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Hello my lovely readers,

here is the next part as promised.

hope you enjoy : )


At the warehouse, I grab a metal pipe from the toolbox and head towards the truck driver and slam it against his stomach

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At the warehouse, I grab a metal pipe from the toolbox and head towards the truck driver and slam it against his stomach. "You piece of shit!" I scream, my voice echoing through the empty warehouse. "You killed her!" I shout, tears streaming down my face as I pound on the door. "You're going to pay for what you've done!"

The driver coughs and wheezes, trying to catch his breath. "I-I didn't mean for it to happen like that!" he stammers, fear etched into his face. "That madam made me do it!"

"Who's that madam?!" I demand, my voice shaking with anger. "Where is she?!" The driver's face contorts in fear, and he shakes his head violently. "You're going to tell me, or I swear I'll beat it out of you!" I shout, raising the metal pipe above his head.

"no If i tell you she will kill me." The driver shakes his head again. "She's powerful. She owns a big company. I have a family, I can't risk it!" he pleads, tears streaming down his face. "If you don't tell me I will make sure your family dies. I will make you suffer" I growled. "Please don't hurt my family. Her name is Mia and she gave me money," he confessed. I hate her, hate her more than anything in this world.

I keep beating the man until he loses consciousness "I will find you, Mia, and I will make you pay for what you've done!" I scream, my voice echoing through the warehouse.

With a shaking hand, I dial Sameer's number. "Mia is behind this. I need you to find her early, do whatever it takes. I need her soon, and I need you to make sure she pays."

"I'm on it," Sameer says, his voice grave.

The days that follow are a blur of sleepless nights and endless searches. The police are of little help, and Mia seems to have vanished into thin air. But Sameer is relentless, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice. He digs deeper into her past, uncovering a web of corruption and deceit that would make the most hardened criminal blush.

Three agonizing months since Inayat slipped into a coma. Every day has been a struggle, knowing that she's fighting for her life. The doctors have stopped her medication, saying she'll wake up when she's ready. But the wait is unbearable. I wish I could turn back time and clear the misunderstanding. Fate has always been cruel to us.

Her friends, Neha, Aisha, and Aman, visit her regularly, as do Mom and Niya. I stay with her at night, holding her hand, praying for her to wake up. Dad and Mahir visit her too. Dadu's health has deteriorated since the accident. He's not the same anymore.

Everyone has changed. The smiles have disappeared, replaced by worry and sadness. Work has taken a backseat for all of us. As for me, I regret every second of that day.

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