked behind and saw y/n holding his hand. Everyone also looked back and Jimin asked.....

What happened, love?

Please don't leave. Everybody leaves. She spoke with tears in her eyes.....

Iu pulled yumi with her and closed the door and yumi spoke......

What the hell! Iu What are you doing? They are kissing your brother and you are doing nothing. What kind of sister you are? Huh you ar-

Yumi held her cheek and looked at Iu.....

How dare you slap me Iu. She spoke angrily.....

Don't fucking question my love for my brother. I love him more than anything and I can do anything for him. I know what's right for him. So shut that filthy mouth of yours. She said and went to her room and slammed the door shut.....

Yumi just stood there for a minute and sighed and went to her room......

Fine y/n We won't leave but we need to treat Suga hyung, right? Namjoon spoke......

Y/n nodded and BTS smiled......

So I will treat Suga hyung and come back within a minute. Taehyung spoke while smiling.......

Fine. Y/n said.....

BTS smiled. They don't know what was happening but this was the best day of their life......

Taehyung went with Suga to treat him.....

A few minutes passed by and they both came back......

You should sleep now Y/n. Jk spoke and smiled......

But I-I w-will get nightmares. She stuttered......

They all smiled.....

Sleep, They says we will fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle......

And suddenly it felt like the world stopped for a few seconds when they saw her smile......

"We swear when she smiles We forget how to breath" BTS thought.......

Never again. You will never be alone again. No matter how bad the nightmare gets, We are going to be right here.They vowed

Y/n looked at them and spoke.....

I.. I don't know what to say but..... You all should go now.....

They smiled and got up and spoke......

We love you and We didn't say it to hear it back. We said it to make sure you knew.

They all kissed her forehead and went back to there rooms before saying.......
You are our everything.

I... I don't what's happening to me. Y/n muttered.....

Iu stared at the ceiling blankly......

What should I do? Do they really love him? Iu asked......

It felt like they are madly in love with him. Iu spoke.....

But What if they are just playing with him? What if they are trying to hurt him? No No I can't let them do that. Maybe Yumi was right. I have to do something. Iu spoke as tears built up in her eyes......

I can't let them hurt my y/n. H-He is my brother. Oh God I can't lose him. Iu sobbed......

I don't have a chance. I should forget him. After all my brothers love him. Yumi sighed........

But I love him. How can I-I forget him. She stuttered......

I will protect him. Yumi spoke.......

"Something is wrong with y/n. I have to find it out" BTS, Iu and Yumi thought......

Author : Hey cupcakes! How are you all? Hope you are fine. Hope you like the chapter. Sorry for being late but I won't be posting till 25 September as my exams are going on. I wanted you all to know and do me a favor. Please tell any ff idea that I should make on my YouTube channel for my birthday special. My birthday is this month on 23rd September. I would thankful if you give me some ideas. Thank you. Take care.

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